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Wednesday 26 March 2025
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The term "Web 2.0" was conceived in 2005 to describe a new breed of websites that use newer web authoring tools, are low learning curves and support a collaborative environment ..
... usually free and usually just all done in a web browser

It is difficult to say exactly what a Web 2.0 site looks like, an
online "Validator" attempts to do so.

| Lists/News/Reviews of Web 2.0 Websites | Web 2.0 Videos |
| Web 2.0 (Teach&Learn) Resources | Examples of Web 2.0 in Educ |
| Library 2.0 | School 2.0 | Leadership and Web 2.0Web 3.0 |

Web 2.0 Start Pages (Webtops)
| protopage | start | netvibes |
| pageflakes | homeportals | goowy |
(Social) Bookmarking
| del.icio.us | clipmarks | blinklist | wists |
| simpy | shadows | spurl | linksnarf |
Social Networks
| ning | myspace | virb |
| facebook |
Social Aggregators & Lifestreaming
| Friendfeed | Profilactic | Iminta |
| Second Brain |
your favorite websites, music, books, and more in a place where you can always find them ... and share  personalized news + sticky notes + weather + bookmarks, all on one page. voo2do tracks priority, due date, and time estimates for each task Remember The Milk is a way to manage your to-do lists online a source for what's new and popular on the web -- personalized for you store, search and share your photographs unlimited free online storage Openomy is an online file system using tags instead of folders writely web word processor Create a Calendar That You Can Access from Anywhere Basecamp is a unique online project collaboration tool
Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable - many thanks if you do  .... Chris

webpage with others

Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning on the Shambles website

The Shambles 'Forest of Theme Blogs'

Podcasts and Podcasting on Shambles

Shambles newsletter

Workshops offered by Chris Smith

Personal Learning Network for Chris Smith

Second Life ... 3D online virtual world

International Schools Island in Second Life

Shamblesguru on YouTube ... video online

Follow me on Twitter : Shamblesguru

Image Storage and Sharing
| flickr | zoto | shutterbook | glide |
Online Calendars
| calendarhub | kiko | hipcal | airset |
File Sharing
| openomy | allmydata |
| omnidrive | sendspace |
Web-based Word Processing
| writely | writeboard | rallypoint |
| zoho writer |
| glypho | fan fiction | xanga | fastblogit |
| Pandora | Last FM |
BLOG Filters
| memorandum | tailrank | findory |
| topix | blogniscient |
Peer Production News +
| digg | reddit | gabbr | diggdot |
| threadwatch | MOG (Games) |
Visual Search (Engines)
| amaztype | grokker |
Search and Browsing
| rollyo | squidoo | scoopgo |
| surftail | swicki |
Online Spreadsheets
| num sum | numbler | iRows |
| webbrush | swarmsketch | comics |
Financial Management (Bus.Educ)
| stockdigg | iOWEYOU | NetworthIQ |
Polls & Voting Booths
| squimble |
Multimedia Hosting
| castpost | vSocial | ccPublisher |
Virtual Learning Environments
| nuvvo | beanarena |
Presentations (Web Based)
| Thumbstacks | Virtual Whiteboard |
Graphing and Charts
| Jacuba Charts |
Holding Meetings Online
| WebHuddle |
Building a Website
| SiteKreator | Google Page Creator |
| Dabble DB |
Mindmapping / Concept Mapping
| Mayomi | OmniGraffle | Gliffy |
Video Conferencing and WebTalks
| ePod | Stickam |
Project Management
| basecamp | centraldesktop |
Micro Blogging/Presence Monitoring
| twitter | jaiku |
Micro Video Blogging
| 12 second tv |
Assesment Web 2.0 Style
| engrade | chalksite |
Events (plus planning)
| eventful | eventregister | upcoming |
To-Do Lists
| voo2do | remember the milk |
| ta-da lists | thingsbreakdown |
Notetaking (for groups)
| jotspot |
MashUps: a mashup is a website or web application that combines content from more than one (Web 2.0) source | Mashup Definitions and Lists |
Many of the Web 2.0 'social' sites are not filtered or moderated ... so there may be undesireable material for young students in particular .. ... this is one of the main Web 2.0 challenges for educators.

What about BLOGS, Podcasting, VoIP, and Wikis?
It is not clear whether BLOGs, Podcasts, Voice over I.P. (VoIP), and Wikis should be considered as part of the Web 2.0 generation.

I would suggest that they (BLOGS, Podcasts and Wikis) were originally pre-Web 2.0 but because some of the new tools like RSS and Tags have been bolted on they have now, well and truly, joined the 'club'.

Related areas on Shambles:

| BLOGS in Asia |
| BLOGS General Info | BLOG Hosting | BLOG Filters and Search |
| BLOGS by Librarians | Video BLOGGING | BLOGS about eLearning |
| BLOGS for ICT | BLOGS by Students | BLOGS and Education |
| BLOGS by Teachers | BLOGS by Technicians | BLOG Tools |
| Shambles Podcast Series |
| Podcasting General Info | Podcast Directories |
| Podcast Hosting | Podcasting Tools (Hardware & Software) |
| ESL Podcasts | Podcasts by Students | Podcasts by Teachers |
| Podcasting and Education | Assessing Podcasts (inc. rubrics) |
| Wiki General Info | Wiki Hosting | Wiki Directories | Wikis and Education |
| Student Wikis |
| VoIP |

Web 2.0 Tools
Some tools have become particularly associated with Web 2:0
| AJAX | API | Blogs and RSS to email |
| RSS | RSS Directories | RSS Readers (Aggregators) | RSS and Education |
| TAGS |

Web 2.0 Weird and Fun Stuff
With all this creativity happening there are some folks who travel in directions that don't seem logical (thank goodness) ... for example the images on the right of this text are of mainstream corporate logos that have been given a Web 2.0 makeover.
For other fun stuff ... I'm not sure how educational .... CLICK HERE

click for larger image of lots of web 2.0 company logos

Shambles RSS Feed :

Site Index (TAG Cloud) | Related Pages | Powered by Wanabo
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