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Thursday 13 March 2025

#scistuchat : monthly Twitter hashtag Chat with Scientists
#Scistuchat (cy-stew-chat) is a monthly Twitter Chat with scientists and high school students.
Students and Scientists discuss general science topics once a month. Topics might include: genetically modified food, cloning, stell cell research and others, space exploration funding, evolution.... The discussion takes place on the 2nd Thursday of the month Sept-May.

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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Find a Scientist [Australia Scheme]
Find a Scientist .. check out the end of this webinar
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African science heroes
African science heroes
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SciTalks: Scientists on Cool Topics
SciTalks: Scientists on Cool Topics
Lots and Lots of online videos.
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A Day In The Life of a Young Scientist (online videos)
A Day In The Life of a Young Scientist (online videos)
Snapshots takes a snapshot of the lives of young scientists.
In this collection we meet Building Services Engineer: Sara McGowan, Orthopedic Surgeon: Dr. Chinmay Gupte, Mass Production Engineer: Faye Banks, Biochemist: Dr. Birgit Liss, Physicist: Dr. David Milstead, Robot Engineer: Dr. Miles Pebody, Ecologist: Jeama Stanton and Computer Engineer: James Cross
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Podcasts about Albert Einstein
Podcasts about Albert Einstein
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Science Superstars
Science Superstars
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Free Science and Video Lectures Online
Free Science and Video Lectures Online
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Her Lab in Your Life: Women in Chemistry
Her Lab in Your Life: Women in Chemistry
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Quantum Physics made relatively simple : videos
Quantum Physics made relatively simple : videos lectures
IN 1999, legendary theoretical physicist Hans Bethe delivered three lectures on quantum theory to his neighbors at the Kendal of Ithaca retirement community (near Cornell University). Given by Professor Bethe at age 93, the lectures are presented here as QuickTime videos synchronized with slides of his talking points and archival material.
Intended for an audience of Professor Bethe's neighbors at Kendal, the lectures hold appeal for experts and non-experts alike. The presentation makes use of limited mathematics while focusing on the personal and historical perspectives of one of the principal architects of quantum theory whose career in physics spans 75 years.
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Linus Pauling : nature of the chemical bond
Utilizing over 800 scanned documents, photographs, audio clips and video excerpts, this website narrates the incredible achievement of Linus Pauling and others in the discovery of the nature of the chemical bond.
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The Naked Scientist
The Naked Scientists Online Science Radio show utilises streaming technology to allow you to hear science, medicine and technology news, discoveries and breakthroughs being discussed by scientists and researchers, and includes interviews with famous scientists of world-class reputation.
The site also contains an online science discussion forum, science, medicine and technology news, medical and health advice, science educational resources including science articles, science experiments, science projects, science book reviews, and archived on-demand internet science radio.
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Famous Scientists Flash Cards
Famous Scientists Flash Cards
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An Armory of Famous Mathematicians and Scientists
An Armory of Famous Mathematicians and Scientists
coat of arms |
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Famous Physicists
Famous Physicists listed at PhysicsWeb
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Famous Physicists and Astronomers
Famous Physicists and Astronomers
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Pictures of Famous Scientists (Physicists)
Pictures of Famous Scientists - Physicists
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Famous Scientists links at Crystalinks
Famous Scientists links at Crystalinks
Archimedes | Aristotle | Bohr | Copernicus | Curie | Darwin | Descartes | Edison | Einstein | Franklin | Galileo | Newton | Planck | Rontgen | Sagan | Tesla |
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The Education Project Asia
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