Social Media and Networks for English
hashtags: #english #eltchat #engchat #elemchat
| Social Networks (inc Nings) | Delicious | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter |
English Lang. Education
News & Teaching Resources in Newspapers
(using current & local events and providing lesson plans and ideas)
- China : | China
Daily |
- Hong Kong : | South
China Morning Post : Young Post |
- India : | The
Times of India | The
Tribune |
- Malaysia :
| The Star
| New
Straits Times | YouthQuake
- Philippines : | Manila
Bulletin | Young
Star |
- Singapore : | Straits
Times |
- South Korea : | Korea
Herald |
- Taiwan : | China
Post |
- Thailand : | Bangkok
Post | The
Nation (Junior) | Student
Weekly | BBKPost
BLOG | ReadBKKPost
- Australia : | The
Australian | Daily
Telegraph | Sydney
Morning Herald | Sunday
Times |
- USA : | New
York Post | New
York Times | Washington
Post |
- UK : | The
Guardian | The
Newspaper | The
Telegraph | The
Times |
Listservs, Mailing
Lists, Chat and Newsletters - talking with other English Teachers :
| English-Teaching
(UK) | Finding
email discussion groups | List
of Listservs |
READSlist : Literacy Listserv (USA) | Web
English Teacher Newsletter |
Miscellaneous :
| Audio Books
| Authors Sites
| Biographies
| Board Games
| Calendars & Diaries |
| ClipArt, Pictures,
and Graphics | Crosswords
& Puzzles | elearning
| Encyclopedias &
Dictionaries | Games | Gifted
Education |
| Lesson Plans
| Library Supplies
| OnLine Libraries
| OnLine Newspapers
| Powerpoint | Publish
Your Book | Virtual
Museums |
English Associations
and Organisations :
| Australian Literacy Educators' Association
| British Dyslexia Association
| Centre for Literacy in Primary Education
(UK) | English Association
(UK) |
| International Reading Association
(UK) |
| International Reading Association
(USA) |
| National Association for the Teaching
of English (UK) |
| National Assoc. of Writers in Education
(UK) |
| National Council of Teachers of English
(USA) |
| National Foundation for Educational
Research (UK) |
| National Literacy Trust
(UK) | Poetry Book
Society (UK) |
| Primary English Teaching Association
(Aus) |
| Reading Is Fundamental
(UK) |
| United Kingdom Reading Association
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