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  A,R & R Software

Learnclick : creating online tests quick and easy
Learnclick makes creating online tests quick and easy
Create Online Quizzes and Gap-Filling Exercises
Learnclick is an ideal tool for language teachers!
"Learnclick is a very good alternative that can help with creating interactive activities online quicker and easier."
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Testmoz is a test generator that sports 4 question types, automatic grading, a really simple interface and detailed reports.
Testmoz is free, and does not require you (or your students) to register.
You can build a fully functional test in about a minute, so why don't you give it a try and generate a test?
Testmoz is great for K-12 and business professionals alike. It's really easy to use, and you don't have to register.
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The ClassMarker online testing website is a professional, easy to use, online quiz maker that marks your tests and quizzes for you.
ClassMarker saves you time normally spent marking test papers.
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EasyTestMaker is a FREE online test generator to help you create your tests. With Easy Test Maker you can create multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, short answer and true and false questions all on the same test. You can also insert instructions and divide your test into multiple sections.
EasyTestMaker automatically generates alternate versions entirely randomized and master answer sheets with a single click! Just click the "Generate Alternate Versions" or "Print Answer Sheet" link when you are done creating your test. It's that easy!
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Hot Potatoes
The freeware Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.
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Introducing a new, revolutionary Internet Portal for parents / teachers / schools
MyChildAtSchool.com serves as an Internet link for parents to access information relating to their child’s progress via the school’s administrative system.
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The Education Project Asia
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