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Tuesday 18 March 2025

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Welcome to Get-Scholarship.com - Around here, we do our best to provide current and aspiring college students with a way to pay for their education. Whether you’re a high school senior, a college freshman, or a grad student embarking on a new degree, we have a scholarship for you.
All of the scholarships on this site are organized by location, type, major or school, so you can find exactly what you are looking for. We also have a section for scholarship tips to help you get the perfect award for your needs. We constantly update our site with the latest scholarships online, so you will never have to worry about missing a great opportunity.
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UK Student Loans
For UK Students going to University everything about Student Loans, great writeup
Myths, panic and confusion about the 2012 English student finance changes are widespread. All the coverage has focused on Commons' spats and riots in the street – with little info about the practical impact on students' pockets.
This special guide by Martin Lewis aims to change that, with 20 key facts every potential student, parent and grandparent should know.
#studentloans #student #finance #grant #grants #UK
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Student Credit Education
Created to help students make an informed decision, StudentMarket.com's credit education center highlights the importance and implications of handling credit responsibly and establishing a positive credit history.
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Fastweb : Scholarships
Fastweb : Scholarships
A source of local scholarships, national scholarships and college-specific scholarships.
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Grants and Contests Database at tech-Learning (USA)
Grants and Contests Database at tech-Learning (USA)
There are two ways to find a grant, contest, funding opportunity or recognition program for which you or your students might qualify.
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International Scholarship Search
International Scholarship Search is the premier financial aid and scholarship resource for international students wishing to study abroad. At this site, you will find the most comprehensive listing of grants, scholarships, loan programs, and other information to assist college and university students in their pursuit to study abroad.
Our mission is to promote international education worldwide through the development and publication of the most comprehensive database of International Scholarship information available on the Internet.
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Saving for College ... USA information on 529 Plans
Saving for College ... information really of only interest to USA residents
Welcome to "Learn 529." This is the place where you can easily have general questions about 529 plans answered.
We have more information on 529 plans than any other site on the web, so visit all of our on-line resources as often as you like to learn more about these remarkable college saving plans.
A 529 plan is an investment plan operated by a state designed to help families save for future college costs. As long as the plan satisfies a few basic requirements, the federal tax law provides special tax benefits to you, the plan participant (Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code).
It's up to each state to decide whether it will offer a 529 plan (or possibly more than one), and what it will look like. Every state has made this commitment, although a few are not yet up and in operation.
There's a misconception that 529 plans are only geared to families that send their children to a state school. That's just not true. There are two general types of 529 plans: prepaid programs and savings programs.
save | saving | college | university | plan | 529 | plans | US | USA |
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