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  Maths Stories

Shamblesguru 'Maths through Song' YouTube Channel
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Mathematics in Movies
Mathematics in Movies
"This is a collection of movie clips in which Mathematics appears.
I'm collecting DVDs and VHS tapes of such movies. This is a working document to be extended over time. I started this page during spring break 2006."
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Songs for Teaching Mathematics
Creative teachers can use music to teach content across the curriculum -- to students of all ages. Songs for Teaching Mathematics
We offer thousands of song lyrics, sound clips and teaching suggestions.
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Can You Measure Up?
Can You Measure Up?
Can You Measure Up? is a unit that introduces children to the mathematical concept of measurement through the use of literature. Students use technology to visit websites where they can play interactive games, gather information to complete activity sheets, and complete online projects. One lesson using Inch By Inch by Leo Lionni, takes students to an interactive website where they can measure objects using inches. A Measurement Book Project wraps up the unit nicely with a final product the students can enjoy going back to again and again.
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Maths Fun Facts and Stories
Maths Fun Facts and Stories
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Teaching and learning maths through stories
Numberline Lane - teaching and learning maths through stories
Numberline Lane is based around a set of books designed to help teaching and learning maths through stories. They are written for children aged between four and seven years old.
Each book covers objectives from the National Numeracy Strategy, and will come with a leaflet with practical ideas for developing the discussion as the story progresses.
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Shamblesguru 'Maths in Movies' Video Picks on YouTube
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