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Truanting from school, bunking off, skiving
Truanting from school, bunking off, skiving
School truancy is a common outcome of bullying. Bullied children prefer to risk getting caught bunking off school than to get caught by the bullies.
Around 4% of UK children truant persistently, according to data from a Youth Cohort Study, whilst around half of all children truant at some time, according to the 2003 truancy statistics for England.
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The Causes and Effects of Truancy
The Causes and Effects of Truancy : Research in Education (UK)
Sheila Edward and Heather Malcolm summarise the findings of a literature review conducted as part of their recent DfES-sponsored research looking at 'the Causes and Effects of Truancy'
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Truancy page at Wikipedia
Truancy page at Wikipedia
Truancy is a term used to describe any intentional unauthorized absence from compulsory schooling. The term typically refers to absences caused by students on their own free will, and usually does not refer to legitimate "excused" absences, such as ones related to a medical condition.
The exact meaning of the term itself is subject to differ from school to school ...
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National Truancy Prevention Association (NTPA)
National Truancy Prevention Association (NTPA) (USA)
NTPA Mission: To assist communities in developing, supporting, and sustaining effective truancy prevention practice. NTPA promotes, educates, trains, and provides leadership to communities through partnerships that encourage collaboration to help improve school attendance to fight truancy, to advocate to improve the lives of children and to strengthen families.
NTPA was created by a group of family court judges, prosecutors, school officials and community service providers in 2002 to ....
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Truancy: Introduction
Truancy: Introduction
When young people start skipping school, they are telling their parents, school officials, and the community at large that they are in trouble and need our help if they are to keep moving forward in life.
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Truancy Call (UK)
Truancy Call (UK)
| Combating Absenteeism | First Day Contact and Response | How it Works |
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