SRD Documents for Downloading
If you have any other documents you would like to share then please just send them to me..

Chris Smith

These documents are in no particular order

- Full set of OHTs Acorn / Impression file 2,050,364 bytes
- Trainers Notes for Day 1 Acorn / Impression file 35,948 bytes
- Trainers Notes for Day 2 Acorn / Impression file 34,204 bytes
- Letter & Programme sent to participants Acorn / Impression file 521,064 bytes
- Proforma for trainers to request materials Acorn / Impression file 83,364 bytes
- Evaluation Template Acorn / Impression file 96,268 bytes
- ESF Budget on SRD for 1999-2000 Text File 1,147 bytes
- A4 Reviewees Booklet for writing in Page Maker 6 531,968 bytes
- A5 Reviewers/ees Guide Booklet Page Maker 6 788,480 bytes
- Trainers Notes for Day 1 Word Document 67,000 bytes
- Trainers Notes for Day 2 Word Document 65,000 bytes
- Evaluation Proforma for 2-day course Word Document 39,000 bytes