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Wednesday 26 March 2025
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One-stop Shambles Science Page : The Science Department (a feedback form is in the top left menu)

Online Tools
| Science terms in different languages | Quiz Makers |
| Periodic Tables (lots) | Search Scirus | Today in Science History |
| Mr Bones | calculator |
| Class Timer | Clock/Stop Watch | online marker pen |
| Einstein(2.9M) | Why Study Science | check spelling | dictionary | thesaurus | translate |

Science areas on "Shambles" :
| Science Curriculum | Science Policies and Admin | Science and ICT | Science and Assessment |
| Scientific Enquiry | Science Games | Science in Society | Science Fairs | Scientists | Science Books |
| Forensic Science | Science Technicians | Science Equip & Products | History of Science |
| Science News & Research | I.B. | Science Fun | Science Podcasts | Science & SEN | Science Toys |
| Prof Dev for Science Teachers | Science Club | Science with Music | Science on Mobile Devices |
| Science Department and Staff Websites | Designing Science Labs & Finding Equipment |

Websites for ... :
| Biology & Genetics staff | Biology students | Chemistry staff | Chemistry students |
| Physics staff | Physics students | General Science staff | General Science students |

Topics :
| Astronomy | Colour | Electricity & Magnetism | Energy | Flight | Inventors | Light & Sound |
| Microscopes & Microscopy | Online Microscopes | Ourselves & Our Bodies | Plants |
| Rocks & Soils | Space | Water |

Please support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) towards the running costs ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

webpage with others

Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning on the Shambles website

The Shambles 'Forest of Theme Blogs'

Podcasts and Podcasting on Shambles

Shambles newsletter

Workshops offered by Chris Smith

Personal Learning Network for Chris Smith

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Second Life ... 3D online virtual world

International Schools Island in Second Life

Shamblesguru on YouTube ... video online

Follow me on Twitter : Shamblesguru

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Mobile Learning and Teaching

niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

This is the QR Code to this page url ...use a QR App on your mobile device to scan it

Simulations :
| Miscellaneous Simulations |
| Biology Simulations | Chemistry Simulations | Physics Simulations |

Listservs, newsletters, chats & forums - talk with other science teachers (& students) :

| Amateur Science Groups | Ask Dr Universe | Ask A Scientist | ECIS Science Listserv |
| MSTE List of Science Listservs | Lists of Listserv | Finding email discussion groups |
| Science Blogs |
| Science Daily | Science NewsHub | Science News | Science News for Kids | Science Educ. Review |
| Science Across the World | Science by email | Science Groups | Whyville (Virtual Community) |
| International Network for Info.in Science & Technology Education | The Education Forum (Science) |

UK Primary (K-6) Science Scheme of Work : Units
| Ourselves (1a) | Growing Plants (1b) | Materials (1c) | Light and Dark (1d) | Pushes and Pulls (1e) |
| Sound &Hearing (1f) |
| Health & Growth (2a) | Local Environment (2b) | Variation (2c) | Grouping Materials (2d) |
| Forces & Movement (2e) | Electricity (2f) |
| Teeth and Eating (3a) | Plant Growth (3b) | Character of Materials (3c) | Rocks and Soils (3d) |
| Magnets & Springs (3e) | Light and Shadows (3f) |
| Moving and Growing (4a) | Habitats (4b) | Keeping Warm (4c) | Solids and Liquids (4d) |
| Friction (4e) | Circuits & Conductors (4f) |
| Keeping Healthy (5a) | Life Cycles (5b) | Gases (5c) | Changing State (5d) | Earth,Sun,Moon (5e) |
| Changing Sounds (5f) |
| Interdependence (6a) | Micro-organisms (6b) | Dissolving (6c) | Reversable & Irreverse Changes (6d) |
| Forces in Action (6e) | How we see things (6f) | Changing Circuits (6g) |
| Enquiry in environmental and technological contexts (5-6h) |

UK Key Stage 3 (Y7-Y9)) Science Scheme of Work : Units
| Cells (7a) | Reproduction (7b) | Environment and feeding relationships (7c) |
| Variation and classification (7d) | Acids and alkalis (7e) | Simple chemical reactions (7f) |
| Particle model of solids, liquids and gases (7g) | Solutions (7h) | Energy resources (7i) |
| Electrical circuits (7j) | Forces and their effects (7k) | The solar system and beyond (7l) |
| Food and digestion (8a) | Respiration (8b) | Microbes and disease (8c) |
| Ecological relationships (8d) | Atoms and elements (8e) | Compounds and mixtures (8f) |
| Rocks and weathering (8g) | The rock cycle (8h) | Heating and cooling (8i) |
| Magnets and electromagnets (8j) | Light (8k) | Sound and hearing (8l) |
| Inheritance and selection (9a) | Fit and healthy (9b) | Plants and photosynthesis (9c) |
| Plants for food (9d) | Reactions of metals and metal compounds (9e) | Patterns of reactivity (9f) |
| Environmental chemistry (9g) | Using chemistry (9h) | Energy and electricity (9i) |
| Gravity and space (9j) | Speeding up (9k) | Pressure and moments (9l) |
| Investigating scientific questions (9m) |

UK Key Stage 4 (Y10-11) Science Scheme of Work :
Key stage 4: programme of study for science from 2006 .... click to download pdf file

Miscellaneous :
| Calculators | More Calculators | Spreadsheets | Databases | Lesson Plans | elearning | Games |
| Assessment |

Science Associations and Organisations :
| American Association of Physics Teachers | American Astronomical Society |
| American Chemical Society | Assoc. for Science & Maths Education (Hong Kong) |
| Astronomical Society of Australia | Australian Science Teachers Association |
| Assoc. for Science Education (UK) | British Association's Young Scientists | Institute of Physics (UK) |
| International Astronomical Union | Int. Council of Associations for Science Education |
| National Assoc. of Biology Teachers (U.S.A.) | National Institute for Science Education (USA) |
| National Science Teachers Association (U.S.A.) | New Zealand Association of Science Educators |
| Royal Australian Chemical Institute | Royal Chemistry Society (UK) | The Royal Society (UK) |
| T3 Teachers Teaching with Technology (Science) |

Shambles RSS Feed :

Chris Smith Private Science Area

| Shambles Home | Brunei Schools : bn | Burma/Myanmar Schools : mm | Cambodia Schools : kh | China Schools : cn | Hong Kong Schools : hk | India Schools : in | Indonesia Schools : in | Japan Schools : jp | Laos Schools : la | Macau Schools : mo | Malaysia Schools : my | Philippines Schools : ph | Singapore Schools : sg | South Korea Schools : kr | Taiwan Schools : tw | Thailand Schools : th | Vietnam Schools : vn | contact webmaster (Chris Smith) |
