The Rock Family
The Rock Family
An exploration of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks and provide examples of each.
Scheme of work

Soil covers a major portion of the earth's land surface. It is an important natural resource that either directly or indirectly supports most of the planet's life. Life here depends upon soil for food. Plants are rooted in soil and obtain needed nutrients there. Animals get their nutrients from plants or from other animals that eat plants. Many animals make their homes or are sheltered in the soil. Microbes in the soil cause the breakdown and decay of dead organisms, a process that in turn adds more nutrients to the soil.

Rocks and Soils : BBC Multimedia Science
Rocks and Soils : BBC Multimedia Science

Rocks for Kids
This site is for kids of all ages who love rocks. Here you will find out stuff about rocks & minerals and where to go to find out more. If you already collect rocks then this is the place for you! Find out where you can get more rocks, take a look at some super pictures of rocks, learn how to identify the rocks you already have and discover neat things you can do with rocks.
Don't worry if you don't have a rock collection. There is something here for everyone. Come in and browse around & take a look at what Rockhounds do for a hobby.
If you are doing a school project on rocks & minerals, you will find things here that you can use and you might even enjoy it!

Fossils, Rocks and Time
People who study Earth's history also use a type of calendar, called the geologic time scale. It looks very different from the familiar calendar. In some ways, it is more like a book, and the rocks are its pages.

Rocks and Soils - 4learning
Wherever you are now, there are rocks below you. Even if you are standing on the beach, digging in the garden, swimming in the sea or rowing across a river, there are rocks somewhere beneath your feet.
We can use rocks and soils in different ways. Hard rocks are good for building. Loam - a mixture of clay and sandy soil - is good for growing plants.

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