Hear IT
Hear-it.org is a non-commercial web site and has been established to increase public awareness of hearing loss.
Hear-it.org is one of the world's leading and most comprehensive websites on hearing, hearing loss and tinnitus and how to treat and live with hearing loss or tinnitus.

The Interactive Ear
The Interactive Ear : A Guide to Human Hearing
The ear is the organ which controls hearing and balance, allowing us to understand our surroundings and position ourselves correctly. It is split into three parts: outer, middle and inner.
This guide will take you through each part of the ear in turn, answering those essential questions – what are the parts, what do they do, and how?

Sound and Hearing : BBC Multimedia Science
Sound and Hearing : BBC Multimedia Science

This is the Sound and Hearing (1f) link area
Bookmark this page for easier return visits.
