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Sat 15 March 2025
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The "Shambles" website receives regular requests to exchange reciprocal links with other websites, this page is to help answer those requests.

You are able to add a link to your website on an appropriate page yourself directly by using the form to be found at the bottom of most pages. FIRST use the "Shambles" site search facility on the right to find the most appropriate area using key words related to your site. .... then go to that area and use the form.

The submission will then be approved by the "Shambles" webkeeper after checking that the link is live and suitable for the "Shambles" audience ... i.e. students (k-12), teachers, educators, parents and school communities in general and those who support these communities .... especially in S.E.Asia.
Some companies are registering multiple domain names and pointing them to one main website in order to try and get multiple listings ... NOTE.. if you do this then ALL your listings will be removed!

Please use the following details for the reciprocal link ....
Shambles in S.E.Asia
"Shambles in S.E.Asia" is designed to support the international schools communities in 17 countries and regions in the area.
It contains a database of international schools and also has resources to support teaching and learning.
There is a calendar (www.shamblescalendar.net) of educational events around the region and the world that may be of interest to educators and also a termly emailed newsletter (www.shambles.net/newsletter)
The site has relevance to students, teachers and support staff; it is also designed to be of help to families who live in, or are are planning to move to, Asia ... it is in fact now attracting a much larger worldwide user base than first intended.
Access to all the materials on Shambles is free.

Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable - many thanks if you do  .... Chris

webpage with others

Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning on the Shambles website

The Shambles 'Forest of Theme Blogs'

Podcasts and Podcasting on Shambles

Shambles newsletter

Workshops offered by Chris Smith

Personal Learning Network for Chris Smith

chat live online

Second Life ... 3D online virtual world

International Schools Island in Second Life

Shamblesguru on YouTube ... video online

niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

© copyright
The Education Project Asia

Key Words
education, international, asia, shambles, school, chris, smith, Brunei, Burma, Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Hong, Kong, HKSAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, teaching, learning, teachers, students, learn, teach,

Graphics : please use this logo.

Google Adwords
If you are looking for alternative ways of advertising your school, product or services then I would highly recommend you also considered using Google Adwords .... this enables you to have simple text adverts that link to your own website.

These adverts are only displayed when people search Google for key words you decide or on webpages that contain your keywords ... which can also be geographical ... i.e. only displayed in Asia or a specific country.

You can set up your own Google Adwords scheme automatically online in only a few minutes .... and the important part is that you can stipulate your maximum monthly spending .. so you have full control of your budget.

Shambles does display adverts from the Google (Adwords Scheme) and you will often see adverts from international schools and education-related services appear in these spaces ..... the boxes in the top right .... of most pages ... the low cost is very affordable.

Note for Commercial Companies
Shambles has allowed commercial companies and organisations to list on Shambles for free for the eight years prior to 2010 providing that they are relevant to our visitors who are mainly focused on k-12 education.
In May 2010 that policy has been changed so that single entries from primarily commercial companies/organisations will only be accepted providing a minimum US$50 donation has been made to Shambles. (using the PayPal donation button on the right) .... or the website is providing free resources or services to the education community.

Criteria still means that only websites that have relevance to the education community will be accepted ... so if your website is not relevant then it will not be approved anyway (as previously) ... so please do not make the donation.
You can establish relevance if you can find an area in Shambles that your entry would fit in to (see above)
Others ... if your donation has not been made then your submission will just be deleted while still in the approval queue.
Receipts will not be provided for donations less than US$200

Entries placed on the Shambles website will remain for a minimum of one year ... in practice they will probably be a lot longer (some have been displayed since 2002 providing still current, appropriate and relevant) but will move down the list as new entries are made.

Shambles gets between 10,000 and 20,000 unique visitors a day and is ranked highly in the popular search engines.

I'm sorry that I am probably not able to enter into any conversation about this ... because of time restraints and the minimum donation required being small.

If you want to raise your profile on Shambles by other means then see the "Advertisers Section" I'll be more than happy to discuss options with you.  

Chris Smith signature
Chris Smith
csmith at csmith dot info

Follow me on Twitter : Shamblesguru

Shambles RSS Feed :

| Shambles Home | Brunei Schools : bn | Burma/Myanmar Schools : mm | Cambodia Schools : kh | China Schools : cn | Hong Kong Schools : hk | India Schools : in | Indonesia Schools : id | Japan Schools : jp | Laos Schools : la | Macau Schools : mo | Malaysia Schools : my | Philippines Schools : ph | Singapore Schools : sg | South Korea Schools : kr | Taiwan Schools : tw | Thailand Schools : th | Vietnam Schools : vn | contact webmaster (Chris Smith) |
