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Friday 14 March 2025
Custom Search
Yahooligans - the web guide for kids The BBC website contains over half a million pages of news, entertainment and factual material. There's also a wealth of educational programmes available across the BBC's TV and radio channels. KidsClick! was created by a group of librarians at the Ramapo Catskill Library System, as a logical step in addressing concerns about the role of public libraries in guiding their young users to valuable and age appropriate web sites. Ask (was Jeeves) for Kids is one of the fastest and easiest way to find answers to questions. Ask Kids allows you to ask a question in plain English and, after interacting with you to confirm the question. FEkids makes learning fun and interactive. Designed especially for students, from kindergartners to high-school seniors, it's the perfect blend of cool, interactive, educational games, special projects, and instant homework help—with a reference area and a current event center. Family Education Network's Kids Channel helps students succeed in school, build skills online, and have fun! PBS (USA) Fact Monster is a kids' reference website brought to you by the editors at Information Please NASA KIDS offers a fun way for children to learn about NASA's activities and science, using interactive tools and kid-attractive pages.  NASA KIDS is an on-line or printable resource designed for kids aged 5 to 14.  For older kids check out Liftoff to Space Exploration. Kid's Web goal is to present students with a subset of the Web that is very simple to navigate, and contains information targeted at the K-12 level. Each subject section, contains a list of links to information that is understandable and interesting to schoolkids. There are also links to external lists of material on each subject which more advanced students can browse for further information. Awesome Library organizes the Web with 22,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education. The purpose of the SURFSAFELY.COM directory is to create a market driven incentive for web developers to voluntarily rate their own content using PICS labels (Platform for Internet Content Selection), and families a single point of reference to find labeled sites allowing them to use PICS filters effectively. The mission of Cyberkids is to provide a voice for young people on the Internet. We accomplish this by publishing original creative work by kids ages 7 to 12.  The "Learning Center" has links to sites where your child can find online tutoring, help with homework, and information on scholarships. Virtual Learnin Resources Center The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. Over 15 million university and education pages indexed and ranked in order of popularity. click & experience yourself.


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