The Stimulating Physics Network
The Stimulating Physics Network
The (UK) Institute of Physics and the Science Learning Centres have formed a partnership to run a support network for teachers and pupils of physics in England. This is known as the Stimulating Physics Network. The objectives of the Stimulating Physics Network are to improve the quality of pupils’ experience of physics and to reinvigorate a culture of physics in the whole school.
The 70 strong network consists of 35 Physics Network Coordinators and 35 Teaching and Learning Coaches – all knowledgeable, experienced and enthusiastic specialists who are supported by the IOP’s Education Department. is our online learning community.

One Minute Physics YouTUbe Channel

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

ck-12 : FlexBook Platform : Physics
ck-12 : FlexBook Platform : Physics
Free easy to use tools for you, your teachers and your schools so that you can get your learning done.
Free educational resources. USA Standards-aligned and customizable.
Read online, print a copy, or use it on any device. Our content can be used with the Kindle, iPad, NOOK, and more.
Add bite-sized lessons to FlexBooks or assign to students for independent learning.
Videos and multimedia simulations bring learning to life.
Enable students to track their progress with instant feedback.
Get assessments, answer keys and ideas for differentiated instruction.

MinutePhysics : YouTube Video Channel
MinutePhysics : YouTube Video Channel
Simply put: cool physics and other sweet science.
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Lectures on the AP Physics C Course
Pretty much a complete set of lectures of the AP Physics C curriculum.

Academic Earth: physics video lectures
Academic Earth, 1,000s of video lectures from the world's top scholars.
We are building a user-friendly educational ecosystem that will give internet users around the world the ability to easily find, interact with, and learn from full video courses and lectures from the world’s leading scholars.
Our goal is to bring the best content together in one place and create an environment in which that content is remarkably easy to use and in which user contributions make existing content increasingly valuable.

Physics Textbooks (free) published online
Physics Textbooks (free) published under Creative Commons copyright ...
This site offers physics textbooks that you can download for free or buy in print. The books have been adopted at several colleges and universities, and high schools.

Optics for Kids
Optics for Kids
LightTools: Illumination Design in 3D
From concept to completion, LightTools enables you to iterate and perfect your illumination designs quickly and accurately.
Elementary school children might enjoy this quick look at some optical basics, especially if coupled with some experiments from the Optics Discovery Kit from OSA or some creative play with the commercial program ZAP!. There's also a bit of a pep talk on science and engineering as careers.

The Virtual Nuclear Tourist
The Virtual Nuclear Tourist ! Nuclear Power Plants Around the World

KS3 Science: Physics Modules
KS3 Science: Physics Modules Teacher's Guide 2004/5 (All Modules)
This scheme of work is being entirely updated. It uses the QCA notation for the Units and most of the topic headings. The learning objectives are linked very closely to those used in QCA, and are related to the National Curriculum objectives.
The resources used are based mainly on the new Exploring Science resources, and the notation used for the resources is that used on the CD RoM, for all the worksheets.
If you are lucky enough to use an interactive whiteboard, then these 'lessons' can be brought alive, without the need to kill another 'Amazon Forest ' with endless paper worksheets. Share the links and websites with the class....these are not meant to be just for teachers! The website, and the links, are extremely useful for homework/project activities.

PhysicsQuests (High School Physics)
A WebQuest, according to Bernie Dodge, the originator of the WebQuest concept from San Diego State University, "is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than on looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation."
The PhysicsQuests adapt the main guidelines of a WebQuest.
They can be used as extension activities to tie a particular Physics topic to a common experience such as electricity, roller coasters or to reinforce concepts learned in the classroom. Students work individually.

Education in Physics and Mathematics - Zona Land
Education in Physics and Mathematics - Zona Land
In Zona Land you will find educational and entertaining items pertaining to physics, to the mathematical sciences, and to mathematics in general.
Mechanics | Kinematics | Forces | Vectors | Curved Motion | Momentum | Energy | Waves | Propagation | Interference | Light | Function Institute | Geometry Section | Miscellaneous Mathematics | Trigonometry Realms |

Welcome to MITs OpenCourseWare - Physics
Welcome to MIT's OpenCourseWare - Physics
Welcome to MIT's OpenCourseWare : a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world. OCW supports MIT's mission to advance knowledge and education, and serve the world in the 21st century. It is true to MIT's values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.
MIT OCW: Is a publication of MIT course materials | Does not require any registration | Is not a degree-granting or certificate-granting activity |
The MIT Physics Department is one of the largest in the nation (USA), in part because it includes astronomy and astrophysics. Our research programs include theoretical and experimental particle and nuclear physics, cosmology and astrophysics, plasma physics, theoretical and experimental condensed-matter physics, atomic physics, and biophysics.

A is for Atom - 1953 film
A is for Atom - 1953 film
Animated classic presenting what an atom is, how energy is released from certain kinds of atoms, the peacetime uses of atomic energy and the byproducts of nuclear fission.
A is for Atom is primarily a pop-science film, intended to combat fear of atomic energy by explaining how it works scientifically. The result is an impersonal atom, less Oppenheimer's "destroyer of worlds," than a useful friend. The chain-reaction of atomic fission looks no more frightening than a game of neutron pool, and deadly radiation is similar to an ordinary X-ray, and kept safely behind concrete walls.
Presents in lay terms what an atom is, how energy is released from certain kinds of atoms, the peace-time uses of atomic energy and the by-products of nuclear fission.

Welcome to the Physics Classroom
Welcome to the Physics Classroom
Physics Tutorial - Learn basic physics concepts and review them in the Physics Tutorial. Check Your Understanding quizzes let you know you got it.
Multimedia Physics Studio - Is physics difficult for you to visualize? Do you need to see it to understand it? Then visit the Multimedia Physics Studio.
Physics Help - Practice your skills in Physics Help. Hone your skills by graphing problems, recognizing forces, identifying vector magnitude and direction, and practice vector addition.
The Physics Classroom Tutorial is an online physics tutorial written for high school physics students. The tutorial was originally developed for physics students at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, Illinois. Today the Tutorial pages and other original Glenbrook South resources are hosted by StudyWorks! Online.

Timeline in Optics
This "Timeline in Optics" highlights important events and developments in the science of optics from prehistory to the end of the 20th century. It also includes related developments in other fields (e.g. the evolution of computers) and related milestones in the human worldview.

Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations
Used by more than 2000 schools and
universities throughout the world.
More than 600 multimedia Physics demos on DVD ... impressive.

Electronics tutorials
Offering comprehensive basic electronics tutorials in amplifiers, ham radio, filters, oscillators, power supply, receivers, transmitters, radio design and electronics design. Links to data sheets. If you are professionally involved in electronics then consider joining our "Electronics Questions and Answers" news group to share your thorny questions and answers and help out your colleagues.

Institute of Physics
Curriculum support and resources (KS3, 4), Post-16 education, teacher supply and support, careers advice. Revitalisation and reform of post-16 physics education and its attractiveness to young people, through public discussion of the issues, teacher networks and the preparation of a new AS/A2 syllabus Advancing Physics. Raising the public's awareness of physics and the involvement of physics in leisure and work, SET grants, public lectures, Public Understanding of Science Fellow.

Theater of Electricity
Explore the history of the Van de Graaff Generator, which "was originally used as a research tool in early atom-smashing and high energy X-ray experiments." The site also includes information about the generator's construction, with an animation of how it works and pictures of it producing sparks; of lightning and Benjamin Franklin and his kite; information and images of Tesla Coils; a discussion of lightning, including a safety quiz; resources for teachers; and a video and picture gallery. From the Museum of Science, Boston

The Institute of Physics (UK)
Free access to electronic journals
