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Friday 14 March 2025

National Child Traumatic Stress Network
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network was established to improve access to care, treatment, and services for traumatized children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events.
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'Grief' resources curated using a Livebinder
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Think your students are too young to face cancer?
Think your students are too young to face cancer? Think again.
With one in three people in the U.S. facing a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, children in classrooms everywhere are likely to be dealing with cancer right now—with a grandparent, parent, family member, friend or teacher.
Research shows that 25 percent of cancer survivors in the U.S. have school-aged children. Also, siblings of children with cancer report that the support they receive at school is just as important as the support they receive at home.
Help your students cope with and learn about cancer.
The LIVESTRONG at School curriculum offers online lessons for grades K–12 to help you teach your students about cancer in a way that is age-appropriate, inspiring and empowering.
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Cancervive: Kids With Cancer
Cancervive: Kids With Cancer Can Survive in the Classroom
"I know the fear that kids with cancer feel when they 'check back' into school," Susan Nessim told Education World. "They want to be treated just like everyone else, but often teachers and friends are uncertain how to act around them."
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Cancer Classroom [YouTube Playlist]
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Understanding Childhood Cancer (pdf)
Understanding Childhood Cancer (pdf) : A Handbook for Teachers
"Cancer Council Queensland acknowledges the assistance given by teaching and health professionals at the Royal Children’s and Mater Children’s Hospitals Brisbane for making this booklet possible.
Through a strong commitment to caring for children with cancer, their families and their communities, the contributors have generously given of their time, knowledge and skills in the writing and production of this booklet."
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What to Expect After Trauma
What to Expect After Trauma Possible Reactions in Elementary School Students
What Can I Do To Help?
Guidelines for Teachers of High School Students
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Grieving and Death Lesson Plan
Grieving and Death Lesson Plan
This lesson discusses the stages of grieving and reactions to death.
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Centre for Grief Education (Australia)
Centre for Grief Education (Australia
The site also has details of our free bereavement counselling service, links to many other grief related web sites, information on the peer-reviewed journal Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement, an extensive listing of free and low cost grief counselling services in Victoria, details on projects conducted by the Centre, information about membership benefits, recent media releases, grief support information and products that can be purchased from the Centre.
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The following presentation is for anyone who has ever asked or been asked the question, "What happens when we die?"
Just one way of explaining, to children of all ages, the unexplainable phenomenon of life and death.
It may be right, it may be wrong...nobody can know, and it really doesn't matter. What matters is that, for those who need to have an answer, there may be an answer...
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David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages
David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages
These Trauma Pages focus primarily on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) and dissociation, whether following individual traumatic experience(s) or a large-scale disaster. The purpose of this award winning site is to provide information for clinicians and researchers in the traumatic-stress field. Specifically, my interests here include both clinical and research aspects of trauma responses and their resolution.
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Dealing with Children and Catastrophic Events
Dealing with Children and Catastrophic Events
Free leaflet/advice to download for teachers and parents (pdf file 180KB)
From Dr. Jadis Blurton Clinical/Developmental Psychologist, Therapy Associates Ltd. in H.K.
website : www.talhk.com
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Crisis Management Planning
Emergency Response and Crisis Management Planning
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