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Sunday 02 March 2025

ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 34 million structures from hundreds of data sources.

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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Chemistry Instructional Videos not to be missed!
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ChemMatters ... A Chemistry Magazine
ChemMatters ... A Chemistry Magazine for High School Students
ChemMatters, the award-winning magazine for high school chemistry, demystifies chemistry at work in our everyday lives. Each issue includes a Teacher’s Guide containing background information, follow-up hands-on activities, classroom demonstrations, and other resources to facilitate student comprehension.
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Free Chemistry Study Guides from SparkNotes
Free Chemistry Study Guides from SparkNotes
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Classic Chemistry compiled by Carmen Giunta
Classic Chemistry compiled by Carmen Giunta
The principal purpose of this site is to post the texts of several classic papers from the history of chemistry. This site also contains pointers to a few other chemistry-related sites. In early July 1996, "This Week in the History of Chemistry" debuted, including links to sites about the listed person or events. I intend to continue to add more classic papers. In addition, I will expand the texts of some papers which are currently listed as excerpts.
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Periodic Table of Videos
Periodic Table of Videos
Tables charting the chemical elements have been around since the 19th century - but this modern version has a short video about each one.
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Fold It
Fold It ... a game designed to teach you how to fold proteins
Foldit is a revolutionary new computer game enabling you to contribute to important scientific research.
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Organic Chemistry Help
Organic Chemistry Help
Site purpose: To provide a free web supplement for undergraduate organic chemistry students
Who made this site? : A graduate student in organic chemistry.
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Chemicool : online Periodic Table
This is an all-purpose, interactive periodic table that would be useful for high-school chemistry classes.
In addition to general information about the elements, it includes: states, energies, oxidation and electrons, appearance and characteristics, reactions, conductivity, abundances, and more.
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Doc Brown's Chemistry Clinic
Doc Brown's Chemistry Clinic
ALL of the website resources are free to use on-line or be printed out by a teacher for class resource or by a student for revision purposes.
I've no objection to students/teachers saving the revision notes webpages on their own computer or teachers using my own images (e.g. apparatus diagrams, molecule images or graphs etc.) in Powerpoint or Word etc. or students using images in their coursework, as long as in all cases the source is acknowledged.
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Eric Weissteins World of Chemistry
Eric Weisstein's World of Chemistry
Online encyclopedia of chemistry terms and formulas. Full searchable, and also browsable alphabetically and by topic.
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Combinatorial Chemistry
This web site provides a basic introduction to the field of combinatorial chemistry describing the development of major techniques and some applications.
This web site - an overview of combinatorial synthesis, including polymers and linkers for solid-phase synthesis, determination of product structure, solution-phase synthesis and applications of combichem.
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The Virtual Biochemistry Laboratory
The Virtual Biochemistry Laboratory
In the Virtual Biochemistry Laboratory, you can move around, perform experiments and listen to lectures. You can also take on the "Nobel Challenge" consisting of 12 biochemistry missions.
Biochemistry is the study of life processes at a molecular level. This Virtual Biochemistry Laboratory consists of several rooms, each focusing on one particular method used in biochemistry: "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", "Electrophoresis", "Chromatography", "Protein Sequencing", "X-ray Diffraction" and "Protein Folding". The different methods help scientists find out more about molecules, for example proteins. Welcome in!
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Periodic Table - Using Comic Book Characters
This web site has a working periodic table that uses comic book characters to draw chemistry students into learning about the elements.
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Interactive Periodic Table Database & Test
Interactive Periodic Table Database and test
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So you're asking, what is CHEMISTRY? Well... Here's our best definition. Chemistry is the study of MATTER and the changes that take place with that matter.
Don't ask us why that matters. It just does. A lot. Everything on Earth, everything in our solar system, everything in our galaxy, and everything in the universe is made up of matter. Matter is the name scientists have given to everything that you can touch, or see, or feel, or smell. Go take a look!
Chemistry4KIds | Chemistry | reactions | elements | atoms | matter | biochemistry |
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Free Chemistry Software
Atoms, Symbols and Equations | Atoms, Bonding and Structure | Rasmol Molecular Viewer | Science WebQuests - Internet Projects |
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A Chemical Jigsaw Puzzle
Allows users to make molecules from the radicals provided.
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