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The Incredible Machine
The Incredible Machine
The Incredible Machine is a series of computer games originally designed and coded by Kevin Ryan and produced by Jeff Tunnell, developed by now-defunct Jeff Tunnell Productions and published by Dynamix; the 1993 through 1995 versions had the same development team, but the later 2000-2001 titles had different designers. All versions were published by Sierra Entertainment.
The general objective of the games is to create a series of Rube Goldberg devices: arrange a given collection of objects in a needlessly complex fashion so as to perform some simple task (for example, "put the ball into a box" or "light a candle").
Available objects ranged from simple ropes and pulleys to electrical generators, bowling balls and even cats and mice. The levels usually have some fixed objects that cannot be moved by the player, and so the only way to solve the puzzle is carefully arrange the given objects around the fixed items.

Force in Action
Force in Action ... vitual online experiment

Forces - 4learning
What do you weigh? Did you know that weight is a force? There is a force - called gravity - pulling you down to the Earth.
You can measure this and other forces with a special spring balance called a forcemeter. Forcemeters measure the force in newtons (N). These units are named after the scientist Sir Isaac Newton.

This is the Forces in Action (6e) link area
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