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Friday 14 March 2025 http://www.shambles.net

If you have found this page then I guess you have been one of the lucky few to have received one of the free "SHAMBLES" promotional wooden puzzles ... and you are wondering how to solve it.


The 2004-2005 puzzle is: how do you make :

Well I'm sorry to say that I'm not going to give it away that easily .... but here is a clue.

If you are a scientist and studied centrifugal forces then you should be able to separate the two crossed pieces of wood .... no force is required ... in fact gentleness may well help.

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The 2005-2006 puzzle
Is simply to separate the three pieces of wood .... and then put them together again .... BUT I think I made a mistake this year .... I've made it too easy .... so "sorry" no clues .... I shall make sure the 2006-2007 puzzle drives you completely crazy! ;-)

The 2006-2007 puzzle
After last year's easier puzzle ..... this deceptively simple one will drive you bananas ... six identical pieces of wood ..... I'd give you a clue if I knew how ..... if anyone would like to do a mini movie clip to show how it is done .... then please feel free to send it to me to put here.

additional puzzle during 2006-2007
... 'cause I couldn't resist


The 2009-2010 puzzle(s)
These have been made ,,,, but no time to do the pics yet .... watch this space.



Chris Smith

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