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Friday 28 March 2025
  Sex Education

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HIV/AIDS The Silent Killer
HIV/AIDS The Silent Killer
This interactive course teaches and explains the basics facts about HIV/AIDS. The course was developed by an interdisciplinary team of experts through the School of Education at Stanford University. TeachAIDS is an initiative to promote HIV/AIDS prevention strategies through research-based, and culturally appropriate interactive learning tools.
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What is sex education
What is sex education
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Scarleteen.com served up sex education and information for almost two million young adults, educators, parents and mentors last year? That we have over 16,000 registered users at our message boards? Find out more about our commitment to this vital information.
While we at Scarleteen do not hold to the notion that telling teens to go have sex is a better solution, we strongly feel that belying judgment and furnishing them with the facts they need to know REGARDLESS of whether or not they are sexually active readies them to learn to make their own choices, and develop their own systems of ethics and values from themselves and their families is our job as educators and sex-positive advocates. One cannot make a decision from a position of informed consent without being informed.
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Speaking of Sex for grades 5-9
Discussion questions , writing assignments , and student activities for character education and life skills pertaining to decisions about sex.
This page is from the teaching guide for the video Speaking of Sex in the Big Changes, Big Choices video series. Even if you aren't showing this video there is a lot of material here you can use to create a lesson. Feel free to modify it to suit your needs.
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Sex Education Materials (Scotland)
Scottish Ministers in March 2001 gave LTScotland the go ahead to publish the new material on sex education recommended by the Working Group on Sex Education in Scottish schools.
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Parents' Survival Kit for Sexuality Education
The closest thing I had to sexuality education was a talk about menstruation in Primary Six. Secondary school wasn't much better. Home economics and science aside, there was nothing said about the birds and the bees.
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Sex Education FAQs
When should I start talking to my child about sex and what should I talk about? | Where do babies come from? | How do I explain sex to my primary school child? | How do I get AIDS? |
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Shamblesguru 'Sex Education' Video Picks on YouTube
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