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Thursday 27 March 2025
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ICAA Education leading Education
ICAAE is pleased to announce that it received QCA (UK) approval in 2002
as an awarding body for ICT Certificates of Competence at level 1.

All GCSE qualifications will continue to be offered through CCEA

Who are we ?
International Curriculum and Assessment Agency (ICAA) was founded in 1989 to provide curriculum innovation in ICT and business studies.
The Company offers a comprehensive range of support services to schools and LEAs in the UK and abroad covering all aspects of educational needs, including learning and assessment design, staff development, special needs training and support, certification and quality assurance.
ICAA evolved from a major IT/Business and Information Studies Project (NBISP). ICAA operates throughout the UK and in Australia , Malaysia , Singapore , Hong Kong and in Europe .

| ICT Horizons (school managers) | Certificates of Competence in ICT | GCSE Programmes |
| London Challenge | Strategic Leadership of ICT (SLICT) | Intel “Teach to the Future” Programme |
| Cross Curricular ICT for Education (secondary schools) | Study Skills | Contact Details |
| ICT Teacher Training and Certification Scheme for International Schools |

ICAA had considerable experience in delivering whole school ICT, strategic and implementation policies, and has the ISO 9001 Quality Standards and the National Association of Advisers for Computers in Education (NAACE) quality kite marks for ‘Education and Training’ and ‘ICT Consultancy’.
All work is quality assured and complies with rigorous quality plans.

| ICAA Main Website | International Curriculum & Assessment Agency | GCSE Courses | ICT Training | INSET | Professional Development | Certficates of Competence | Maximise Your Potential | Managing Schools of the Future |
| ICT | Certificates of Competence | IT Uses | Developing Ideas | Exchanging & Sharing Information | Finding Things Out Using Databases | Making Things Happen | courses are available for Key Stages 2, 3 and 4, and for adults with limited ICT experience | leading to an external, nationally recognised Level One qualification in ICT | there will also be available a Key Stage 1 course which will lead to a progress certificate obtainable from ICAA to be awarded in School |
GCSE : Design & Technology, Information Studies, Information Technology, Business Studies, Applied (vocational) GCSEs.
| Motivation and Goal Setting | Learning Styles | Memory Techniques | Mapping | Summarising and Comparing | Note Taking | Stress Management | Time Management | Revision Tips and Exam Preparation |

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Why Choose ICAA
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ICAA has developed a dedicated change management programme for school managers and governors, designed to help them achieve an effective ICT vision, in line with the current national ICT agenda.
The programme entitled ‘ICT Horizons’ combines personalised professional development for staff with guidance on strategic planning to maximise ICT potential by embedding it in the heart of school’s overall development planning.
The programme supports teachers, heads of departments and leadership teams on the technical implementation of ICT into all areas of learning, advice on software, hardware and management ICT systems.
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International Curriculum and Assessment Agency Examinations (a wholly owned subsidiary of ICAA) is a recognised Awarding Body offering Certificates of Competence in ICT at Level 1 for pupils and a Certificate in ICT for Education and Training at Level 3 designed specifically for teachers, trainers and others working in education.
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ICAA, in association with the Council for Curriculum and Assessment (CCEA), offers single and double award GCSE programmes in Business Studies, Business and Communication Systems, Design and Technology, ICT, Applied Business and Applied ICT.
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ICAA is currently working on a project under the London Challenge Programme to deliver all ICT educational requirements for schools.
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ICAA works very closely with the National College for School Leadership (NSCL) and British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta) on the delivery of Strategic Leadership of ICT (SLICT) programmes.
SLICT focuses in the strategic role of the school leaders and strengthens their capacity to use ICT to improve teaching, learning and pupils’ achievements, both in ICT and in other subjects. The programme also examines the leadership and management implications of managing ICT on student achievement.
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ICAA was the managing agent of the Intel “Teach to the Future” Programme.
This addressed the pedagogical impact of ICT in the classroom and was used in 30 Initial Teacher Training colleges, and in the School Centred Initial Teacher Training Agency (TTA). Over 30,000 teachers completed the programme, which included face-to-face and online training.
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ICAAE is working to develop Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications in Cross Curricular ICT Education for secondary schools.
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ICAA’s study skills programme ‘Maximise your Potential’ includes support for personalised accelerated learning for 9 – 11 year olds.
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 ICT Teacher Training and Certification Scheme for International Schools
The Training Programme will encourage the use of ICT in the curriculum as part of everyday tasks. The programme provides exemplar materials and ideas of schemes of work for each year group in each key stage, showing good practice in the use of ICT.
The programme contains selected learning units to enable the teacher to attain a specific level of competence and with each level being self-contained, the teacher can work through the units without having to follow a serial or sequenced pathway of learning.
There are two delivery methods; Paper based training manual or CD ROM Training.
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Contact details

Use the web addresses (URLs) listed on this page
or click on the icons on the right of the page.

ICAA, The ICAA Education Centre, Bighton, Alresford, Hants, SO24 9RE
tel: +44 (0) 1962 735801
f ax: +44 (0) 1962 735597

email : info@icaa.com

additional information can also be downloaded from


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