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The Universe in a Nutshell
The Universe in a Nutshell: Dr. Michio Kaku On the Physics of the Impossible

One Minute Science Lectures [videos]
One Minute Science Lectures ... brilliant short videos to prompt discussions on many areas of science and society.

Inventions and Innovation : Videos and PowerPoints
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at or click where you see this button

Throcky Gets Physical (2002) : A Physics Musical
Throcky Gets Physical (2002)
Throcky Gets Physical was a physics musical written and produced by Mr. Tapper's Block 4 Physics AP class at Morristown High School, NJ. Its one and only showing occurred on April 29th, 2002 in the high school auditorium.
Throcky was a character who appeared often in our physics textbook as "your annoying cousin Throckmorton", who was always swinging on a swing demonstrating pendular motion or trying to balance on a see-saw or something of the sort. We took his name and wrote a story about a teenage Throcky and his romantic problems.

All about Women in Science
All about Women in Science
The Web site is a project of the National Academy of Sciences intended to showcase the accomplishments of contemporary women in science and to highlight for young people the varied and intriguing careers of some of today's most prominent scientists.

Internet History of Science Sourcebook
Internet History of Science Sourcebook
Impressive set of links not only covering history of science but some of the social issues ... e.g. Use of the Atomic Bomb, The World Environment, The DNA Revolution, Science and War Technology, Social Implications of Evolution, Spread of Industrialization, The Industrial Revolution, Freedom of Thought.

Cornell University Library Digital Collections
Cornell University Library Digital Collections is a fully automated electronic archive and distribution server for research papers in physics, computer science, mathematics, and other scientific communities. Physicist Paul Ginsparg, the creator of the arXiv, joined the Cornell faculty in the fall of 2001. He and the arXiv are credited with starting a revolution in the way physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists engage in scholarly communication.

The Naked Scientists Online
The Naked Scientists Online : Internet Science Radio Online

The Center for History of Physics
The Center for History of Physics preserves and makes known the history of modern physics and allied fields.

Noise ... science and a career
NOISE (New Outlooks In Science & Engineering) is a new UK-wide campaign funded by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
NOISE aims to raise awareness of science & engineering among young people by making these subjects more relevant and accessible.

Science and Technology in 18th Century America
Science and Technology in 18th Century America
A guide to sources chronicling the history of science, invention, medicine and technology in colonial America.

MITs OpenCourseWare - Science, Technology, and Society
MIT's OpenCourseWare - Science, Technology, and Society
Welcome to MIT's OpenCourseWare : a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world. OCW supports MIT's mission to advance knowledge and education, and serve the world in the 21st century. It is true to MIT's values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.
MIT OCW: Is a publication of MIT course materials | Does not require any registration | Is not a degree-granting or certificate-granting activity |

Science News Online
Science News Online
Science News is an award-winning weekly newsmagazine covering the most important research in all fields of science. Its 16 pages are packed with short, accurate articles that appeal to both general readers and scientists.

Museum of the History of Science
Museum of the History of Science
The Museum of the History of Science houses an unrivalled collection of historic scientific instruments in the world's oldest surviving purpose-built museum building, the Old Ashmolean on Broad Street, Oxford. By virtue of the collection and the building, the Museum occupies a special position, both in the study of the history of science and in the development of western culture and collecting.
The objects represented - of which there are approximately 10,000 - cover almost all aspects of the history of science, from antiquity to the early twentieth century. Particular strengths include the collections of astrolabes, sundials, quadrants, early mathematical instruments generally (including those used for surveying, drawing, calculating, astronomy and navigation) and optical instruments (including microscopes, telescopes and cameras), together with apparatus associated with chemistry, natural philosophy and medicine.

Science in Society links at DMOZ
Science in Society links at DMOZ - open directory project.
Animal Experimentation | Ethics in Science and Technology | Forensic Science | Futurism | History of Science | Humor about Science | Philosophy of Science | Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society | Research Ethics | Science and Religion | Science and Technology Policy | Scientific Illustration | Skeptical Inquiry | Sports Science | Technical Writing | Women in Science |

Listen to Albert Einstein explain his famous formula:
Listen to Albert Einstein explain his famous formula - Einstein Explains the Equivalence of Energy and Matter
"It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing -- a somewhat unfamilar conception for the average mind. Furthermore, the equation E is equal to m c-squared, in which energy is put equal to mass, multiplied by the square of the velocity of light, showed that very small amounts of mass may be converted into a very large amount of energy and vice versa.
