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Wednesday 26 March 2025
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The Principals (Headteachers) Office (a feedback form is in the top left menu)

Online Tools
| Clock | Class Timer | online marker pen |
| Keeping up to Date | Ideas for Assembly | "Hello" in 800 Languages |
| check spelling | dictionary | thesaurus | Visual Thesaurus | translate |
| calculator | currency calculator & stock quotes |

Management and School Admin :
| Admissions | Assemblies | Assessment | Classroom Mngmnt | Class Size |
| Conditions of Service | Curriculum Frameworks | Curriculum Mapping | Development Plans |
| Ensuring Quality | Exam Results | Fund Raising | Grants for Schools | Heads Blogs |
| Human Resources Management | International Education | Leadership and Web 2.0 |
| Managing Change | Mgt.Information System CMIS | Marketing | Mentoring | Multicultural Edu |
| New School Design | Parents in School | Personal Learn N'work | Prim-Secondary Liaison |
| Project Management | Recruitment | Salaries | Sch.Buildings | Sch.Effectiveness | Sch Day |
| Sch.Financial Management | School Nurse | School Inspections | School Governors |
| School Leadership | School Student Reports | School Self Evaluation | Supply Teachers |
| Teacher Professional Development | Team Building | Principal's CPD | Time Management |
| UK (LEA) Grids for Learning | UK Education Reform | Working with Parents |

Subject Policies and Advice :
| Mathematics | English | Science | Information Technology | Geography | History | Religious Education |
| Art and Design | Design and Technology | Library | Music | Modern Foreign Languages |
| Physical Education |

Please consider supporting Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable - many thanks if you do .... Chris (Shamblesguru)

webpage with others

Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning on the Shambles website

The Shambles 'Forest of Theme Blogs'

Podcasts and Podcasting on Shambles

Shambles newsletter

Workshops offered by Chris Smith

Personal Learning Network for Chris Smith

Second Life ... 3D online virtual world

International Schools Island in Second Life

Shamblesguru on YouTube ... video online

Follow me on Twitter : Shamblesguru

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The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

This is the QR Code to this page url ...use a QR App on your mobile device to scan it

Other Policies and Advice :
| Policies (General) | After School Activities | Alumni | Bullying | Careers | Citizenship |
| Classroom Observation | Copyright in Education | Differentiation | Discipline | Drug Education |
| Educational Research | ESL / EAL | elearning | Equal Opportunities |
| Emergency and Disaster Planning | "Gifted" Education | Health and Safety |
| Homework Policies | Indemnity Polices | Information Literacy | Library Policies |
| Medical | Pastoral and Counseling | Plagiarism | Questioning | SEN | Sex Education |
| Sharing Good Practice | Student Testing | Study Skills |
School Trips |
| Self Directed Learning [SDL] | Teaching & Learning |
| Technicial Support | Trauma | Travelling to/from School | Truancy | Uniform and Dress Codes |
| University Policy Handbook Index | 21st Century Education |

Listservs, mailing lists, chat and newsletters - talk with other senior managers :
| Administrators Chat (USA) | DfES (UK) Publication
Auto Updates / Spectrum at Teachernet |
| European Principals | Finding email discussion groups | Independent School Educators Listserv |
| Keeping up to date | List of Listservs |
National Business Officers' Association |
Auto-update service | Ofsted Direct termly newsletter for schools (UK) |
| Online (free) Education Journals | Principal Files |
| QCA (UK)
Update Service | K-12 Educators Interested in Educational Administration listserv |

Websites Specifically for Principals (also see Associations below) :
| Principals' Information Packet (USA-Kansas) | Principals' Partnership (USA) |

Year Groupings :
| Kindergarten/Pre-School | 5-7 | 7-11 | 11-14 | 14-16 | 14-19 | 16-19 |

Examination Boards :
| FULL List |
| ACCAC (Wales) | AQA (AEB NEAB)(UK) | Edexcel (UK) | International Baccalaureate | ISEB (UK) |
| CCEA (Northern Ireland) | OCR (NQF)(UK) | SQA (Scottish) | UCLES (ESOL CIE OCR RSA)(UK) |

Online Publications :
| Guardian (UK) | Independent (UK) | Expat Telegraph (UK) | New York Times (USA) |
| Times Educational Supplement (UK) | Times Literary Supplement (UK) | Washington Post (USA) |
| Newspaper and Journals online |

Conferences and Events :
| Shambles Online Calendars | List at ICP | List at ECIS & CIS |

Miscellaneous :
| Board Games | Clocks and Time | elearning | Educational Statistics | History of Education |
| Home Schooling | Games | Lesson Plans | Learning Styles | Questioning | Thinking |
| Timetabling Software and Solutions | Web 2.0 |

UK Teacher Unions :

Communicating (Information)
| BLOGS General Info | BLOG Hosting | BLOG Filters and Search |
| BLOGS by Librarians | Video BLOGS | BLOGS about eLearning |
| BLOGS by Technicians | BLOGS for ICT | BLOGS by Students |
| Chat and Message Boards
| Conferencing | Email | Instant Messenging |
| Listservs and Mailing Lists | PenPals |

| Podcasting General Info | Podcasting Directories | Podcasting for Educators |
| Podcasts by Students | Podcast Hosting |
| Setting up a Radio Station | Students - publishing work online | Teamwork and Collaboration |
| Video Blogs | Video Conferencing |
| Wiki General Info | Wiki Hosting | Wiki Directories |

Professional Associations and Organisations :
| Academy of Principals (AP - Singapore) | Assoc.of China and Mongolia Int.Schs |
| Assoc.of Christian Schs.International | Assoc.of Principals of Catholic Secondary Schs.of Australia |
| Assoc.of International Educators (USA) | Assoc.of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL - UK) |
| Assoc.of Heads of Independent Schs.Australia (AHISA) | Australian Primary Principals Association |
| Australian Principals' Centre | Australian Secondary Principals Assoc (ASPA) |
| Australian Government Primary Principals' Association | Boarding Schs.Assoc. (UK) |
| British International Schools Worldwide | British Schs.of the Middle East (BSME) |
| British Schools of America | Canadian Assoc.of Principals |
| Confederation of Principals (Germany) | Council of British Independent Schs.in Europe (COBISEC) |
| Council of International Schs. (CIS) | Council for International Education (UK) |
| East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schs. (EARCOS - USA) |
| European Council of International Schs. (ECIS) | European Primary Schs.Assoc. |
| European School Heads Assoc. (ESHA)
| Federation of British Int. Schs.in South & East Asia (FOBISSEA) | Independent Schools Council (UK) |
| Independent Schs.Assoc.of Southern Africa (ISASA) | Independent Schs.Information Service (ISIS-UK) |
| International Confederation of Principals (ICP) | International Schs.Assoc. (IAS) |
| International Schs.Assoc.of Thailand (ISAT) | International Schs.Services (ISS - USA) |
| Irish Primary Principals’ Network | Korea Council of Overseas Schs. (KORCOS) | NASUWT (UK) |
| National Assoc.of Elementary School Principals (NAESP - USA) |
| National Assoc.of Secondary School Principals (NASSP - USA) |
| National Assoc.of Head Teachers (NAHT - UK) |
| National Assoc.of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD - Ireland) |
| National Catholic Educational Assoc. (NCEA - USA) | National Union of Teachers (NUT - UK) |
| Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schs. (NESA) | New Zealand Principals’ Federation |
Quality Schs.International (QSI) | Round Square Assoc. (RSqA) | Secondary Heads Assoc. (SHA-UK) |
| Swedish Assoc.of School Leaders | Victorian Primary Principals Assoc.(Australia) |
| Western Assoc.of Schs.and Colleges (WASC - USA)) |

Shambles RSS Feed :

| Shambles Home | Brunei Schools : bn | Burma/Myanmar Schools : mm | Cambodia Schools : kh | China Schools : cn | Hong Kong Schools : hk | India Schools : in | Indonesia Schools : id | Japan Schools : jp | Laos Schools : la | Macau Schools : mo | Malaysia Schools : my | Philippines Schools : ph | Singapore Schools : sg | South Korea Schools : kr | Taiwan Schools : tw | Thailand Schools : th | Vietnam Schools : vn | contact webmaster (Chris Smith) |
