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Sunday 30 March 2025

Cover Letter Examples
Cover letter examples and advice to help you write a powerful cover letter that separates you from the competition.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Directory of more than 1,500 companies featuring salary information, benefits, printable job applications.
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Student Jobs
An online student job portal providing part time jobs and internships to the students of the UK
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Careers Videos: over 90 made for/by students
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Jobseekers Advice
Jobseekers Advice is the original jobseekers website, setup to provide jobseekers a place to go for independent and unbiased information and free career advice! We are the largest independent free career advice website on the web run by professionals from around the world who volunteer their time to help you!
Jobseekers Advice is a free career advice website for jobseekers. Within this site you can find free career advice relating to career development, CV advice, employment issues, interview advice, job hunting, working abroad, training, education and much more!
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Vocational Information Center
Vocational Information Center ... information about a great many jobs .. very comprehensive.
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Occupational Outlook Handbook (USA)
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a USA nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. Revised every two years, the Handbook describes what workers do on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations.
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myfuture - Australias career information service
myfuture - Australias career information service
What Is A Career? | Career Development | Education and Training in Australia | Education and Training Providers | Courses and Programs | Qualifications | Trends of Work | Labour Market Information | Patterns of Work | Industries | Occupations | Enterprise and Small Business | Work Opportunities | Know Your Work Rights and Responsibilities |
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For anyone wanting to get into the creative industries or start a creative business.
Covering everything from sound engineering and game design to stand-up comedy and script-writing. Competitions, videos, articles and features - updated each month to help you get in and get on!
career | careers | guidance | media |
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Careers : 4 2 Explore
On each page you'll find definitions, activities, 4 good starting points, and many more links and resources for the thematic topic.
In some cases, we've listed more than four websites on a particular topic. For example, we might provide a few for younger readers and others for more advanced learners.
Each school, classroom, and teacher is unique. As such we didn't try to provide specific activities for particular grade levels. Instead we suggest that teachers explore each link, then design specific, developmentally appropriate activities such as discussion questions, small group activities, or webquests to fit the needs of their curriculum.
The links on this site are safe for children.
careers | career | jobs | students | student |
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Careers Online .. Australian
Job seeking workshop / career show / interactive guide / search engine / lots-a-links / preparation for interviews / writing a CV / etc.....
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Careers Mosaic
Jobs / employers / resume & CV / online fairs / career network / college connection / resource centre..... also able to post a job.
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Careers Gateway
Careers Articles - So....what will you do with your life? Read our careers articles to help you decide
Cyber Jobs - Where to find vacancies on line andguides to help you produce that winning CV
Exams - Feeling Stressed Out? - How to get through the exams and handle the stress
Where to go for help and advice - Sort out your life first... then plan your career
Webtastic - How can the Internet help with your career planning and development?
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Career Soft
Over 3,000 pages of advice ...
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Cope Management
Help with CVs and interviews
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Prospects Web
Help find a job, seek employment, plan a career or select a postgraduate course.
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( 17 entries) | Click here to report broken links or problems |
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International Schools Island in Second Life

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ShamblesPAD (built on Etherpad) .. Collaborate on documents in really real-time

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The Education Project Asia
Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris

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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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