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Wednesday 26 March 2025
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One-stop Mathematics Page : The Mathematics Department
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Online Tools
| abacus | Isometric Drawing Tool | Geoboard | Bar Chart | Pie Chart | Venn |
| Class Timer | Clock | online marker pen | check spelling | dictionary | translate |
| Create a Graph Online | Pentominoes | Pythagorean Theory | Tangrams | calculator |
| online graphing | online graph paper | software to print graph paper | EZ Grapher | Grapher |
| Primary Maths Toolkit | Interactive Online Maths Tools | Maths Mind Reader |
'number' worksheets => | make your own | grade 1 | grade 2 | grade 3 | grade 4 |
flash cards (assessment) => | grade 1 | grade 2 | grade 3 |

Mathematics related areas on "Shambles" :
| Maths Curriculum | Maths Polices & Admin | Maths ICT | Maths Assessment | I.B. |
| Maths Schemes of Work | Websites by Maths Teachers or Departments | Maths Research |
| Maths 4 primary teachers | Maths 4 secondary teachers | Maths 4 all teachers | Maths & Mobile |
| Maths websites for students | Algebra | Calculus | Dyscalculia | Numeracy | Geometry | Number |
| Statistics | History of Maths | Publishers Maths Schemes | Symmetry | Tessellations | Maths Stories |
| Maths Videos | Maths FUN | Maths Games & Puzzles | Logo | Maths for Parents | Graphing Activities |
| Miscellaneous Maths websites | Teaching Tables | Professional Dev. for Maths Teachers |

Miscellaneous :
| Calculators | More Calculators | Spreadsheets | Maths + Spreadsheets | Databases | Lesson Plans |
| Information Technology | elearning | Games | Clocks and Time |
| Counting | Money | Paper Folding | Assessment | Numeracy Software | Simulations |

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The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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Listservs, Mailing Lists, chat and Newsletters - talking with other Maths Teachers :
| Math 2.0 interest group ... holds weekly events online, usually on Wednesdays around 9:30 pm or Saturdays 2pm Eastern USA time. You can think of the event series as an ongoing conference... using the Elluminate webinar platform.
| Ask Dr. Math | Finding email discussion groups | List of Listservs | Maths Discussion Groups |
| Math Teachers Chatboard (USA) |Teacher2Teacher |

Social Networks and Maths
| Ning Social Networks | Delicious | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter |

Maths Associations and Organisations :
| Canberra Maths Assoc (Australia) | Northern Territory Maths Assoc (Australia) |
| Australian Assoc. of Maths Teachers | Hong Kong Assoc. of Sc. & Maths Educ |
| Association of Teachers of Mathematics (UK) | Mathematical Assoc. of America |
| Assoc. for Women in Mathematics | School Science and Mathematics Association |
| Student Math Association (USA) | The Mathematical Association (UK) | UK Maths Trust |

| The Royal Statistical Society (UK) | T3 Teachers Teaching with Technology (Maths) |
| New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers | London Methematical Society (UK) |

Mathematics Brain Food
Brilliant, stimulating, fun, inspirational ... Mathematics videos ... to feed your brain...

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