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  Science Fun

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Science Cartoons
Science Cartoons
For years, the cartoons of S. Harris have added humor to innumerable magazines, books, newsletters, ads and web sites. Now these cartoons are available for ...
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The mad scientist might be a redneck if...
In the form of Foxworthy's Redneck Humor, an examination of The Castle if the Master is A Good Ol' Mad.
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Surfing Scientist
Surfing Scientist
Freaky Ice Hand | Coin Popper | Electric Water Bender | Physical Challenge | Balloon Shish Kebab | Pretty Spiral Spinner | Black out your sunnies | Flippin easy coin trick | Disappearing Dot | Indestructible Egg | When icebergs melt | Ripper Coin Trick | Move a paperclip with ESP | Toothpick Trick | Super-Strength Straw? | Paperclip Trick | Levitating Marble |
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Anil Aggrawal's Page of Forensic Jokes, puns and Tidbits
Anil Aggrawal's Page of Forensic Jokes, puns and Tidbits
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Gimmee that Old Time Evolution
Gimmee that Old Time Evolution
A campfire song about old-fashioned science. And beer.
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Science Comedy
Welcome to the new era of science writing, the successor of science fiction has arrived in the shape of science comedy. This article will reveal the best science comedy sketches around today from some of the greatest comedians including Billy Connolley, Ali G and Eddie Izzard.
The origins of the universe | Schrodinger's cat and Pavlov's dog | Genetics clones and mutations | When things go wrong and Space travel |
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Jokes and Science
Jokes and Science
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Science Humor Webring
Science Humor Webring
Welcome to the Science humor web ring. This ring is intended to join web sites with humor about science and scientists, so that you can wander forever along the science humor sites.
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Shamblesguru 'Science Fun' Video Picks on YouTube
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