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One-stop Shambles "Citizenship and Social Studies" Page
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Online Tools
| Quiz Maker | online marker pen | Class Timer | Clock |
| "Hello" in 800 Languages |
| check spelling | dictionary | thesaurus | Visual Thesaurus | translate |

"Citizenship and Social Studies" related areas on "Shambles" :
| Citizenship and Assessment | Citizenship Curriculum | Citizenship General wwwlinks |
| Digital Citizenship | Citizenship Policy | Citizenship Schemes of Work | Citizenship and SEN |
| Citizenship Research | Citizenship and Teacher Training | PSHE | PSHE and ICT |
| Activists Toolkit | Drug Education | Social Issues in ICT | Global Education |
| Social Studies Games & Simulations | Obama Government Online |
| Equal Opportunities | Multicultural Education | Psychology | Social Studies |

"Citizenship and Social Studies" Associations and Organisations :
| Amnesty International | Association for Citizenship Teaching (UK) |
| Centre for Citizenship Studies in Education | Citizenship Foundation | Freedom House |
| Food For the Hungry| GreenPeace | Human Rights Watch |
| Human Rights & Equal.Ops Commission | Institute for Citizenship (UK) |
| International Labour Organisation | International Society for Individual Liberty (ISIL) |
| Red Cross | UN High Commission for Human Rights | Witness |  

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The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

Schemes of Work :
These suggested Citizenship Schemes of Works for Schools in England and Wales are not statutory

SoW for Key Stages 1 and 2 (K-6)
| unit1:Taking part (y1-6) | unit2:Choices (y1-6) | unit3:Animals & us (y1-6) |
| unit4:The local police (y1-6) | unit5:Living in a diverse world (y1-6) |
| unit6:School grounds (y1-6) | unit7:Children's rights (y3-6) |
| unit8:Rules and laws (y3-6) | unit9:Respect for property (y3-6) |
| unit10:Local democracy (y3-6) | unit11:What's the news? (y3-6) | unit12:Moving on (y6) |

SoW for Key Stage 3 (7-9)
| unit1:Citizenship (y7) | unit2:Crime (y7-9) | unit3:Human rights (y7-9) |
| unit4:British society (y7-9) | unit5:How the law protects animals (y7-9) |
| unit6:Government, elections & voting (y7-9) | unit7:Local democracy (y7-9) |
| unit8:Leisure and sport (y7-9) | unit9:Media in society (y7-9) |
| unit10:Debating a global issue (y7-9) | unit11:Peace in the world today (y7-9) |
| unit12:Voting (y7-9) | unit13:Dealing with conflict? (y7-9) |
| unit14:Democratic participation (y7-9) | unit15:Crime and safety (y7-9) |
| unit16:Celebrating human rights (y7-9) | unit17:School linking (y7-9) |
| unit18:School grounds (y7-9) | unit19:Progress and recognising achievement (y9) |
| unit20:What's in the public interest? (y7-9) | unit21:People and the environment (y7-9) |

SoW for Key Stage 4 (10-11)
| unit1:Human rights (y10-11) | unit2:Crime (Car) (y10-11) |
| unit3:Racism and discrimination (y10-11) | unit4:How and why are laws made? (y10-11) |
| unit5:How the economy functions (y10-11) | unit6:Business & enterprise (y10-11) |
| unit7:Taking part (y10-11) | unit8:Producing the news (y10-11) |
| unit9:Consumer rights & responsibilities (y10-11) |
| unit10:Rights & responsibilities in work (y10-11) |
| unit11:Europe - who decides? (y10-11) | unit12:Global issues, local action (y10-11) |

Direct Outside links :
| BECTA (UK) Citizenship Software Database | Citizenship in Nat.Curr. (UK) |
| CurriculumOnline (UK) | Teacher Resource Exchange (UK) |
| Department for Education and Skills (UK) | Teachernet (UK) |
| Education Network Australia (EdNA) | Gateway to Educational Materials GEM (USA) |
| Education City (Hong Kong) | NGfL (UK) |

Miscellaneous :
| Calculators | More Calculators | Databases |
| Lesson Plans | Clocks and Time |

Shambles RSS Feed :

| Shambles Home | Brunei Schools : bn | Burma/Myanmar Schools : mm | Cambodia Schools : kh | China Schools : cn | Hong Kong Schools : hk | India Schools : in | Indonesia Schools : id | Japan Schools : jp | Laos Schools : la | Macau Schools : mo | Malaysia Schools : my | Philippines Schools : ph | Singapore Schools : sg | South Korea Schools : kr | Taiwan Schools : tw | Thailand Schools : th | Vietnam Schools : vn | contact webmaster (Chris Smith) |
