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Brilliant's mission is to inspire and develop people to achieve their goals in STEM — one person, one question, and one small commitment to learning at a time.
We enable great teachers to illuminate the soul of math, science, and engineering through bite-sized, interactive learning experiences. Our courses explore the laws that shape our world, elevating math and science from something to be feared to a delightful experience of guided discovery.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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A-level Maths Papers, Worksheets & Solution Banks
Maths A-level past papers, mark schemes and worksheets. Solution banks for Heinemann textbooks. Papers from AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Solomon, Delphis and Elmwood.
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EduGain - For mathematics lovers
Nice website to help you prepare for competitive mathematics exams like Olympiads. Good for practicing regular school mathematics online or using printed worksheets.
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Mathematicians' anniversaries throughout the year
Mathematicians' anniversaries throughout the year
Mathematicians who were born or died on each day throughout the year.
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Maths Videos (over 100 made by students)
Maths Videos .. over 100
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Math Clubs
What is so special about Math Clubs?
The answers are probably different for every math club fan out there!
Here is Natural Math top five list ....
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Maths Starter of the Day
There are 366 different Starters of The Day on this website. They are activities designed for KS3 pupils to work on at the beginning of their Maths Lesson. The format lends itself to be projected from a data projector or used on an interactive whiteboard.
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Math in Daily Life (Grades 9-12)
Math in Daily Life (Grades 9-12)
Explore how math can help us in our daily lives by looking at the language of numbers through common situations, such as playing games or cooking.
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Free Mathematics Study Guides from SparkNotes
Free Mathematics Study Guides from SparkNotes
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Math Activities
Education.com is a resource for busy parents who wish to understand better their children’s progress in education and development of social skills. This information empowers parents to improve and contribute to their kids’ success.
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The Mathematics Genealogy Project
The Mathematics Genealogy Project
The intent of this project is to compile information about ALL the mathematicians of the world. We earnestly solicit information from all schools who participate in the development of research level mathematics and from all individuals who may know desired information.
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Math A tube (Maths Videos)
Math videos,text and glossary web site.
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Interactive Mathematics
Use Flash, Scientific Notebook and LiveMath to explore mathematics and get a better understanding of what it all means.
Includes extensive math lessons - everything from algebra to higher calculus. Easy to read and easy to understand.
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MathBits offers a multitude of free resources for students and teachers.
Topics include Using the Graphing Calculator, Geometer's Sketchpad, PowerPoint in the Classroom, Math and the Movies, Algebra Tiles, C++, Java and subject specific math areas. Live long and love math!
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EqWorld - The World of Mathematical Equations
EqWorld - The World of Mathematical Equations
The international scientific-educational website EqWorld presents extensive information on algebraic, ordinary differential, partial differential (mathematical physics), integral, functional, and other mathematical equations.
Outlines exact solutions and some methods for solving equations, includes tables of solutions and interesting articles, gives links to math websites, lists useful handbooks, monographs, textbooks, journals, software ...
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Free Maths Courses online at e-learning for kids
Free Maths Courses online at e-learning for kids (multimedia)
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Math is Fun
Math is Fun
Math resource for parents and students. Includes puzzles, games, a forum and printable math worksheets.
Test Your Times Tables | Worksheets | Connect 4 | Shapes | Logic Puzzle | Icosahedron | Puzzles | Number & Algebra | Shape, Space & Measures | Handling Data |
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SAT Math Pro
SAT Math Pro
SAT Math Pro contains over 125 video lessons designed to help students prepare for the math component of the SAT. This free program, created by a high school math teacher, features 20 interactive practice modules, timed quizzes, and lessons on test strategies.
Combining on demand video instruction with interactive quizzes, SAT Math Pro is a test prep system that you can count on 24/7. Best of all, SAT Math Pro is a completely free service. Any student with access to a home computer, a school computer lab or a public library can enjoy our learning programs.
Video online
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Revising for Maths A Level
Revising for Maths A Level
We can help you! The best way to improve your maths skills when studying for AS or A levels, is to do lots of examples from past papers.
Our aim is to lead you through each stage of problems by providing interactive fully worked solutions for EDEXCEL, OCR and AQA past papers.
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Trigonometry Help at FreeMathsHelp
Trigonometry Help at FreeMathsHelp
Addition Formulas | Basic Trigonometry | Double-Angle and Half-Angle Formulas | Law of Cosines | Law of Sines | Solving Trigonometric Equations | Trigonometric Functions | Trigonometric Identities |
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Calculus Help at FreeMathsHelp
Calculus Help at FreeMathsHelp
Definition of a Derivative | Derivative of a Polynomial | Finding Critical Points | Introduction to Sequences | Limits and Infinity | Series | SOS Math - Calculus | Tutorials for the Calculus Phobe |
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Hotmath (subscription service)
Math Homework Help Found Here!
Doing math homework can now be quicker, easier, and more effective than ever before.
We show step-by-step explanations for the actual homework problems in math textbooks (odd-numbered problems only).
Our tutorial solutions with answers cover middle school math through algebra, geometry, precalculus, and calculus. Over 40 million homework problems explained.
Hotmath is free for students when their school or teacher signs up (pays a subscription). We also offer parent/student passwords for a fee of $29 per semester or $49 for the school year.
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AS / A2 level Maths
AS / A2 level Maths
Coursework, Revision guides, Top-up, Algebra, Calculus, Coordinate geometry, Trigonometry ...
Welcome to project A level. We offer many resources for students revising for their AS and A2 level exams including: revision notes and practice questions, revision guides at our bookshop, help and advice and the take a break section for when you have had enough of revision. We hope you find our site a useful revision aid and a bit of fun too!
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Geometry from the Land of the Incas
Geometry Step by Step from the Land of the Incas provides an eclectic mix of sound, science, and Incan history intended to interest students in Euclidean geometry. Recent additions include Simson Line (proof of Simson line), The Raft of the Medusa (problem solving with fractals and animation), Archimedes and the Rhombicuboctahedron (Archimedes the Geometer), Sierpinski Triangle and Machu Picchu (fractal illustration), Johnson's Theorem (three equal circles pass through a common point), Varignon and Wittenbauer Paralellograms (quadrilateral: midpoints and trisection points of the edges) and Van Aubel's Theorem (quadrilateral with squares).
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Maths Brain Teasers
Maths Brain Teasers
Each week, a new and challenging problem is posted for three grade bands: 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8. Hints are provided for each problem, and the solution is given for the previous week's problem. Archives of past problems are available as well.
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Motivate (using video conferencing in Maths)
MOTIVATE is a project incorporating a series of video-conferences, run by the Millennium Mathematics Project at Cambridge. Everyone interested is invited to join in. Learning about the mathematics and working on the problems posed on these pages does not depend on attending the conferences.
Read the articles which introduce and explain the mathematics needed to tackle the assignments. On each topic there are five different, but related, assignments. You do not need to attend the video-conference to be able to do the assignments. Many other young people from all over the world work on these assignments and often give presentations in their own schools in a similar way to the presentations given in the video-conferences. The main objective in giving the presentations is to explain the mathematics carefully and clearly so that other students the same age, who have not tackled the same assignment, can understand and so that everyone can have a discussion about the work.
Where in the world am I? | League Tables/ Cricket Ratings | Strange Geometries | Euler's Relation & Topology | Ever Quicker, Ever Higher | Topology and cosmology |
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Discovery School's WebMath
Click on a problem solver below, enter your math problem and click for an explanation of how it's done and the answer.
Numbers & Operations | Measurement & Geometry | Algebra | Trigonometry | Calculus | Data Analysis |
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All about Circles
A very simple, but useful, page about the mathematics of circles.
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Math Goodies
Math Goodies is a free educational web site featuring interactive math lessons, homework help, worksheets, puzzles, message boards, and more! We have over 400 pages of free math activities and resources for students, teachers, and parents.
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Maths: StudyWeb
Very large online software store and database.... plus other helpful material.
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Online Maths Club
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Equipped with an online "Maths-Engine" this site can instantly provide you with an answer to that Maths problem you are working on. (hands up all those who believe this can be true!)
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GCSE Answers : Maths
Welcome to gcse.com?our first stop for GCSE Maths help
The material under development is suitable for all GCSE Maths students.
| Algebra | Equations | Factors | Graphs | Measurement | Percentage | Prime numbers | Standard Form | Trigonometry |
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Fresh Baked Fractions
A fractions test .. with a dog named Jackson who likes pie (pi?)
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