| Miscellaneous Simulations
| Biology
Simulations | Chemistry
Simulations | Physics
Simulations |
Listservs, newsletters, chats & forums
- talk with other science teachers (& students) :
| Amateur
Science Groups | Ask
Dr Universe | Ask
A Scientist | ECIS
Science Listserv |
List of Science Listservs | Lists
of Listserv | Finding
email discussion groups |
| Science Blogs
| Science Daily
| Science
NewsHub | Science
News | Science
News for Kids | Science
Educ. Review |
| Science Across
the World | Science
by email | Science
Groups | Whyville
(Virtual Community) |
| International
Network for Science & Technology Education | The
Education Forum (Science) |
UK Primary (K-6)
Science Scheme of Work : Units
| Ourselves
(1a) | Growing
Plants (1b) | Materials
(1c) | Light
and Dark (1d) | Pushes
and Pulls (1e) |
| Sound &Hearing
(1f) | 
| Health
& Growth (2a) | Local
Environment (2b) | Variation
(2c) | Grouping
Materials (2d) |
| Forces
& Movement (2e) | Electricity
(2f) | 
| Teeth and
Eating (3a) | Plant
Growth (3b) | Character
of Materials (3c) | Rocks
and Soils (3d) |
| Magnets
& Springs (3e) | Light
and Shadows (3f) | 
| Moving
and Growing (4a) | Habitats
(4b) | Keeping
Warm (4c) | Solids
and Liquids (4d) |
| Friction
(4e) | Circuits
& Conductors (4f) | 
| Keeping
Healthy (5a) | Life
Cycles (5b) | Gases
(5c) | Changing
State (5d) | Earth,Sun,Moon
(5e) |
| Changing
Sounds (5f) | 
| Interdependence
(6a) | Micro-organisms
(6b) | Dissolving
(6c) | Reversable
& Irreverse Changes (6d) |
| Forces
in Action (6e) | How
we see things (6f) | Changing
Circuits (6g) |
| Enquiry
in environmental and technological contexts (5-6h)
UK Key Stage 3 (Y7-Y9))
Science Scheme of Work : Units
| Cells
(7a) | Reproduction
(7b) | Environment
and feeding relationships (7c) |
| Variation
and classification (7d) | Acids
and alkalis (7e) | Simple
chemical reactions (7f) |
| Particle
model of solids, liquids and gases (7g)
| Solutions
(7h) | Energy
resources (7i) |
| Electrical
circuits (7j) | Forces
and their effects (7k) | The
solar system and beyond (7l) | 
| Food
and digestion (8a) | Respiration
(8b) | Microbes
and disease (8c) |
| Ecological
relationships (8d) | Atoms
and elements (8e) | Compounds
and mixtures (8f) |
| Rocks
and weathering (8g) | The
rock cycle (8h) | Heating
and cooling (8i) |
| Magnets
and electromagnets (8j) | Light
(8k) | Sound
and hearing (8l) | 
| Inheritance
and selection (9a) | Fit
and healthy (9b) | Plants
and photosynthesis (9c) |
| Plants
for food (9d) | Reactions
of metals and metal compounds (9e) | Patterns
of reactivity (9f) |
| Environmental
chemistry (9g) | Using
chemistry (9h) | Energy
and electricity (9i) |
| Gravity
and space (9j) | Speeding
up (9k) | Pressure
and moments (9l) |
| Investigating
scientific questions (9m) |
UK Key Stage 4 (Y10-11) Science
Scheme of Work :
Key stage 4: programme of study for science
from 2006 .... click
to download pdf file
| Calculators
| More Calculators
| Spreadsheets
| Databases | Lesson
Plans | elearning | Games
| Assessment |
Science Associations
and Organisations :
| American Association of Physics Teachers
| American Astronomical Society |
| American
Chemical Society | Assoc. for Science
& Maths Education (Hong Kong) |
| Astronomical Society of
Australia | Australian
Science Teachers Association |
| Assoc. for Science Education (UK)
| British Association's
Young Scientists | Institute of
Physics (UK) |
| International Astronomical Union |
Int. Council of Associations for Science
Education |
| National Assoc. of Biology Teachers (U.S.A.)
| National Institute for Science
Education (USA) |
| National Science Teachers Association
(U.S.A.) | New Zealand Association
of Science Educators |
| Royal
Australian Chemical Institute | Royal
Chemistry Society (UK) | The
Royal Society (UK) |
| T3 Teachers Teaching with Technology
(Science) |
Smith Private Science Area
