I can Shambles in S.E.Asia (The Education Project Asia) : Podcasting and Shambles Podcasts

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Wednesday 26 March 2025

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This page contains links to the Podcast series that are produced by Shambles.
You can subscribe (RSS) to the Podcasts directly from this page but you will find enhanced functionality by visiting the original hosting websites.

The series are not regular at the moment ... but watch this space they may return.

Copyright : all podcasts are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial licence
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and to make derivative works under the following conditions:
You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
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Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/

Chris Smith csmith@csmith.info

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Please support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) towards the running costs ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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"Shambles TECHcasts" : www.shamblesTECHcast.info
Conversations with International Schools ICT Coordinators, Managers and Directors questions

This series asks those with an ICT (technology) management responsibility about the use of ICT in teaching and learning, about how they might change things if they could travel back. We also speculate how ICT might be being used in schools in five years time and also suggest recommendations for new ICT coordinators moving to work in an international schools overseas.

The host for these Podcasts was "Clickcaster .. now closed" ... a future job for me is to see if I can find the original files and relink ... so I'll leave the list here for the time being.

(1) Alan Dickson: ICT Co-ord.,Shatin College : HONG KONG
(2) Eric Jacklich: Middle Sch Tech Coordinator, Ruamrudee Int School, Bangkok, Thailand
(3) Paul White, Technology Director, NIST New International School Thailand (General)
(4) Paul White, Tech. Director, NIST New International School Thailand (Tablet 1:1 Scheme)
(5) Ben Morgan, Director of ICT, UWCSEA, Singapore
(6) Peter Woodhead, ICT Advisor, The ESF, Hong Kong (Interactive Whiteboards)
(7) David Elliott, Director of Educational Technology, HK International School, Hong Kong
(8) Peter Woodhead, ICT Advisor, The ESF, Hong Kong (all about the CLC, Learning Platform)
(8) Alexa Joyce, SchoolNet Projects with UNESCO Bangkok and Europe

"Shambles HEADcasts" : www.shamblesHEADcast.info
Conversations with International Schools Headteachers and Principals questions
This series asks those who are now Headteachers or who have been headteachers in an International School about the pros and cons of working overseas. What advice would they pass on to a new Headteacher coming to an International School in S.E.Asia. What advice would they also give to teachers applying for jobs in the region. Finally we ask about the benefits of ICT to teaching and learning and what is their vision of ICT in teaching and learning in the future.

The host for these Podcasts is "Odeo" has also been closed down .. a future job for me is to see if I can find the original files and relink ... so I'll leave the list here for the time being.

(1) Gordon Lewis (Hong Kong and China) ex- Shatin Junior School : Hong Kong
(2) Steve Caulfield Principal (Primary) The Alice Smith School, Kuala Lumpur : Malaysia
(3) Julie Todd, Elementary Principal, Beijing City International School : China
(4) Keith Wecker, Principal American Pacific International School and ex-NIST: Thailand
(5) James Dalziel, Principal Middle School, UWCSEA, Singapore
(6) Dennis Stanworth, High School Principal, Yokohama International School, Japan

"Shambles ASIAcasts" : www.shamblesASIAcast.info
Conversations with educators and those supporting education in S.E.Asia questions
This series is a mixed bag of conversations with educators from both the private and public sectors in S.E.Asia and from those who have experience working with schools in the region (or worldwide).

The host for these Podcasts is "Podomatic" http://shambles.podomatic.com/
The RSS feed for this series is http://shambles.podOmatic.com/rss2.xml

(1) Chris Smith: Diary of a Podcasting Junkie (web2.0)
(2) Paul Cabrelli: Hong Kong : school administration and business mngmnt    Pace Education
(3) Andrew Stokes: Hong Kong : English Language Teaching / ESL and ICT Software  Clarity
(4) Nick Brummitt: The Development of International Schools Worldwide ISC Research
(5) Steve Clark / Keith Hardy: Books, Publishers T&L Resources ... Thailand & the Region
(6) Les Clarke, Island School Teacher in Hong Kong, recorded early in 1980
(7) Jadis Blurton, Special Education Needs in Hong Kong ... Therapy Associates (HK)

"Shambles LIBcasts" : www.shamblesLIBcast.info
Conversations with librarians and media staff in International Schools in S.E. Asia questions
This series is with librarians and media staff from international schools across S.E.Asia. Topics covered include Library Management, Library Management Software, use of ICT, libraries vs the internet, favourite books, advice to new librarians moving to a school in Asia.

The host for these Podcasts is also "Odeo" now closed down .. a future job for me is to see if I can find the original files and relink ... so I'll leave the list here for the time being.

(1) ALESS & Andrea Walker Renaissance College meeting in French Int. School Hong Kong
(2) Beth Gourley: Librarian, International School of Tianjin (IST), Tianjin, China
(3) Bryant McEntire: Teacher Librarian, French International School, Hong Kong
(4) Carolyn Kitterer Librarian, SFS Seoul Foreign School South Korea
(5) Stephanie Wallis, Teacher Librarian, NIST New International School Thailand Thailand
(6) Doug Johnson USA : Director of Media and Technology for the Mankato Public Schools
(7) Katie Day, Teacher Librarian, UWCSEA, Singapore

"Miscellaneous Podcasts" :
There are times when I may do a Podcast when attending conferences/events either real or virtual or a Podcast that does not fit into the above categories .... this table lists and links to those Podcasts.

(1) Shambles Newsletters www.shambles.net/newsletter
(2) ICASE Science Conference in Singapore Nov 06 http://icase2006.blogspot.com
(3) Future School : Global Trends (input to UK sessions 11 and 25 Jan 2007)
(4) Singapore Workshops
(5) Shambles Podcast 1 minute promos

Shambles Website Updates : RSS Feed :

Personal Files and Pages
1. Screen Shots to show how my laptop is configured to do Podcast Interviews using Skype and "Total Recorder" software

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