O-MUN http://onlinemodelunitednations.org/ Welcome to O-MUN, the world’s first online Model United Nations program. Our growing community of globally connected and engaged youth are working together to develop a unique online debating platform, open to any high school student with internet connection and a desire to collaborate and discuss our world’s most pressing issues.
O-MUN is committed to democratizing this popular academic program, keeping the focus squarely on mentorship, discussion, collaboration and high academic standards. Our goal is to empower individual students anywhere in the world to act as leaders and bridge builders, to learn and connect with individuals different from themselves, and to make friends and have fun.
The Hague International Model United Nations http://www.thimun.org/ The Hague International Model United Nations
The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN), a not-for-profit educational foundation, is an NGO in Roster Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information. The THIMUN Foundation organises several conferences
THIMUN, a five-day simulation of the United Nations for secondary school students.