Interactive Eye
The Interactive Eye is a moving, educational resource that explains how the outer and inner eye works, and how the brain processes images.

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Unite for Sight
Unite for Sight | tour the eye | amblyopia | colour blindness color | diabetes | conjunctivitis | eyeglasses | eye safety | guide dogs | nutrition | optical illusions | strabismus | sun glasses | trachoma | How does the eye work |

Eye Anatomy and Function : Experiment: Peripheral vision
Eye Anatomy and Function : Experiment: Peripheral vision
Students learn some ways to investigate the sense of sight, and find out how to plan and conduct their own experiments.
In the "CLASS EXPERIMENT," students measure their central and peripheral visual fields under different circumstances, and learn which areas of the retina carry these types of information to the brain.

How We See Things : BBC Multimedia Science
How We See Things : BBC Multimedia Science

This is the How we see things (6f) link area
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