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Monday 24 March 2025
Chris Smith's Workshops (header)
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Since 1978 I've been working with international schools mainly in S.E.Asia; in the early days as Head of the English Schools Foundation Teachers Centre (JCSRC) I had a responsibility for coordinating the continuing professional development for over 800 teachers in the 15 schools (at that time) in all curriculum areas.

From the late 1990s my responsibility focused more on ICT Across the Curriculum support .... and it is this experience that prepared me for the role as an independent consultant based in S.E.Asia.
For more specifics about my background and the consultancy work I have done since 2002 then please visit my online ePortfolio

| School ICT Reviews | Conferences | ICT Evaluation/Monitoring | workshops | CPD | ... the key philosophy behind my recent work is student "Collaboration, Communication and Critical Thinking" ... much of this related to Mobile Learning .... exciting times

This page is designed to offer a selection of workshops that I run that are available to you ..... these are best considered as a starting points in designing an event(s) specifically to address your own needs.

Chris Smith csmith@csmith.info

Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) towards the running costs ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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cs-1: "Marketing and Search Engines" - Optimisation of Your School Website
Title "Marketing and Search Engines" - Optimisation of Your School Website
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience School Senior Managers, Marketing and P.R. Staff, Web Managers
Details Most schools already have a public website that is the equivalent of the paper-based school brochure designed primarily for present and prospective parents. But what can a school do to better ensure that their website is easily found by parents when searching the internet and once found is easy to navigate and a site that parents would want to revisit.
The website is now one of the major marketing tools of a school .... this session will help maximise the use of that tool .
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
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cs-2: Finding and Using Free ICT/Technology Resources to Support ESL
Title Finding and Using Free ICT/Technology Resources to Support ESL
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher k-12 or can be customised for k-6
Details This session will highlight some, mainly free, ESL (English as a Second Language) software and online applications that will be helpful to teachers.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/esl
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cs-3: Finding and Using Free ICT/Technology Resources to Support Science
Title Finding and Using Free ICT/Technology Resources to Support Science
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any k-6 school teacher or senior manager
Details This session will highlight some, mainly free, Science software and online applications that will be helpful to k-6 teachers.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
Link(s) www.shamble.net/science
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cs-4: Finding Stuff Online
Title Finding Stuff Online
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher or senior manager (k-12)
Details This session looks at some of the different search engines, directories and strategies for finding information on the internet ... for teachers and students.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/informationliteracy | www.shambles.net/safesearching |
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cs-5: Finding and Using Free ICT Resources for Teachers of Kindergarten and Young Students
Title Finding & Using Free ICT Resources for Teachers of Kindergarten & Young Students
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience k-6 school teacher
Details This session will highlight some, mainly free, software and online applications that will be helpful to k-6 teachers .... mainly related to literacy and numeracy.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (essential)
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cs-6: Do you believe everything you read on the internet?
Title Do you believe everything you read on the internet?
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher, senior manager or parent (even after dinner Rotarians!)
Details This is a fun session with a serious message .... can you trust the website you are looking at or is it a 'bogus' site?
This session is interactive and participants will be required to do some group work where they try to find clues to determine if a website is real or bogus.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + A3 handouts need photocopying
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cs-7: Web 2:0 ... a General Introduction, what is it all about
Title Web 2:0 ... a General Introduction, what is it all about
Length 60-90 minutes .... or can be two sessions with more examples .. also a whole day
Audience Any school teacher or senior manager
Details The buzz has been around since 2005 .... web 2.0 ... this session will define what a web 2.0 website is and look at some of the applications for teaching and learning.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (essential if more than one session)
Link. www.shambles.net/web2
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cs-8: Web 2:0 ... so you and your students want to be Podcasters
Title Web 2:0 ... so you and your students want to be Podcasters
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher
Details Making and producing Podcasts has become 'flavour of the month' for many teachers and students but ironically audio resources have been around for a long time ... just ask the English and (oral) History staff.
New technologies and the internet have made it easier to record and edit audio and also to distribute it to a worldwide audience.
This session will go through the process of making a Podcast and also look at some of the uses in teaching and learning.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/podcasting
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cs-9: Web 2.0 ... Social Networking
Title Web 2.0 ... Social Networking
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher or senior manager
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/web2
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cs-10: Using ICT/Technology to Support Primary School Teaching and Learning
Title Using ICT/Technology to Support Primary School Teaching and Learning
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Primary School (k-6) school teacher
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended)
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cs-11: Information Literacy ... here today ... not gone tomorrow
Title Information Literacy ... here today ... not gone tomorrow
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher, library staff, or senior manager
Details "Information Technology" has been one of the buzz terms in education over the past decade but the real challenge in teaching and learning is now how to manage this increase ease of access to information. We are all advised to improve, even more, our information literacy skills if we are to stay sane.
This session will attempt to quantify the challenge ahead and look at some of the information literacy models and strategies that are available to help all members of the school community.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/informationliteracy
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cs-12: Internet Safety for Parents
Title Internet Safety for Parents
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Mainly designed for parents but would be of interest to teachers/managers
Details The internet is a wonderful resource and students would be disadvantaged if they did not have access to it. With this access comes a risk of exposure to undesirable material or people.
This session looks at where these risks may come from and lists some strategies to reduce them.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (preferred but not essential)
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cs-13: Online Opportunities for Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Title Online Opportunities for Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher or senior manager (all curriculum areas)
Details Time is a precious commodity for already busy teachers and school managers and so the move from "just-in-case" professional development to "just-in-time" is now an essential lifelong learning capability.
This session looks at how the internet can support this strategy.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/pages/staff
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cs-14: What is Plagiarism and why should students be concerned?
Title What is Plagiarism and why should students be concerned?
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher or senior manager or parents
Details "Copy and Paste" options on the computer have made it easier for students to incorporate the work of others into their own ... but when does it start to move from being original to being Plagiarism.
What strategies are available to help students, teachers and parents identify and reduce plagiarism?
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/plagiarism
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cs-15: Presentation Tips
Title Presentation Tips
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher or senior manager
Details This session should reduce the risks of "Death by PowerPoint" or "PowerPoint-less-ness" ... it will also highlight some of the newer online web 2.0 presentation options.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (essential)
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cs-16: Evaluation of Web-based materials
Title Evaluation of Web-based materials
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher or senior manager (k-12)
Details This session will result in a set of rubrics that can be used by teachers .. or students .. to better evaluate websites and other online materials.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/informationliteracy
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cs-17: Web 2.0 : RSS .. is it really simple?
Title Web 2.0: RSS .. is it really simple?
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher or senior manager
Details RSS.. Really Simple Syndication .... a very powerful free tool that can be used on your computer, or in an internet browser ..... it has the potential of saving you considerable time if you are regularly visiting the same webpages or blogs to find information .... e.g. today's news, latest stock prices , music ... and there are teaching and learning examples.
Interestingly RSS is used very little in teaching and learning at the moment .... but trust me! .. it WILL eventually become one of your favourite applications for saving time.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/web2
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cs-18: Keeping Up To Date
Title Keeping Up To Date
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Any school teacher or senior manager
Details School teachers and managers are busy people and often do not have time to keep up to date with new educational technology or with curriculum developments in their own subject area.
This session will look at some strategies to help make this a less painful process.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/deskilled
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cs-19: So you would like a home on the Internet
Title So you would like a home on the Internet
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Teachers who already feel comfortable using the internet and can use a browser
Details This session explains how to register a domain name, set up an online application to give multiple free email addresses, places to host files, build webpages .. plus +
This is a session that would be of particular interest to teachers who want to set up a low cost (or free) internet presence so that it is personalised and moves with them from job to job .... and is as painless as possible for those who are NOT technically minded.
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/web2 | www.shambles.net/4webmasters |
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cs-20: Web 2.0 as a community tool for senior managers
Title Web 2.0 as a Community Tool for Senior Managers
Length 60 minutes
Audience Headteachers, Principals, Superintendents, Senior Managers
Details This session is NOT about teaching and learning but about how web 2.0 tools can be used by senior managers to supplement the growth of community development especially with teachers, parents and school councils (boards).
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + live internet connection (recommended but not essential)
Link(s) www.shambles.net/pages/staff/PParents | www.shambles.net/web2 |
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cs-21: Web 2.0 communication tools ... which one to use?
Title Web 2.0 communication tools ... which one to use?
Length 60-90 minutes
Audience Headteachers, Principals, Superintendents, Senior Managers ... any team manager
Details This session will introduce many of the tools available ... email, groupware, webcasting, wii, VLE, room video conferencing, desktop video conferencing, podcasts, blogs, face-to-face, instant messaging, Skype, audio teleconference, forums, podcasts ..... plus ...
We will then construct a flow chart in an attempt to raise the issues and strategies to be considered when choosing which communication tool to use. (not necessarily just web 2.0)
Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen
Link(s) www.shambles.net/web2
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cs-22: Growing a Forest of Theme Blogs
Title Growing a Forest of Theme Blogs .... more about online video rather than Blogs
Length 60-90 minutes .... or longer ... a whole day if including 'hands-on'
Audience Teachers

To see what a 'Theme Blog' might look like then have a look at the examples at www.shambles.net/blogforest ... this is a "Forest of Theme Blogs" that have taken root and are growing around the outside of the Shambles website.
The skills learnt in this session will include (depending on the initial skills of the participants) ... setting up a Blog, adding "Posts", embedding video and powerpoints in the Blog, registering and claiming a Blog in 'Technorati' (Blog search engine).

A Forest of Theme Blogs  ... full of multimedia and videos

Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen
Link(s) www.shambles.net/blogforest
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cs-23: Second Life ... 3D online virtual world
Title Second Life 3D Online Virtual World-
Length 60-90 minutes .... or longer ... a whole day if including 'hands-on'
Audience Any members of the education community

Second Life is an online 3D Virtual (Digital) World ... there are two areas that are full of virtual islands .... "The Main Grid" for those over the age of 18 and "The Teen Grid" for those ages 13-17.
Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by over 9 million residents from around the globe.
This session looks at what S.L. is, how it works and how to subscribe (free)
It also covers what teaching and learning looks like in S.L.

Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen
Link(s) www.shambles.net/secondlife and http://internationalschoolsisland.blogspot.com
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cs-24: eLearning
Title eLearning
Length 60-90 minutes .... or longer ... a whole day, or more, if a specific review is requested
Audience Any members of the education community

eLearning is well established in the terminology of most schools already.
This session covers ...
| what is eLearning | Why is it important | evaluating eLearning opportunities | Who are the Stakeholders | getting your classonline | a model for eLearning | a strategy for eLearning in k-12 Education | eLearning design and implementation | a self-audit for determining the stage of exploitation of eLearning in an prganisation.-

Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + photocopying
Link(s) www.shambles.net/elearning
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cs-25: Sharing Digital media
Title Sharing Digital Media
Length 60-90 minutes .... or longer ... a whole day, or more, if a specific review is requested
Audience Any members of the education community

This subject is one I feel strongly about ... it is a set of skills and knowledge that all educators should have in their personal toolbox ... whatever age their students are or whichever curriculum area they work in.

Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + audio
Link(s) http://prezi.com/njtk2sdnjnxr/sharing-digital-media/
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cs-26: eBooks
Title eBooks
Length 60-90 minutes .... or longer ... a whole day, or more, if including hands-on
Audience Any members of the education community

One of my personal projects in 2011 was to work with an author to add multimedia to his book and to publish it as an eBook ... http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006EE8V3Y
This session explains what eBooks are all about an how to make your own ... how to publish it ... and we will look at some of the management issues in teaching and learning.

Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen +audio
Link(s) http://www.shambles.net/pages/staff/ebooks/
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cs-27: Video in Teaching and Learning
Title Video in Teaching and Learning
Length 60-90 minutes .... or longer ... a whole day, or more,
Audience Any members of the education community

Everything ... see the Prezi below ... click on some of the areas to see the possible topics we would cover ... depending on your needs and the time available.

Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + audio
Link(s) http://www.shambles.net/multimedia/
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cs-28: Screencasting [The Flipped Classroom]
Title Screencasting ... the Flipped Classroom
Length 60-90 minutes .... or longer ... a whole day, or more,
Audience Any members of the education community

Screencasting has become such an easy skill to pick up for teachers and learners that it is changing the pedagogy in classroom ... to one known as "The Flipped Classroom"

Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + audio
Link(s) http://www.shambles.net/pages/staff/screencast/
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cs-29: Mobile Learning
Title Mobile Learning
Length 60-90 minutes .... or longer ... a whole day, or more,.. "Lifelong Learning"
Audience Any members of the education community

What an exciting topic this is, we are so fortunate to be travelling through this period of time ... there are some frustrations and many challenges ... but the payout is well worth the effort.!
See outline of a one day cpd event at http://1to1australia.posterous.com/
My visuals (Prezi) for this topic are below ... but not live here ... it will be distributed to participants attending mobile sessions.
Mobile Learning

Technical laptop (own) + data-projector + screen + audio
Link(s) http://www.shambles.net/ICT/#mobile
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