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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Text to Speech

Big Speak
Big Speak
Generate English speech from text
Generate voice clips up to 300 characters.
Login to generate voice clips up to 1000 characters.
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TextAloud : iPad iPhone App
TextAloud : iPad iPhone App
TextAloud lets you listen to text on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. As you use other apps on your device, it runs in the background and automatically creates articles from text you copy to the clipboard. TextAloud maintains an article list and has settings that allow you to configure articles to be spoken automatically as they are added, and deleted when speaking is finished.
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iPhone or iPad Read Emails To You and Speak to Write Back
Have Your iPhone or iPad Read Emails To You & Speak to Write Back
Want to have your emails read to you? How about talking to write out a reply rather than poking around on the touch screen? You can easily do both in iOS, so the next time you need to read and write emails while you’re on the go or driving, consider using the awesome text-to-speech and Dictation features on the iPhone and iPad.
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Use our Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology
Thanks to AudioPal, anyone with a personal website or blog can easily add audio to their site. Engage your visitors by creating an instantly interactive website using AudioPal. Just create your message and embed your flash audio player.
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Text to Speech in Google Translate
Text to Speech in Google Translate, new Jan 2011
When translating into English, you can now also hear translations in spoken form by clicking the Speaker Icon.
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NHMTTS SAPI5: Vietnamese Text To Speech Engine
NHMTTS SAPI5: Vietnamese Text To Speech Engine
Synthesize Vietnamese speech with natural voices whose prosodics (duration, pause and amplitude) determined by a technique based on artificial neural networks.
Can work with text contain both Vietnamese and another language in Unicode format.
Provide 2 voices "NHMTTS Voice (Male)" and "NHMTTS Voice (Female)".
OS supports: Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server, NT, 98
License: Free of use with unlimited features. Your donation is appreciated! Vietnam
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Panopreter text-to-speech software and web browser toolbar
Panopreter text-to-speech software programs read text aloud and convert text to mp3 and wave audio files.
Panopreter Basic ... The free text-to-speech program
Panopreter Plus costs $29.95
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Screen Reader Project for Google Chrome Browser
Screen Reader Project for Google Chrome Browser
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eSpeak text to speech
eSpeak text to speech
eSpeak is a compact open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for Linux and Windows.
eSpeak uses a "formant synthesis" method. This allows many languages to be provided in a small size. The speech is clear, and can be used at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers which are based on human speech recordings.
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Text to Speech training videos
Text to Speech training videos ... free online tutorials (screencasts)
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ReadTheWords.com is a free, web based service that assists people with written material.
We do this by using TTS Technology, or Text To Speech Technology.
Users of our service can generate a clear sounding audio file from almost any written material. We generate a voice that reads the words out loud, that you request us to read.
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Blabber ... turn a picture (e.g. an animal) into a talking animal with the moth moving.
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The Ultra Hal Text-to-Speech Reader
The Ultra Hal Text-to-Speech Reader
The Ultra Hal Text-to-Speech Reader application will read your documents out loud in one of its many high quality voices
You can convert all your documents and e-books into WAV files
The free Ultra Hal Text-to-Speech Reader includes many high quality computerized voices.
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Balabolka is a Text-To-Speech (TTS) program.
All computer voices installed on your system are available to Balabolka.
The on-screen text can be saved as a WAV, MP3, OGG or WMA file. The program can read the clipboard content, view the text from DOC, RTF, PDF, FB2 and HTML files, customize font and background colour, control reading from the system tray or by the global hotkeys.
Balabolka uses various versions of Microsoft Speech API (SAPI); it allows to alter a voice's parameters, including rate and pitch.
Freeware .... there is also a portable version that will go on a thumb drive
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Text to Speech : iSpeech
Text to Speech : iSpeech
Now anyone can convert text to speech instantly and for free. Text to speech software is obsolete.
iSpeech makes text to speech easy, practical and instant. There is no need to download or install any software. Simply tell us the text, document, website, etc., and sit back and listen.
Listen to your favorite Web pages with iSpeech
Fully Compatible with iPod and iTunes
Listen to Anything You Used to Read
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ZAP Reader
ZAP Reader is a web based speed reading program that will change the way you read on your computer.
Current beta testers report reading twice as much in half the time—that's a 300% increase in reading speed, without any loss in comprehension!
There is nothing to install, it works with most popular browsers, and it's totally free!
By default, Zap Reader allows you to read at 300 words per minute, one word at a time. Use the settings feature to configure Zap Reader with your own preferences.
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Ghotit dyslexia literacy assistance
Ghotit offers unique writing and reading online services for people with dyslexia, dysgraphia or people who are not native-English speakers.
Ghotit Text-To-Speech Browser Plug-in
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TextAloud uses voice synthesis to convert text into spoken audio.
Listen on your PC or create MP3 or WMA files for use on portable devices like iPods, PocketPCs, and CD players.
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Fire Vox: A Screen Reading Extension for Firefox
Fire Vox: A Screen Reading Extension for Firefox
Fire Vox is an open source, freely available talking browser extension for the Firefox web browser. Think of it as a screen reader that is designed especially for Firefox. In addition to the basic features that are expected of screen readers, such as being able to identify headings, links, images, etc. and providing navigational assistance, Fire Vox provides support for MathML and CSS speech module properties. It also works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.
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ReadSpeaker is a server-based product that speech-enables your website for the benefit of people who would like to listen as well as read. With no downloads it is available to all. The product is easy to implement and already used widely in the public sector.
free trial
The Mission of ReadSpeaker is to make the "miracle of the Internet" accessible for dyslexics, people with learning disabilities, low literacy level, people with English as a second language, elderly with impaired vision and others that like to listen as well as read.
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WordTalk is a free plug-in developed for use with Microsoft Word 97 and upwards, which can help people with reading difficulties use Microsoft Word more effectively. It will speak the text of the document and will highlight it as it goes. It contains a talking dictionary to help decide which word spelling is most appropriate. It sits neatly in your toolbar and is highly configurable, allowing you to adjust the highlight colours, the voice and the speed of the speech.
For people with reading and writing difficulties, having text reinforced by hearing it read aloud can be very useful.
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Kurzweil Educational Systems
While Kurzweil Educational Systems, Inc. was founded in 1996, the roots of the company extend back to 1976 and the introduction of the world's first reading system, the Kurzweil Reading Machine. Today, the company is recognized as the leading developer of reading technology for people with learning difficulties and those who are blind or visually impaired.
Kurzweil Educational currently offers Kurzweil 1000, Kurzweil 3000 for Windows and Kurzweil 3000 for Macintosh. All products incorporate the most clear, human-like synthesized voices available coupled with a robust set of easy-to-use features for accessing, reading, managing and creating text and images.
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Emacspeak --The Complete Audio Desktop
EmacSpeak, Inc.
Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer. Available free of cost on the Internet, Emacspeak has dramatically changed how the author and hundreds of blind and visually impaired users around the world interact with the personal computer and the Internet.
Emacspeak Inc (NASDOG: ESPK) announces immediate world-wide availability of Emacspeak 19.0 --a powerful audio desktop for leveraging today's evolving semantic WWW.
Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer.
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Linux Screen Readers : BLINUX
Linux Screen Readers
Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows blind and visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer. Available free of cost on the Internet, Emacspeak has dramatically changed how the author and hundreds of blind and visually impaired users around the world interact with the personal computer and the Internet.
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DRACULAwin and DRACULAvox original Braille and voice synthesis screen reader for different versions of Windows. A family of Braille equipment from 20 to 84 characters.
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