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College Universities
College Universities
We are excited to be able to help you find the perfect school for your educational needs. Reserach any school listed and when you see a school you would like to research simply fill in your information to request more information from that school...it really is that simple.
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UCAS e-card scheme
UCAS e-card scheme
It's a good idea to think about what you want to do in the future – the earlier the better.
To help we've got an e-card scheme that has handy info about your options after school or college.
We've got partners who have info on things like money, volunteering, gap years and where certain subjects and courses can take you. Plus you'll get some great offers and discounts as well.
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Preparing for College
Preparing for College : dedicated area on Shambles
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College Week Live ... Online College Fair
College Week Live : Online Virtual College Fair .. for students to find and signup for USA Colleges.
13 November 2013
Hundreds of USA colleges & universities are here to chat with you!
Are you intrigued by the idea of attending university abroad? Join us today for International Students Day, a free online event dedicated to helping you learn more about studying overseas.
Login anytime from 5:00AM to 7:00PM EST on November 13, 2013 to:
Live chat with hundreds of universities, including the University of Florida, UC Berkeley, and Boston University
Get advice from study abroad experts Hear about other students' experiences
You can also listen to live presentations by EducationUSA, CollegeBoard, and other education experts about preparing for the TOEFL, choosing a school, staying safe on campus, and more.
Bonus: When you visit three universities pages online during International Students Day, you'll be automatically entered to win $1,000 toward your tuition!
College Week Live: How it Works

Login to search for colleges & universities by location, major, etc

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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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College Degree, No Class Time Required
College Degree, No Class Time Required
David Lando plans to start working toward a diploma from the University of Wisconsin this fall, but he doesn't intend to set foot on campus or even take a single online course offered by the school's well-regarded faculty.
Instead, he will sit through hours of testing at his home computer in Milwaukee under a new program that promises to award a bachelor's degree based on knowledge—not just class time or credits.
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Universitytwig is an online platform that allows home and overseas students to share experience with fellow students,write university review,write article,share educational news,read university reviews and earn money. if you are not a student you can also join universitytwig to contribute article on the site.
Connect and share experience with fellow students
Write review for your university and get paid when visitors to your review click on ads
Share your university photos
Find and compare universities
Compare university fees
Share educational news
Write article and get paid when visitors to your articles click on ads
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Applying to study at a USA College [scoopIT curation]
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Connecting With Prospective Students
Connecting With Prospective Students
The key to turning prospective students into an enrolled students is to form early and meaningful connections with students that let them know you have their best outcomes in mind, and are working to help them get off to a strong start in college that will lead to long-term success and satisfaction.
Here are some of the best practices and bits of conventional wisdom that are easily overlooked or forgotten ...
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Hobsons' Virtual Student Fairs [Prezi]
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UK Higher Education White paper 2011
UK Higher education white paper paves way for 85,000 university places to be opened up to competition
The higher education white paper allows institutions to expand to take on more students who achieve grades AAB or higher at A-level. The government estimates this will cover about 65,000 students in 2012
The shakeup also proposes creating a "flexible margin" of 20,000 places which can only be taken up by universities charging an average fee of £7,500 or less.
The white paper allows employers or charities to sponsor extra places outside the quota system. The government says these must have "fair access for all students applying, regardless of ability to pay" and rules out the possibility of individuals being able to sponsor extra places.
Ministers claim the package of reforms will give students more choice over where they study and strengthen their right as consumers to "get their money's worth" from universities charging higher fees.
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UK Student Loans
For UK Students going to University everything about Student Loans, great writeup
Myths, panic and confusion about the 2012 English student finance changes are widespread. All the coverage has focused on Commons' spats and riots in the street – with little info about the practical impact on students' pockets.
This special guide by Martin Lewis aims to change that, with 20 key facts every potential student, parent and grandparent should know.
#studentloans #student #finance #grant #grants #UK
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UK University guide
UK University guide
| University league tables | School league tables | Clearing University guide | Advice for students |
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College Browser
College Browser
Discover the perfect school for you.
See if you'll get in and how much you'll pay.
Get the most out of your college experience.
Find your ideal schools
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USA Education Guides
Powered by USAEducationGuides.com
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- It shows academics around the world structured in a 'tree' format, displayed according to their departmental and institutional affiliations.
- It enables academics to see news on the latest research in their area - the latest people, papers and talks.
- It enables an academic to have an easy-to-maintain academic webpage
We are hoping that Academia.edu will eventually list every academic in the world -- Faculty Members, Post-Docs, Graduate Students, and Independent Researchers. Academics can add their departments, and themselves, to the tree by clicking on the boxes.
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Canada Universities and Colleges Directory
A guide to Canadian universities, community colleges and career colleges. Includes profiles of universities, colleges and career colleges/trade schools in Canada along with their various certificate, diploma, undergraduate and graduate programs of study.
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EDUregistry (USA Colleges)
EDUregistry (USA Colleges)
So you have decided to go to college! But which one? Doing a college search online can be daunting. Before you do, you will want to ask yourself some questions, and then use the college search to answer some other questions to help narrow down the field.
We have provided this information as a free resource for students who are searching for the perfect school for them.
This site is sponsored by a team of educators and teachers, who hope that they can be a helpful steppingstone to your education future. We collect no information from students and all of our content is freely accessible with no password or timeframe restrictions.
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Degree Directory
Degree Directory
An online education directory with over 1000 Colleges, Universities, and Career Schools in its database.
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Personal statements | Applications to University and College
Sample UCAS personal statements which can be used for ideas when writing your own.
These personal statements have been donated freely by members of Studential. Use them as ideas for how to structure yours, but don't copy chunks from them or plagiarise them directly. Apart from possibly loosing your place at university, it's just nasty.
If you are having problems writing yours use the personal statement guide rather than ripping of somebody else's work.
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Schools in the USA
Schools in the USA is a free online career and college prep resource which allows students to explore career paths and find the right college for them.
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Career Schools
Directory of colleges and universities offering vocational training and degree for career oriented adults.
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Find a College or Grad School
Find a College or Grad School
Everything you need to help you find and get into the right school. School search, admissions tips, test preparation, scholarships, and more.
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Study Abroad
Academic Year/ Semester Programs | Summer Programs | Experiential/Internship Programs | High School Programs | Academic Programs by Subject | Intensive Language Programs | ESL Language Programs | TEFL Certificate Programs | Winter/Spring Intersession Programs | Summer Law Programs | Summer Graduate Business Programs | Graduate Degree Programs | English.Studyabroad.com |
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International Association of Universities
International Association of Universities ... a list of Universities in most countries around the world, compiled by UNESCO.
university | universities |
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Essay Edge : Applying for College
Named "the world's premier application essay editing service" by The New York Times, EssayEdge has helped more applicants write successful application essays than any other company in the world.
Our 200+ Harvard-educated editors do not merely offer critiques and proofing; they also provide superior editing, giving you the edge you need in the ultra-competitive college and graduate school application process. Unlike other sites, EssayEdge puts its reputation online. Please click here to view samples of our work, unsolicited customer comments, our customers' success statistics, and descriptions of our invaluable editing services.
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College Board
Planning for College | Taking the tests | Finding the right college | Getting into college | Paying for college | SAT Prep | Advanced Placement |
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StudyChoice : Study in the UK
Do you want to study in the UK?
StudyChoice gives you access to over 70,000 courses in the UK at English language schools, colleges and universities. And you can search, compare and apply online for free.
UCAS | UK NARIC | UKCOSA | accommodation | student visas | Cost of studying in the UK | MBA | English language | Pre-university & vocational | Undergraduate | Postgraduate |
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Universities in UK
The following list of Internet sites has been carefully screened by us to ensure that it is of relevance to your requirements. Please scroll down the page for more entries...
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Get into and pay for any college. Free college and scholarship databases, admissions secrets, ask the experts, advice for parents, support forums, and more.
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Education UK
A British Council Project ... Virtual Campus, Full List of Universities, Student Welfae, Courses.
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American Universities
Home pages for American Universities
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Universities and Colleges Admissions Service in the UK
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USA College Online
Your link to all the USA Colleges & Universities
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