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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Recruit Agencies

Teaching Nomad
Teaching Nomad was founded in March 2011 on the basis of connecting great teachers with great schools in China.
After moving to Shanghai, our founder, Brett, discovered a need to fill the gap between these two groups.
A school’s reputation relies on its teachers. The teachers must trust their school as they brave moving to a new country. Neither group wants to be let down, but unfortunately many people were being let down.
Teaching Nomad has been designed to be a cut above other recruiters, to provide a trustworthy source of great jobs for teachers as well as a time and cost saving tool for schools.
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Compass - International Teaching Jobs Worldwide
We are a specialist in recruiting qualified teachers on behalf of international schools worldwide.
Our knowledge has developed from travelling to different regions of the world visiting international schools, meeting head teachers and teachers working there.
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How Recruiters are Using Social Media
How Recruiters are Using Social Media for Real Results
I interviewed a number of recruiting professionals who have successfully used social media to find new employees. They’ve shared some common themes to keep in mind when using social media as part of your recruiting strategy.
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Teach Away Inc.
Each year, Teach Away places hundreds of teachers in countries around the world including Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and Korea. Teach Away's partners include a wide range of educational institutions including: Elementary, Middle and High Schools; International Schools; Public Schools; Businesses requiring English Language Instructors; Summer Camps; Adult Learning Centres; and Private English Schools.
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Education Jobs
theEDUCATIONjob.com is a specialist jobsite for the Education and Training industry sector for jobs in the UK and Worldwide.
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Protocol Education (UK)
Protocol Education is a teaching agency with over 8000 registered members, sourcing various types of teaching recruitment opportunities around the UK.
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Japanese Experts (jp)
Japanese Experts Agency is the fastest way to locate and secure a great job teaching English in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan.
We offer Career Search Specialist as well as Job Hunting Consultation to every job hunter we assist,
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Gone2Korea - Teaching Jobs In South Korea (kr)
Gone2Korea provides friendly advice, useful information packages, visa assistance, and job placement services to new and experienced ESL teachers.
Make an informed decision through information and direct contact with the western teachers currently working at the schools you review.
Our services are free.
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recruit.net (USA)
Welcome to recruit.net the world's first trilingual international job search engine.
recruit.net ... Searching from thousands of job sites, newspapers, and company sites.
jobs listed in other countries .. Japan China Hong Kong Australia Singapore India
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Teacher Recruitment services
NZ teacher recruitment website that enables NZ schools to advertise vacancies and search for teachers, both in NZ and from overseas. Candidates can search for NZ teacher vacancies, register for job alerts, apply online. Also includes news and resources for teachers and schools.
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Hays specialist recruitment and HR services (UK)
Hays specialist recruitment and HR services (UK)
Hays Education is the UK's fastest growing teaching agency ?with 28 offices nationwide, 13 LEA partnerships and preferred supplier agreements with London and Birmingham schools.
Our service includes an exceptional range of education vacancies and access to free accredited training courses. Being awarded the DfES Quality Mark reinforces our commitment to schools.
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Council of International Schools
Council of International Schools
CIS maintains a database of around 3,000 qualified teachers. If you meet our criteria, you can register as a teaching candidate.
Available in this section are teaching vacancies, advertised by our member schools. In most instances, you should contact the school direct (unless otherwise indicated).
In order to apply on-line check the Criteria for teaching candidates.
You can apply online to join the placement service. Alternatively, contact the Teacher Placement Department.
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AXCIS Education Recruitment (UK)
Teachers, if you are currently working in the United Kingdom or thinking of relocating to the United Kingdom we would like to talk to you.
Teachers placed in permanent positions by Axcis Recruitment will receive:
No hassle job hunting -
We work directly with schools and take the hassle out of job hunting. Just tell us where you want to work and the position and we do the rest.
Recruitment | Jobs | teacher |teaching | UK |
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Reed (UK)
Use reed.co.uk to apply for any job, advertised anywhere in the world!
See an instant summary of your progress, every time you sign in.
See an instant summary of your progress, every time you sign in.
Recruitment | Jobs | Why Teach Overseas | | 90,086 jobs online | 20,384 recruiters | 283 branches |
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UNI Overseas Placement Service
Offering services since 1976, the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) Overseas Placement Service for Educators, a program area of the UNI Career Center, connects international K-12 schools with certified educators year round.
Services offered include the UNI Overseas Recruiting Fair, credential and referral services, and related publications. UNI is home to the original international fair for educators. We are committed to providing personal attention and quality service to all of our constituents. We do not charge placement fees to candidates or recruiting schools.
Recruitment | Jobs | Fair | Teaching | Administration |
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Teacher Recruitment International
Teacher Recruitment International (Aust) provides a teacher placement service for International Schools in the SE Asia, Turkey, Middle East regions and to a limited extent in Europe and South America
A number of opportunities will arise in these schools leading up to the start of the next International School academic year.
To support teachers in their quest to win positions overseas we provide seminars in capital cities during the year. These seminars provide details of what overseas schools are seeking and how you can maximise your efforts to successfully again a position.
Recruitment | Jobs |
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Recruitment Services ECIS
ECIS maintains a database of around 3,000 qualified teachers and senior administrators on its database. If you meet our criteria, you can register as a teaching or administrative candidate. Please note that these recruitment services are operated independently and some candidates may wish to register for both services.
Available in this section are teaching and administrative vacancies, advertised by our member schools. In most instances, you should contact the school direct (unless otherwise indicated).
Our Australasian office organises teacher exchange as well as seminars for teachers wanting to enter the international school arena. The Australasian Office also maintains a register of teacher and administration candidates RESIDENT in Australia to facilitate "local" interviews, often at short notice.
Recruitment | Jobs |
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Search Associates
Each year Search Associates places over 750 teachers, administrators and interns in international schools throughout the world, making us one of the larger of the international school placement organizations. However, it is our personalized approach to the schools and candidates we serve which we would most like to emphasize.
Throughout this web site you will find information about Recruitment Fairs, comments from those who have worked with us, announcements of our latest openings and much more.
Recruitment | Jobs |
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