Digital Photography Journal
Digital Photography Journal
We provide digital camera news, reviews, sample photos, photoshop tutorials, and digital photography tips.

Picasa (from Google) : Organise your Photographs
Find and enjoy the pictures on your computer in seconds.
A free software download from Google.
Picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Every time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures (even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organized by date with folder names you will recognize. You can drag and drop to arrange your albums and make labels to create new groups. Picasa makes sure your pictures are always organized.

Digital Cameras: Getting the Perfect Picture
Falling prices, higher-quality cameras, and educators' increased comfort with technology have ignited a digital photography revolution in schools. Here, the latest tools for joining the ranks of the clickerati.
Unlike their pre-digital parents and teachers, today's kids have known for quite some time that 35-millimeter film is definitely "old school." It's easy to see why they find digital cameras appealing: no more dropping off rolls of film at the local photo shop, fewer wasted shots, and perhaps most important, instant feedback-snap a picture and view the image almost immediately.

DCVIEWS Digital Camera Views
Digital camera views, most innovative international portal for all digital cameras. Detailed specifications, information, up-to-date news, reviews, hints & tips, Q&A, value added links, extensive tools collection, best online tutorials on photography.

ADG Panorama Tools
ADG Panorama Tools is a program, which lets you from a series of photos quickly and easily generate, edit & embed publish 360 degrees interactive panoramic composition on the Web. ADG Panorama can be viewed through ADG Java Viewer 4.0 that eliminates any plug-in installation and gives a platform independent use on the Internet.
Free for non-commercial use.

How Digital Cameras Work
Megapixel digital cameras are coming down in price, while the quality and number of features of these cameras keeps going up. Some projections suggest that digital cameras will become as popular as film-based cameras by 2005.

OnLine Courses
On choosing a digital camera... and on using one.

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CNET Digital Camera Comparisons
CNET Editors' Top 5s: Bargain Digital Cameras | Semipro Cameras | Webcams | Buying Advisers: Top Picks by Resolution | Top Picks for Your Price Range | Top Picks for Your Lifestyle | Camera Options : Digital cameras | Webcams | Camcorders | All camera reviews |

Pinnacle Systems
Pinnacle Systems creates digital-video-editing products for both professional videographers and consumers. Its broadcast, desktop, and consumer groups provide video professionals and consumers, the digital-video-editing tools needed to create great productions faster and more affordably than ever before.
