Handouts and Fliers:
in no particular order

TechEx 2005
Bangkok Patana School 11 November 2005
International Workshop on
session by Chris Smith
Finding and Using FREE resources to support Science Teaching and Learning with ICT Relevance
CLICK HERE to download a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation (pps file 2,141 KB ... i.e. BIG!)
CLICK HERE to see the powerpoint presentation in your web browser
International Council of
Associations for Science Education (ICASE) 2005
International Workshop on
Promoting Scientific and Technological Literacy (STL) through Science Toys and Out-of-School Science Activities
4th – 7th April 2005, Pattaya, Thailand
session by Chris Smith
Finding and Using FREE resources to support Science Teaching and Learning
CLICK HERE to download a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation (pps file 2,800 KB ... i.e. BIG!)
CLICK HERE for a copy of the handout (1) to be printed on A3 size paper (Word Doc 370 KB)
CLICK HERE for a copy of the powerpoint slides as an handout (pdf file 1,900 KB )
CLICK HERE to see the powerpoint presentation in your web browser
Other resources
Using web-based resources in secondary science, Richard
(946 Kb)
International Council of
Associations for Science Education (ICASE) 2006
in Singapore 28 to 30 November 2006
All the information about the Symposium, including my plenary and two
workshops (handouts and PowerPoints) can be accessed and downloaded from
the Blog at http://icase2006.blogspot.com/
top of page
the images for larger versions
... each 60cm x 180cm -
the files are large between 1M and 2M each
NOTE: these may be used freely by educators providing they are not changed