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Chris Smith ePortfolio
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This personal ePortfolio for Chris Smith is designed to be a:
  • tool for continuing professional development
  • tool for knowledge management
  • means of documenting and evaluating achievements and experiences
  • vehicle to support career development
This ePortfolio is not designed to be read as one large document or body of information but is designed to be 'sampled' online and for the numerous hyperlinks to be explored to suit particular interests or needs.

If there is a need to download a traditional 'curriculum vitae' in order to have something to print out then please download the document | Curriculum Vitae (Word file 3.4MB) |

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for educators and for students then CLICK HERE
| Tertiary Education | Work 1970-1978 | ESF 1978-2002 | The Education Project Asia 2002-now | Conf. Inservice & Workshops |
| Work with International Schs | Images | Miscellaneous Interests | Private | References & Testimonials |
Tertiary Education
B.Sc. University of Hull , England: Physics, Mathematics, Psychology
P.G.C.E. University of Leeds, England: Science, Physics

webpage with others

Teachers TV put the Shambles website in the top ten Videos for Secondary ICT (Jan 2009).

Please consider supporting Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable - many thanks if you do .... Chris (Shamblesguru)

Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning on the Shambles website

The Shambles 'Forest of Theme Blogs'

Podcasts and Podcasting on Shambles

Shambles newsletter

Workshops offered by Chris Smith

Personal Learning Network for Chris Smith

Second Life ... 3D online virtual world

International Schools Island in Second Life

Shamblesguru on YouTube ... video online

Follow me on Twitter : Shamblesguru

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Work 1970 to 1978
Munro College, Jamaica http://www.munrohampton.com
11- 18 All boys boarding school | physics | science | boarding duties |
Kennylands School , England 11-16 Co-Ed Boarding School | Physics | Boarding Housemaster | (at myfamily)
| the young teacher (image) | website 1 | website 2 |
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Work with The English Schools Foundation in Hong Kong 1978 to 2002
about | 16 schools | 800 teachers | 12,000 students | English National Curriculum |
teaching Entered the ESF as teacher at Island School, 11-18, co-ed, 1,000 students, Physics, Photography, Science.
Extracurricular offered: badminton, photography, wind surfing,

Appointed to Head the J.C.Sarah Roe Centre, a teacher professional development centre to support all teachers in ESF schools.
Co-ordination, management of ESF INSET programme

SRD Trained as a trainer for the ESF Staff Review & Development Initiative (Appraisal)

Appointed as ICT Advisor for the ESF with a responsibility across all schools
| ESF ICT Policy | ESF ICT Dev.Plan |
| ESF ICT Review 2001 (.doc) |
| ESF ICT Training Programme 1999-2002 | ESF ICT Summary2002 (Reshuffle pdf) |
| HK ICT Dev.Plan 99-03 |
- Accredited assessor and trainer for IT Certificates of Competence (ICAA/UK)
- ICT Training for Mainstream Teachers (NOF)
- ICT Training for Library Staff

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The Education Project Asia 2002 to present
In 2002 moved to Thailand and set up a consultancy designed to offer support to International Schools across S.E. Asia especially in the area of "ICT Across the Curriculum"
Services offered include 'up-front' work in schools with administrators, senior management, teachers, students and parents.
Free Services | "Shambles" Website | Termly Newsletter | Online Calendar |
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Conferences, inservice and Workshop Contributions
HK Principals Workshop for Principals in Local Hong Kong Schools
UNESCO 7th UNESCO-ACEID Int.Conf.on Educ.
Presentation on "Teacher ICT inservice training" : 'Flash' Presentation
ELT & ICT (China) INTERFACE 2002: Chair of the Conference plus workshop on ICT materials for ELT
An event organised by The British Council and The Gwongzou Education Department
TechEX Bangkok TechEX 2003: Conference for International Schools Teachers
Workshops given on: (i) elearning and (jj) EAL ICT Materials
TechEx Bangkok TechEX 2005: Conference for International Schools Teachers | pictures |
Workshop given on Science and ICT
BIGS Borneo Heads Meeting: ran the session on eLearning
eLearning Conf 'eLearning for Knowledge Based Society': (Thailand) workshop presenter ”Getting your class online”
TESOL Int.Conf. TESOL Int. Conference (Thailand): workshop presenter, Free resources to support ESL Teaching and Learning
Science Conf Science and Toys Conference: (Thailand), Key Note Speaker International Council of Associations for Science Education
Naace | NAACE 2000 Report | (attendee)
ICASE ICASE Conference (Singapore) .. plenary speaker and workshops (2006)
Sg Workshop Workshops in Singapore (2007+) http://singaporeworkshops.blogspot.com
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Work with (International) Schools and Organisations
TTS Singapore

Tanglin Trust School , Singapore | Review of ICT

ISB Brunei International School Brunei, Staff INSET + Rotarians
KIS Kinabalu International School , ICT Curriculum Review, Staff INSET, Student Sessions , planning with ICT co-ordinator
Alice Smith

Alice Smith School , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia: ICT Review + with ICT co-ordinators


Panaga School (SHELL) Brunei,   Whole Staff INSET, Working with Students, Parents Evening

Laos Telecentres ILC: Internet Learning Centres in Laos
ISFA Independent Schools Foundation Academy ISFA : Bilingual (Mandarin/English) k-12 school in Hong Kong. Three day ICT Review and One day whole staff INSET (ICT)
UNESCO Design an "Evaluation and Monitoring Framework for the SchoolNet project" involving 8 ASEAN countries + workshops(December 2005)
| SchoolNet Project | ASEAN Bridges of Learning |
UNESCO UNESCO SchoolNet Project Evaluator + workshops (summer 2006)
Singapore Regular visits to Singapore to run public workshops, privates sessions with schools and work with the Ministry.
For details visit the Blog http://singaporeworkshops.blogspot.com
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3D online Virtual Worlds (Second Life)
Second Life

2007: Founded International Schools Island (isi) in Second Life

  avatar name 'Shamblesguru Voom'
  Feb 2008: International Schools Island opened to the public on two SIMS
  2008 => present
See the isi Blog for details of developments and presentations given in-world. http://internationalschoolsisland.info
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Images (may not be used without permission)
| KJS (Library) | BHS (Jeff's Class) | BHS (Nick's Class) | GS (Ann & Bob's Class) | KS (EAL INSET) |
| UK Teachers Visit | Librarian's ICT INSET (April 2001) | Librarian's ICT INSET (Jan 2002) |
| Chris1 | Chris2 | Chris3 | Chris4 | Chris5 | Chris6 | ESF Remembered(5,000 images) | Shambles Flickr |
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SHAMBLES Founder and Creator of the Shambles website

Webquest / ThinkQuest Judge

UKeU UKeUniversity: writer and team co-ordinator for “ICT for Teachers” online course
Broadband (Thai) Founding member of ABC: Access to Broadband Campaign, Thailand
Columnist Bi-weekly columnist in the Hong Kong South China Morning Post (main English newspaper in HK) on ‘IT in Education’. Also Bangkok Post, Thailand
Photography Started a 'Photo library in Hong Kong' in 1984 "Images", eventually brought out.
Considerable experience as a "Stock Photographer" see www.csmith.info
RESHUFFLE Editor and Publisher of RESHUFFLE magazine
ICT Expo (Thai) ICT & Education Exhibition and Expo (Thailand): Exhibitor plus presentor
Info Literacy | BIG 6 INSET | Info.Lit on 'Shambles' | Mike Eisenberg |
Resources | Overload | Mission Impossible | INSET Intro |
iCARE Charity, caring and voluntary work in Thailand
CLOCKS Chris's Virtual Clock and Watch Collection (also teaching about TIME)
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Private Areas
| for files | for wwwlinks | House & Garden |
Digital Images | Freems leaving | Clarry Wedding | Christmas2000 | Dave/Gill Anniversary April 02 |
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References and Testimonials
period with ESF
Michael Wood Educational Psychologist (Hong Kong) michaelwood@educationuk.com.hk
Nick Miller High Sch. Principal, St John's International Sch, Belgium nmiller@stjohns.be
David Harrison ex-Principal, Quarry Bay School, (ESF, Hong Kong) djh.david@gmail.com
2002 - now For more recent references it is best to contact schools or organisations I've recent experience in ... please contact me for details at csmith@csmith.info
Testimonials | ESF (Hong Kong) CEO (Word file) 52k | ESF CEO (pdf file) 84k |
| ESF Primary ICT staff (Word file) 22k | Principal Quarry Bay Sch. (Hong Kong)  |
Profile Profile/Interview in Chiangmai Mail (Thailand) August 2006
| Tertiary Education | Work 1970-1978 | ESF 1978-2002 | The Education Project Asia 2002-now | Conf. Inservice & Workshops |
| Work with International Schs | Images | Miscellaneous Interests | Private | References & Testimonials |

Chris Smith csmith@csmith.info
on the content and design of this ePortfolio would be most welcome
direct links to subject areas on 'shambles' 'shambles' home

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| Shambles Home | Brunei Schools : bn | Burma/Myanmar Schools : mm | Cambodia Schools : kh | China Schools : cn | Hong Kong Schools : hk | India Schools : in | Indonesia Schools : id | Japan Schools : jp | Laos Schools : la | Macau Schools : mo | Malaysia Schools : my | Philippines Schools : ph | Singapore Schools : sg | South Korea Schools : kr | Taiwan Schools : tw | Thailand Schools : th | Vietnam Schools : vn | contact webmaster (Chris Smith) |
