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IT and Information ManagementNovember 9 - 11, 1998Venue: J.C.Sarah Roe Centre, Audiences- librarians in primary (5-11) and secondary (11-18) schools- teachers with an IT responsibility - library support staff - school principals and senior managers Structure- modular structure - focus on Big6 and technology on the micro and macro levelsTimeframe- 3 days, 8:30 - 3:30, Monday 11/9/98 - Wednesday 11/11/98- 4 sessions each day - evening presentation, Tuesday 10th November GoalTo implement integrated information & technology skills instruction-based on the Big6 model-in library media and technology programs and classrooms within and across schools.Objectives- to develop information & technology skills expertise among library staff, technology staff, administrators, and teachers in each school and level (primary, secondary).- to develop skills among library staff, technology staff, administrators and teachers to create a basis for curriculum integration on the lesson and unit level - to fully integrate information & technology skills into the mainstream classroom curriculum across levels by teaching skills in the context of the information problem solving process. - to develop planning skills on the course or subject level using the Big6 as a planning framework. - to develop cross-curricular planning skills on the school-wide level using the Big6 as a planning framework. To fully integrate technology as a learning tool through: - starting with the libraries and extending to technology programs - implementing integrated information & technology skills programs. - enabling teachers to design and develop exemplary learning units that fully integrate technology and information skills into subject area curriculum. Please note that all course participants should have now received their course booklet!Day 1(1) meet w. library and technology professional staff and administrators to present my philosophy and what I will be covering over the 3 days. They would need to know first because I will promise much in terms of library and information technology programs.(2) open presentation: the information explosion - implications for learning and teaching - the role of information & technology programs in education - information and technology skills: the Big6 approach. (3) workshop: The Big6 - developing a working understanding of the Big6 process & approach. (4) Open session, discussion - information and technology for teaching and learning. Day 2(1) The Big6 in Action I: Teaching primary students the Big6 to students. Audience would watch me teach an actual class (20-30 minutes). Would set this up in advance (i.e., I will need to know the curriculum and assignment for the class). This session starts with a short explanation to the teacher/staff audience about what I will be doing; then teach the class; then debrief afterwards.(2) Technology in context: Technology today and tomorrow; technology and information in society, as well as for learning and teaching; technology within the Big6 context. (3) The Big6 in Action II: Teaching secondary students the Big6 to students. Audience would watch me teach an actual class (20-30 minutes). Again, would set this up in advance (i.e., I will need to know the curriculum and assignment for the class). This session starts with a short explanation to the teacher/staff audience about what I will be doing; then teach the class; then debrief afterwards. (4) Developing Big6 skills - the micro level - implementing the Big6 through lessons and units. Day 2 EveningEvening public presentation: (see below).Day 3(1) Managing library and technology programs: issues and concerns. This would be an open session to discuss management and planning issues related to library and technology programs.(2) Implementation strategies on the school or organization level. (3) Big6 TIPS - various strategies for teaching information and technology skills in context. Includes a discussion of assessment. (4) Putting it all together. A discussion of what we have accomplished, the next steps, issues and concerns. Co-ordinator for this initiative is Chris Smith, Head of JCSRC and IT Advisor for the ESF. For the 3-day CourseThis course will be free to ESF staff and those wishing to attend should first negotiate the release time with their principal and then send names to the JCSRC.If the course is oversubscribed then not all applicants may be able to attend, priority will be given to library staff as this visit was organised initially at their request. Non-ESF will be able to attend but numbers will depend on space, the cost to attend is HK$750 per day which includes, tea, coffee, lunch and reprographics. For non-ESF staff attending for the three days this cost also includes a copy of the "Big6 Workshop Handbook". Normally this costs US$29.95. We will have a few spare in the JCSRC for sale at HK$250 You are advised to send names to the JCSRC as soon as possible; the membership list will be confirmed at the end of September. For the evening sessionThis is anticipated to be a large event with a presentation from Mike and also a reception/drinks/snacks.... attendance is by invitation only6:00 - 7:00 .. Reception (drinks and snacks) 7:00 - 8:15 .. Mike Eisenberg 8:15 - 9:15 .. Drinks Invitation tickets will we sent to schools, ESF International and local; invitations will also be sent to the HK Education Department and other members of the HK Education Community. Talk title.... Helping Students to Succeed in the Information Age: (A Discussion with Parents and Educators) We all know that the world is getting more and more complex each day. We also keep hearing about the information explosion, the information age, and the importance of computers and information technology. What can educators and parents do to help our children succeed in this ever-changing and complex world? Mike Eisenberg, Director and Professor at the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Washington has worked for many years with his Big6 skills approach to what‘s now know as ”information literacy.” The Big6 is a way to help students of all ages learn and achieve in an information society. The Big6 works with homework and other school assignments as well as more general information problems. Educators and parents can guide students to better understand and successfully complete projects, homework, tests, and other school tasks by using the Big6. The Big6 is also a useful framework for information problem-solving and use of technology in other situations˜business, public service, and even recreation and sports. In this special presentation, Dr. Eisenberg will explain the Big6 and its broad applicability, discuss how the use of computers fit right in with the Big6, approach, and show how parents can use the Big6 to help their children. He will share examples from his book: Helping with Homework, A Parent‘s Guide to Information Problem-Solving. There will be no charge for this. Venue the Mariners Club (Tsim Sha Tui, Kowloon/nearest MTR is TST) Mike EisenbergMike Eisenberg, professor and director of the Institute of Syracuse (which includes the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology, the AskERIC project, and the new Gateway to Educational Materials) is well-known for his work on technology and information in a wide range of settings--K-12 schools, libraries, colleges and universities, adult education programs, organizations, and businesses. A full Curriculum Vitae, Biography, photographs a list of projects are available at http://istweb.syr.edu/~mike Special ProjectsThere are some special projects that the Information Institute at Syracuse University has been involved in .... the home of AskERIC and KidsConnect. I know that Mike Eisenberg has been involved with a number of these.........You might like to look at these even if not attending the course: AskERIC on the Web (resources for education information):http://askeric.org/(homepage)http://askeric.org/Virtual/ (virtual library) http://askeric.org/Qa/ (question form) Or send your education question to: AskERIC@ericir.syr.ed http://askeric.org/plweb-cgi/fastweb?searchform+ericdb (search!) KidsConnect on the web:- the question-answering service for kids!http://www.ala.org/ICONN/AskKC.html (K-12 students) http://www.ala.org/ICONN/kidsconn.html (teachers & parents) AT&T Learning Network & AskLN - Ask the AT&T Learning Network:http://www.att.com/learningnetwork/ (LN homepage) http://www.att.com/learningnetwork/askln.html (AskLN homepage)The Virtual Reference Desk (Ask-An-Expert links):http://www.vrd.org/ http://www.vrd.org/locator/subject.htmlGEM - Gateway to Educational Materials:http://gem.syr.edu/ http://thegateway.org/index.htmlED's Oasis - treasure trove of teacher resources- directed by Terrie Gray, an AskLN mentor! - all linked sites have been reviewed and approved by teachers!http://www.EdsOasis.org/ Teacher/Pathfinder - an educational Internet village:- educational resources for teachers and parents!http://teacherpathfinder.org/ Big Six Materials and Accessories- Booksfrom Amazon Bookshop Information problem solving: the Big Six skills approach to library skills instruction, Ablex Publishing 1990. ISBN 0-89391-757-5 UK$38.95 - Video Email to Hi Willow Information Skills: The Big Six Model US$45 - Newsletter Email to Linworth Publishing Published six time a year. - Listserv & Websites To subscribe to the Big 6 listserv sent a message: with nothing in the subject line and in the body of the email "subscribe Big6 firstname lastname" (no quotation marks) - & MORE Posters, bookmarks, stickers etc........ Published six time a year. The web page will be updated with the latest information as received. Chris Smith (Head of Centre & IT Advisor), J.C.Sarah Roe Centre The English Schools Foundation 2A Tin Kwong Road, Homantin, Kowloon, HONG KONG tel: (852) 2760 0441 fax: (852) 2760 0799 email:Chris Smith This visit is partially sponsored by: