6 Keys to Improving your Dental Health
6 Keys to Improving your Dental Health
Dental health is a huge component of overall health, but it's often overlooked. Beyond brushing, here are ways to keep your mouth in top condition.
Dental Care
Dental Care
Care of your teeth includes following a good diet, cleaning your teeth after eating, and having regular dental checkups.
Most tooth decay and gum disease could be prevented if people gave proper care to their teeth and gums. Dentists recommend that (1) you eat well-balanced meals that include a variety of foods and provide the nutrients (nourishing substances) needed by your teeth and gums, (2) you clean your teeth by brushing after every meal and using dental floss once a day, and that (3) you have a dental checkup at least once a year.
Teeth and Eating : BBC Multimedia Science
Teeth and Eating : BBC Multimedia Science
Booking an appointment at the dentist's
Booking an appointment at the dentist's - role play exercise
Teeth and Eating .... 4learning
What you eat is called your diet. A balanced diet is good for you.
Vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and fruit are all types of food. They contain different amounts of protein for growth and repair, carbohydrate and fats for activity, and vitamins and minerals for health.
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