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Saturday 01 February 2025 http://www.shambles.net
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The Education Project Asia (TEPA)
The 'Education Project Asia (TEPA)' is a consultancy established in 2002 with the aim of offering support to the international schools in 17 countries in South East Asia.

The first initiative which schools took advantage of was this free website (Shambles www.shambles.net) which is designed to be of help to all members of the community.... teachers, students, support staff and parents.

It is hoped that this site will be of particular help to families that are moving or living in S.E.Asia and are looking for education opportunities for their children.

Staff and students should find that the database of wwwlinks to over 20,000 education websites will save them time when looking for resources on the internet... browse or use the search facility.

Shambles gets between 10,000 and 20,000 'HITS' most days.

Shambles (www.Shambles.net)
This is the name given to this website; the domain name itself has been used on several unrelated education sites previously.
Some visitors have suggested that the name "Shambles" would not be a suitable name for a "serious" website .... the webkeepers's view is that it is simply be an easy name to remember, one that is 'catchy' and is fun ... hopefully the name will not reflect the real organisation of the site.

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Teachers TV put the Shambles website in the top ten Videos for Secondary ICT (Jan 2009).
Please support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) towards the running costs ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

webpage with others

Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning on the Shambles website

The Shambles 'Forest of Theme Blogs'

Podcasts and Podcasting on Shambles

Shambles newsletter

Workshops offered by Chris Smith

Personal Learning Network for Chris Smith

Second Life ... 3D online virtual world

International Schools Island in Second Life

Shamblesguru on YouTube ... video online

Follow Chris Smith on Twitter : Shamblesguru

niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

The Shambles website concept and name was initially from Chris Smith ... it owes much of its initil build to the following people:

David Dade  (http://arcade.demon.co.uk/about.html)
David is a UK Consultant who offered considerable advice and help on both the aesthetics, design and the mechanics of the site .... and continues to do so from afar.
David also spent many years as a sound engineer for the BBC, has a strong history with Acorn Computers (but now multi-platformed) and is a well known writer in the UK.

Lai Cheuk Wing
Wing is a designer and programmer who works for Infocan, a Hong Kong company, and provided expertese when configuring the server that hosts this website.
Infocan also run many IT inservice courses for teachers, principals and the public in Hong Kong.

Kamlesh Jethwa (http://www.3sixtysolutions.com/ )
Kam has over 15 years experience working with leading edge multimedia production technologies and content management systems. Currently working as a Freelance Technology Consultant and Trainer.
He designed and built the pop-up Flash country pages on Shambles with the animated school names and locations. He has linked simple text files to automatically import into these web pages so that the school data can be more easily edited by the webmaster.

Greg Landers (http://www.greglanders.com/)
Greg is the author of the javascipt main menu on the front page of Shambles.



Staff at Thai Interactive Studio Company Limited (THAIIS) (www.thaiis.net)
For the "Flash Asia map" at www.shambles.net/allschools and for the "Magnetic Letters on the Virtual mini Fridge" at www.shambles.net/abc

Many of the more than 25,000+ links to other educational websites have been put on this site by teachers anonymously, I do not know who you are .... but many thanks, I hope you will continue to recommend websites using the forms at the bottom of the wwwlink pages.

There are also a few other individual friends and colleagues to be mentioned ..... John Freeman and Angus McKillop for doing some page loading speed tests. Alan Dickson for doing a great animated gif for "The Education Project Asia" which unfortunately I did not use in the end as the file were too big for the home page ... but you can still view it here.

Chris Smith
For myself, I continue to be fascinated with S.E.Asia and have a lifelong commitment to this part of the world. I arrived in Hong Kong in 1978 following a brief period of working in Jamaica and the UK and immediately felt at home with the people, sights, sounds and (even) the smells.
S.E. Asia is a very special and magical part of the world!

In September 2002 I moved to Thailand, partly influenced by my wife who comes from Chiangmai in the North and partly to try something new.

To see my online ePortfolio then click here.

My own up-front work in schools includes running teacher inservice events related to the use of ICT across the curriculum .... and also the review of the use of ICT in schools.

Fliers / Posters that can be used on school noticeboards

 poster for staffroom noticeboard - -
A4 Word Document 112 KB
"Free website : guaranteed to have something to help you today - or your money back"
A4 Word Document 373 KB
"Full of I.T."
Shambles Website Evaluations done by third parties:
1. Melinda Appleby Graduate Student Syracuse University (2005)

Shambles RSS Feed :

| Shambles Home | Brunei Schools : bn | Burma/Myanmar Schools : mm | Cambodia Schools : kh | China Schools : cn | Hong Kong Schools : hk | India Schools : in | Indonesia Schools : id | Japan Schools : jp | Laos Schools : la | Macau Schools : mo | Malaysia Schools : my | Philippines Schools : ph | Singapore Schools : sg | South Korea Schools : kr | Taiwan Schools : tw | Thailand Schools : th | Vietnam Schools : vn | contact webmaster (Chris Smith) |
