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Sunday 16 March 2025
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Shambles has lists of the international schools in the 17 countries in S.E.Asia but if you are looking for a comprehensive database that covers these and all international schools worldwide then this may well be the solution for you.

International School fee income exceeds US$20 billion or UK£12.6 billion

ISC Research Ltd
- access to over 7,000 English-medium International Schools

The International School Consultancy (ISC) is the leading source of market intelligence on the world of international English-speaking schools. It has been a specialist in the sector for more than 30 years. ISC is the only organisation that has continuously operated in the marketplace to collect international school data, resulting in a unique set of current and historical data and market intelligence.

ISC’s headquarters is in Faringdon, Oxfordshire. We also have local presence in Bangkok, Dubai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and the Netherlands.

We make data and intelligence on the English-medium international schools market available to organisations by means of a number of well-defined services. Each service is designed to satisfy a different need – from on-going sales and marketing operations to school investment decisions.

Our research team maintains and develops the information database of nearly 9000 schools worldwide. ISC Market Analysts generate market intelligence reports designed to inform clients on the school landscape in specific countries. Our Data Analysts produce requirement-specific statistical information to inform clients’ projects. ISC also supports Sales and Marketing needs through ISC Online, through which clients have continuous real-time access to the market information, newsfeeds and school contact information covering all schools. ISC Premier Service provides best-of-breed clients with direct introductions to many of the most prestigious international schools in the world.

With our long history of operation in this sector, ISC has developed a huge network of relationships with schools, school associations and other industry stakeholders. These relationships facilitate our data collection and research efforts.

We gather much information direct from schools, both via our schools information sharing service and by visiting over 500 of the world’s premier schools in Asia, Europe and Latin America. These visits take place at least once a year enabling us to carry out in-depth research.
This high level data is continuously merged into the information database and is used to inform published market reports.

contact ISC Research by clicking on the logo on the right for further information and Free Trial Access.

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The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

“Developing and, more importantly, maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date database of international schools is beyond the means of most organisations. It takes a huge amount of time and effort just to keep pace with myriad small changes to basic information, never mind researching the large number of new international schools that open each year. We have a dedicated team around the world who do just that."

"It is critical that everyone involved in international education – suppliers, schools, parents,
organisations and suppliers - can access the most current information on a day by day basis
and keep up with developments as they happen."

Nick Brummitt, founder of ISC

The online system also provides tools for commercial organisations to :

  • identify the entire market or sections of it according to their interests;
  • analyse and target schools by geography, curriculum, examinations, membership of associations, pupil age, etc using search, sort and filter tools;
  • show results graphically and automatically produce MS Word reports and/or MS PowerPoint presentations;
  • manage communications appropriately and effectively with integrated email and mailing utilities;
  • use the 'Market Overview and Statistic' section to follow trends; and
  • find and contact international school organisations.

The ISC database is much more comprehensive and accurate than anything else available. Whether you are a head of school, a parent, a supplier or a school organisation, having instant access to the latest information is critical.

If you are interested in knowing more about this online utility
then email ISC directly by clicking on the logo on the right.

ISC has research agreements with the following organisations...

| Shambles Home | Brunei Schools : bn | Burma/Myanmar Schools : mm | Cambodia Schools : kh | China Schools : cn | Hong Kong Schools : hk | India Schools : in | Indonesia Schools : id | Japan Schools : jp | Laos Schools : la | Macau Schools : mo | Malaysia Schools : my | Philippines Schools : ph | Singapore Schools : sg | South Korea Schools : kr | Taiwan Schools : tw | Thailand Schools : th | Vietnam Schools : vn | contact webmaster (Chris Smith) |
