The FOCUS Statement and Examples


The focus statement will be quite broad - the definition comes in deciding how the data will be gathered

Remember to use the phrase "The Teacher" or the teachers name in the focus statement so that the focus is rooted in their practice

Examples of focuses

Teacher's Skills:

(e.g. control, planning, communication, questioning techniques, flexibility, discipline)

  1. The teacher's management of time within a lesson
  2. The teacher's use of time with specific children
  3. The clarity of the teacher's instructions
  4. The teacher's organization of resources

Teaching Content:

(e.g. subject knowledge, appropriate material, appropriate conceptual level)

  1. The teacher's use of computers in the lesson
  2. The appropriateness of the task set by the teacher
  3. The suitability of the materials used by the teacher
  4. The teachers match of work to the needs of a specific group

Teacher Pupil Interaction:

(e.g. care, humour, empathy,concern)

  1. The teacher's relative attention to boys and girls in the class
  2. The relative proportions of teacher / pupil talk
  3. The distribution of the teacher's time and attention with the class
  4. The teacher's attention to pupil's questions
  5. The teacher's interaction with specific age groups in a class

Pupil's Learning:

(e.g. discussion, individual and group work, work books)

  1. The teacher's management of transition from one activity to another
  2. The students' use of teacher produced materials


(e.g. appropriateness for the tasks, variety of style, pace, appropriateness of aims)

  1. The teacher's questioning style
  2. The teacher's variation in teaching styles

Management Issues:

(e.g. areas of responsibility, groups of people to be managed)

  1. The HoD's effectiveness in running a meeting
  2. The teacher's use of non teaching time
  3. The teacher's effectiveness in delegation
  4. The middle manager's effectiveness in communicating with parents
  5. The manager's effectiveness in empowering teachers
  6. The manager's effectiveness in providing staff development opportunities for staff

Use of Principles of Learning:

(e.g. motivation, reinforcement, transfer of learning)

  1. The effectiveness of the teachers marking
  2. The teacher's response to pupils questions
  3. The teacher's use of praise


Once the focus statement is decided the next challenge is to agree how Data will be gathered.