Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

We are a class of eager Year 3 learners at Summerland Primary, in Henderson, Auckland, New Zealand. Our teacher is Glenys. We want to share our learning with as many people as we can.

Check Out Class Blogs
Check Out Class Blogs
This page has been set up so you can check out different types of class blogs to get ideas for your own class blog.
You could also use this list to make connections with classes in other countries.

Kids Blogging
Kids Blogging
A place for members to share and find links to student friendly blogs.
We are looking for active blog sites that feature educational posts for K-12 learners and classroom blogs that showcase student writing.
Links should only include content appropriate blogs in which school-aged learners can subscribe.

Year 4 Classroom blog
A blog maintained by 8 year olds at Mellons Bay School, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.

A Duck with a Blog
A Duck with a Blog (2nd graders)

Bloggies : 2006 Blog Awards : Best Teen Weblog
Bloggies : 2006 Blog Awards : Best Teen Weblog
It's Raining Noodles

Brandon's Online Magazine
Welcome to Brandon's Online Magazine, a collection of weblogs and podcasts written by middle school students in Virginia Beach, VA.
