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Monday 17 March 2025
  Preparing for College

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Scholarships and College Finance Area on Shambles
Scholarships and College Finance Area on Shambles
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Preparing for College : Expert Presentations [videos]
Preparing for College : Expert Presentations
The U.S. Visa Process | More opportunities for success with the GRE revised General Test | PTE Academic - English Language Test for USA, UK and Australia Admissions | How to find a LGBT-Friendly Campus | Choosing the Right University for You: Where to go and how to get there | The TOEFL Test: Your Passport to Study Abroad | Undergraduate Financial Aid | The Essay or Statement of Purpose | Four Key Questions for US Admission | Your 5 Steps to US Study | Student Visas 101 | Explaining the U.S Higher Ed System and Application Process | Choosing an Academic Major | Preparing for Your Departure | Choosing a College or University That‘s Right for You: Researching Your Options | How to select and apply to MBA programs in the U.S. | Financing Your U.S. Studies |
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U.S. Representatives' Advice for Students [videos]
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International Students in the US Share Their Experiences
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Applying to Study at a USA College
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In College? Google Has Some Tips For You
In College? Google Has Some Tips For You
College Tips by Google, as the name suggests, is a collection of tips by Google for college aspirants, students studying in college at the moment and seniors who have passed out of college.
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Helping Students Navigate the Path to College
Helping Students Navigate the Path to College: What High Schools Can Do
Access to higher education remains a challenge for many students who face academic and informational barriers to college entry. This guide targets high schools and school districts, and focuses on effective practices that prepare students academically for college, assist them in completing the steps to college entry, and improve their likelihood of enrolling in college.
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High School to College Transition for Students with LD
Prepares students with learning disabilities for the unique challenges they'll encounter in (USA) college.
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Thinking of studying in the UK? Find out what it’s really like from the students who know it best.
Projectorhead is a YouTube channel featuring videos made by international students in the UK.
No scripts, no professional production and no marketing messages. Just genuine students from around the world who want to show their experiences of UK life. It’s not all about education either – share their passion for people, places, music and more.
This is your chance to get the inside story – and have your say too. If a video inspires you to come to the UK or leaves you wanting to know more, project your thoughts and tell us all about it.
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Find an Online College
Guide to Online Schools helps students find the right online college through unbiased student reviews, comprehensive career profiles, and more.
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USA Education Guides
Powered by USAEducationGuides.com
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Preparing for College
Preparing for College ...
Assess your occupational interests and educational needs, prepare for entrance tests, and get advice from students.
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8 Tips for a Successful College Visit
8 Tips for a Successful College Visit
College visits are important. Before you commit years of your life and thousands of dollars to a school, be sure you're choosing a place that is a good match for your personality and interests.
You can't get the "feel" of a school from any guidebook, so be sure to visit the campus.
Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your college visit . . .
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College Admissions Checklist
Admissions Checklist
Guidelines for Keeping on Track During the Application Process
To maximize your chances of getting into your top choice schools, you need to keep track of important deadlines and application components.
Here is a checklist to help you succeed in the college admissions process.
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SATs Area on Shambles
SATs (USA) Area on Shambles
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Preparing for College Links on Delicious
Preparing for College Links on Delicious (Social Bookmarking Website)
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Twitter Tweets about preparing for college
Twitter Tweets about preparing for college as of September 1, 2009
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Preparing for College: Facebook Search
Preparing for College: Facebook Search
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Sears CampusReady on Facebook
Sears CampusReady on Facebook
Get fired up for freshman year with the tools you need for dorm life.
Go to the Campus Ready tab to add the app now.
Get the perfect products for college and let your family and friends pay.
Design your dorm room in 3D before you even step foot on campus.
See what you and your new roommate share in common (or don't).
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Unigo is a website, launched in September of 2008, created by 26 year old entrepreneur, Jordan Goldman who has written a series of 100% student written college guidebooks.
Unigo is the place to go on the web to bypass what a school’s marketing department wants you to know about the school and find out what the students have to say about the school.
Unigo is a platform for college students to share reviews, videos, photos, documents and more with students on their campus and across the country (USA).
It’s also a place for high school students to find out what life is really like at North America’s colleges, and to make friends who can help them find the school that’s right for them.
Unigo is the result of a community of students across the country dedicated to getting the truth out about college life
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Preparing for College
Preparing for College
Finding success takes preparation and planning. With the right tools to keep you organized and on schedule, you're already half-way there
-Do parents help or hinder the college process?
-Help your child plan for education after high school.
-Find out why the guidance counselor is indispensable.
-Do you know the top ten things colleges look for in a high-school student?
-Download a college planner to help your teen prepare for college.
-What's difference between the "Big Ten" and the "freshmen fifteen"?
-Help your child take charge of her finances.
-Is your daughter getting along with her college roomates?
-Learn how to avoid the seven deadly application mistakes.
(adverts a little annoying on this site ... but content worthwhile)
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Preparing for College: An Online Tutorial
Preparing for College: An Online Tutorial
The transition from high school to college is a big step for everyone. Students with disabilities have even more things to consider than their nondisabled peers.
This publication shares a few Internet resources for college-bound teens with disabilities.
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Preparing Your Child for (USA) College
Preparing Your Child for College
A Resource Book for Parents
U.S. Department of Education -Why attend college?
-What types of colleges exist?
-What kinds of jobs are available to college graduates?
-What can my child do to prepare academically for college?
-What can my child do outside the classroom to prepare for college?
-How can my child go about choosing a college?
-How much does a college education cost?
-How can I afford to send my child to college?
-What are the most common sources of financial aid?
-Is my child eligible for financial aid? If so, how much?
-Tax credits, deductions, and deferrals
-Are there other ways to keep the cost of college down?
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Preparing for a College Campus Visit
Preparing for a College Campus Visit
Know before You Go
It may be tempting to just yell "roadtrip!" and head out to campuses, but you'll get more out of your visits if you plan ahead.
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College Answer Guy
Web site and blog aimed at helping high school students, their parents, and anyone who works with them prepare for and succeed in college.
Weekly posts add to the nearly 100 subjects already available.
Topics relate to college preparation, application, selection, transition, and success.
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CollegePrep 101
CollegePrep 101 : helping students prepare for College
Hi gang, my name is Lance Millis and I?l be your instructor for CollegePrep-101. It is my hope that after completing this course, you will be better able to make an educated decision as to a college, and have the tools to be successful once you get there.
Included in the lessons is information to help you prepare for college, select a college, ease the transition to college, and manage the changes in your life that occur during college. It is written with high school students in mind, but most, if not all of the information will be applicable to anyone involved in the process of selecting and attending a college (i.e., students, parents, grandparents, teachers, counselors, non-traditional students, those returning to college, etc.). In addition, the information will be useful to individuals planning to attend virtually any college or university, public or private.
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