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Friday 14 March 2025
  Teacher:Jobs Online

Search the selection of international school jobs online.
Choose from thousands of teaching jobs overseas at accredited IB, IPC, iGCSE, US Common Core, and Canadian curriculum schools worldwide. New jobs daily. Find Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Senior and Principal jobs at the best schools abroad.
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PK Education (England)
PK education is a teaching supply agency letting staff on a temporary and permanent basis within schools across England in the Midlands, Yorkshire, North East and North West of the country.
For teachers we want to find you the right job, one that’s going to make the most of your skills and leave you fulfilled. For Schools we know that placing the wrong candidate means compromising children’s education, and this for us is unacceptable. PK education: professional. responsible. dedicated.
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FE Careers (UK)
FE Careers is a UK specialist Further Education, Work Based Learning and Employability job advertising site.
Over 1000 vacancies live per day, with roles ranging from Assessor jobs, Tutor, Trainer, Education sales, Manager roles and Lecturer job vacancies
FE Careers mainly has job adverts for colleges and Training Providers in the UK, but there is a growing trend of more international jobs being advertised on the site.
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Teach English abroad ( in Jakarta or Bogor-Indonesia )
EF English First is a world renowned language institution and we now have ten schools in our group.
All of the schools are equipped with the latest in teaching aids, materials and educational multi-media technology.
As one of the largest groups of schools in Jakarta that continues to grow; we employ over 65 native speaking teachers. We are continually looking for EFL teachers with a minimum of CELTA, CTEFL , or other English related qualifications. In some cases other qualifications will be considered, depending on the nature and extent of experience.
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International School jobs with TIC Recruitment
Find great jobs in the very best international schools around the world. Hundreds of jobs in accredited schools.
Free registration great personal service from recruiters who have taught overseas themselves.
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Montessori Jobs UK
A Montessori job posting website. Montessori schools and nurseries across the UK can advertise their teaching vacancies with us; a flexible and affordable method of advertising.
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Teaching Jobs in Japan
Search or browse Teaching jobs in Japan.
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JCareer - Japan Teaching Jobs
JCareer - Japan Teaching Jobs
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Axcis Education
Axcis Education is a leading recruitment agency helping Teachers find work all around the world. We have placed many Teachers in local and international schools throughout the UK, Europe, The Middle East, Mainland & South East Asia and South America.
Our consultants are experienced and have been involved in the Education industry themselves so they know what you're coming up against. Head to www.axcis.co.uk to register and look at the jobs we currently have available.
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EAT jobs.... Education and Training Jobs
EAT Jobs (Education & Training Jobs) is a specialist on-line Job Board for the Education and Training sectors...
On EAT Jobs we advertise Job Vacancies direct from Nursery or Pre Schools, Primary & Secondary Schools, FE Colleges, Universities, Training Companies, along with jobs from leading Education / training recruitment Agencies throughout the UK.
Eat Jobs also advertises overseas / international jobs!
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Supply Teaching Agency (UK)
ABC Teachers provide supply teaching services to schools and services throughout the East and West Midlands.
Covering Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Telford, Stoke, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Coventry, Warwickshire, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Derbyshire, Leciester, Leicestershire, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton Local Authorites
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Educators Overseas Teacher Recruiting
Educators Overseas places native English speaking teachers and school administrators in international schools around the world.
Schools view profiles and "live" digital interviews of candidates via the internet saving teachers and schools the expense of attending recruitment fairs.
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Teaching Jobs in The UK
For teaching and supply jobs in the UK register today with justteachers.
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International School Jobs - worldwide
Teachanywhere.com provides a free service to teachers, matching them with international school positions worldwide.
Mainly working with qualified/certified Primary (Elementary) and Secondary (Middle/High School) teachers, the placement services including advice on CVs, locations, schools, interview techniques and more are invaluable and FREE to teachers.
Offices in North America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Dubai and the UK are staffed mostly by ex-teachers with international experience themselves.
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Teaching Jobs From eEducation (UK)
Teaching Jobs from eEducationjobs, UK's dedicated online Teaching Jobs Board. Search and Apply for Teaching jobs. Free Jobseeker and Employer Registration.
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HEADSearch, a division of PRG, the name behind Teach London and Supply Desk, has emerged in response to a growing need to offer Local Education Authorities, Governing Bodies, and Head Teachers assistance in the recruitment of their senior managers and the leading roles within their schools.
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IC4E - International Consultancy for Education - was set up in 2005 by a group consisting of teachers, heads and parents - all with an interest and knowledge of the recruitment process and it's importance in the International setting.
We strive to offer a service that allows schools and teachers to come together with a simple yet functional system that is free:-
- One that offers maximum exposure for schools so that they may recruit the best candidates.
- One that offers teachers a world spread of opportunities with links to each school's information as well as free, sincere and unbiased advice.
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Council of International Schools
Council of International Schools
CIS maintains a database of around 3,000 qualified teachers. If you meet our criteria, you can register as a teaching candidate.
Available in this section are teaching vacancies, advertised by our member schools. In most instances, you should contact the school direct (unless otherwise indicated).
In order to apply on-line check the Criteria for teaching candidates.
You can apply online to join the placement service. Alternatively, contact the Teacher Placement Department.
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Teachers-Teachers.com - USA
Welcome to Teachers-Teachers.com, the Internet? premier FREE teacher placement service. Teachers-Teachers.com is designed to save you time and money in the job search process.
With Teachers-Teachers.com, the schools come to you. By registering your resume online, you instantly make yourself available to hundreds of schools that are hiring teachers.
Teachers-Teachers.com streamlines the job search process. Within minutes you can create and post your resume and send cover letters to schools via email.
Use our Resume Builder to create an online version of your resume. Update and revise your resume at anytime.
Indicate in which states, subjects and type of school (public/private) you would like to teach.
Dial into our automated interview system and answer nine questions regarding your teaching experience and philosophy. You may re-record your interview at any time.
Log onto your personal home page to view open positions that match your specifications.
Use our Cover Letter Tutorial to create an effective cover letter. Save your cover letter in our database and customize it for each school.
Email your cover letter, resume, and recorded interview to prospective employers by clicking on the contact's name.
teacher | recruitment | job | jobs |
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Teaching Jobs Overseas
International Employment for Teachers
Teaching Jobs Overseas Topics: international teaching, teaching overseas, teaching abroad, American and international schools, overseas jobs, international employment, etc.
Recruitment | Jobs | Teaching |
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BBC Online ... Jobs in Education UK
You can use a CV to write to companies on the off-chance that they might have a job vacancy.
Include a short, covering letter explaining the sort of job you’re looking for and asking the employer to contact you if a suitable vacancy arises.
Recruitment | Jobs | Teaching |
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Teaching and Education Jobs in the UK
Here you will find jobs for teachers and nursery nurses. This includes jobs in education, education administration, supply teachers jobs and employment agencies for teachers.
Recruitment | Jobs | Teaching |
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Superintendent vacancies (principals)
The National School Boards Association and the school boards associations in each state are working together to provide this nation-wide job listing service. Superintendent vacancies and other school district leadership openings are listed by state. Click on the state of your choice to find the current listing.
recruitment | jobs | principal | headteacher |
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NAFSA Job Registry
The NAFSA Job Registry is a compilation of employment opportunities in international education and is published twice a month, except May and December, by NAFSA: Association of International Educators.
The Job Registry lists jobs in the international education field, such as positions for administrative assistants, program officers, assistant directors, directors, etc.
To improve access, the Job Registry is delivered via e-mail and eventually will be available on the NAFSA web site. The Job Registry is generally published by 10th and 25th of every month.
recruitment | international | jobs | teaching | teacher | overseas |
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Jobs in Thailand (th)
A very useful site if you are looking for a job in Thailand .... not just teaching
Recruitment | Jobs | Teaching | vacancies | Job | Teacher |
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eTeach : Teacher Recruitment Portal (UK)
eteach.com provides unique services including teacher recruitment, discussion forums, advanced search engine technology, resource guides and much more
Recruitment | Jobs | Teaching | Administration | UK |
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Welcome to ED-JOIN! You've come to California's premiere public education job search web site.
Maintained by the California Teacher Recruitment and Incentive Program, ED-JOIN is a portal to thousands of teaching and other education job openings and to a broad range of job placement and training services for job seekers.
Recruitment | Jobs | Teaching | Administration |
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Times Educational Supplement (UK)
TES Jobs has more current teaching jobs than any other UK site. With new jobs posted every Friday, it's the best way to find your ideal job - in the UK or overseas.
There is a very useful mailing option where the TES will email you each week with jobs chosen against your own criteria ... very time saving.
Recruitment | Jobs | Teaching | Administration | TES |
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Jobs UK
Research, Science, Academic, Teaching and Management jobs and studentships in the public and private sector.
Recruitment | Jobs | Teaching | Administration |
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