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Saturday 29 March 2025
  Using email

Communicate Without Email : Video, Lesson, Quiz
Communicate Without Email : Video, Lesson, Quiz
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Checking email every 5 minutes? Stop!
Get AWAY from your inbox — let urgent emails cut through the clutter and FIND you...instantly.
When you receive an important message, AwayFind will notify you on your mobile phone with an SMS, phone call or our iPhone & Android apps

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CloudMagic : The mail app with magical search
CloudMagic : The mail app with magical search
Search across multiple email accounts on your smart phone
CloudMagic is a mail app with fast magical search for Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, Outlook, iCloud, Google Apps, Office 365 and IMAP accounts. For iPhone and Android
Why can't I add more than 3 accounts?
CloudMagic creates a high performance index of your emails on the cloud to offer blazing fast search on mobile. We incur high server costs, hence the restriction. Moreover 3 email accounts are good enough for most users. Having said that, we are continually working on reducing our costs and in turn pass on the benefits to you.
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20 Web 2.0 Sites not Requiring Student Email
20 Web 2.0 Sites not Requiring Student Email
A lot of subscription based or Ed Tech sites require a student email address to create an account which can become a BIG issue when dealing w/ CIPA compliance, because a majority of students do not have a school email account.
That being said, there are still a number of Web 2.0 sites that do not require a student email address to create an account.
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Hsiao-yun Chan's List: Email writing
Hsiao-yun Chan's List (urls): Email writing
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Unroll.me is the free and easy way to end unwanted subscriptions and rollup the rest into an organized overview made just for you.
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5 Ways to Get Email Overload Under Control
5 Ways to Get Email Overload Under Control
If you’re like most people with a connection to the internet and a job that requires you interact via email, then you probably know what email hell feels like. The only good news is that you’re not alone. In fact, the average person gets more than one hundred emails per day. The bad news is it’s not getting better.
The number of emails you receive will continue to grow every year. So what, if anything, can you do to get a grip on this email avalanche?
Start with these five tips ...
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Boomerang for Gmail
Boomerang for Gmail is a Firefox / Chrome plugin that lets you take control of when you send and receive email messages.
Schedule an email to be sent later. Easy email reminders.
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The History of Email [INFOGRAPHIC]
The History of Email [INFOGRAPHIC]
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The Evolution Of Email [Infographic]
The Evolution Of Email [Infographic]
An infographic, produced by Microsoft, which shows the Evolution Of Email.
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Track Email
Track email and find out more information's about sender.
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Canned Responses in Gmail
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Using NudgeMail is as easy as writing an email. Say you want to send yourself a reminder to pick up milk on the way home from work tomorrow – just email nudge@NudgeMail.com with the subject “Tomorrow” and your note to yourself in the body (click here for an example).
NudgeMail also lets you set reminders by forwarding emails you need to deal with later. Just forward your email to, let’s say, 530pm@NudgeMail.com to get it back at 5:30 that afternoon.
You can also use tomorrow@NudgeMail.com, friday@NudgeMail.com, nextweek@NudgeMail.com, and many more common sense commands found here.
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How Email Apps Will Help You Learn To Love Your Inbox
How Email Apps Will Help You Learn To Love Your Inbox
The inbox of the future is going to look a lot more like Facebook than the one you’re using today—but it’s also going to do a lot more. Thanks to these apps, you’ll learn to love your email again.
Here are four ways your inbox is changing, with some of the services that are making it better ...
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10 Dead Simple Gmail Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts
10 Dead Simple Gmail Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts
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Prevent Email Forwarding and ‘Reply All’
Prevent Email Forwarding and ‘Reply All’ in Microsoft Outlook
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Multiple Unique Email Addresses for Student
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4 Killer Gmail Features You Might Not Know About
4 Killer Gmail Features You Might Not Know About
This post talks about four such features which are little known. I can bet most of you would find at least one feature out of these 4 which you are yet to discover. Check them out.
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Create a Mail Merge with Gmail and Google Docs
Create a Mail Merge with Gmail and Google Docs
Let’s say you are organizing a party at your place and want to send personalized email invitations to all your friends. Or say your company is about a launch a new product and you want to share this with media and customers through email.
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Take Control of Your Email (Pecha Kucha)
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Gmail: 90 Tools And Tips To Make You A Gmail Pro
Gmail: 90 Tools And Tips To Make You A Gmail Pro
Google Mail is without doubt one of the most popular online email services. What makes it so interesting is not only the functionality that it provides out of the box but also its extensibility.
The following article contains all the tools and tips needed to make you a Gmail pro. It contains the best Firefox extensions, Greasemonkey scripts, desktop tools as well as how tos and other tips that will increase the functionality of Gmail immensely.
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How to use Gmail : Free online course
How to use Gmail : Free online course
This course uses the Web-based e-mail service from Google™ called Gmail™, (Google Mail in the UK and Germany), to introduce you to the basics of e-mail.
Gmail is an e-mail service which is accessed directly via the Web, and is not dependent on your using software loaded on your own personal computer. (e.g. Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird).
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See the PenPals area on Shambles
See the PenPals area on Shambles for some suggestions on how email might be used with students and in schools.
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How to use e-mails with ESL/EFL/ESOL students
How to use e-mails (email) with ESL/EFL/ESOL students.
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Electronic mail or email
Electronic mail or email is a means of sending messages, text, and computer files between computers via the telephone network. Because the telephone network covers the whole word, email enables you to communicate world wide.
Email and webmail | Features of email | Benefits and concerns of using email | Sample question | Sample answers | Glossary |
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GMail Drive
GMail Drive
GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual filesystem around your Google GMail account, allowing you to use GMail as a storage medium.
GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google GMail account and enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your GMail account directly from inside Windows Explorer. GMail Drive literally adds a new drive to your computer under the My Computer folder, where you can create new folders, copy and drag'n'drop files to.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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ePALS - online classroom community
Over 4.5 million students and teachers are building skills and enhancing learning with ePALS. Established in 1996, ePALS has 72,146 classroom profiles bringing people in 191 countries together as cross-cultural learning partners and friends.
ePALS is the world's largest online classroom community because of our easy-to-use tools, innovative projects and, most importantly, our members.
ePALS members connect with peers around the world, in ways that are both fun and educational. By engaging in projects and creating new friendships, ePALS can help young people learn more about their world.
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