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Thursday 27 March 2025
  Principals' CPD

Success at the Core : Professional Development Toolkit
Success at the Core Professional Development Toolkit
Success at the Core is a free professional development toolkit designed to help teams and teachers understand, embrace, and implement a vision of effective school leadership and teaching that prepares all students for success in college and careers.
The toolkit includes seven Leadership Development modules, each structured as a group learning experience for schoolwide, content, and grade-level teams. Leadership teams learn to define quality instruction and advocate for it at their school.
You'll also find 24 Teacher Development instructional strategies, which work together to drive schoolwide instructional improvement. Teachers learn strategies for making such instruction real in their classrooms. Individual teachers or groups of teachers can use a strategy’s resources to build customized professional development experiences.
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The Learning {Re}imagined transmedia project
The Learning {Re}imagined transmedia project
More than a dozen short documentary films and interviews online made whilst creating the Learning {Re}imagined transmedia. project.
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Redefining education | Haresh Khoobchandani | TEDx
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Haresh Khoobchandani talks about the need to redefine the definition of education, the importance of teachers, and the opportunity for transforming education using technology.
Haresh Khoobchandani is the CEO of Microsoft Thailand. Haresh’s career journey began as a flight steward, an entrepreneur and educator before he joined Microsoft more than 16 years ago and since then has taken on various leadership roles in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the company’s Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters.
#TEDxChiangmai #Thailand #REDx
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Learning Revolution Conference Keynotes 2014
Learning Revolution Conference Keynotes 2014
Brilliant variety / collection of educational topics.
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Adam Bellow Inspires ISTE 2013 Attendees
Adam Bellow Inspires ISTE 2013 Attendees to “Change the World”

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TED Talks Education
TED Talks Education
As a country, how can we [USA] better inspire our students -- and support our educators?
To explore ideas, TED, WNET, PBS and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting have teamed up for a brand-new one-hour special, funded by CPB's "American Graduate: Let's Make It Happen." TED Talks Education is an exhilarating night of talks hosted by John Legend.
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Must Know Twitter Hashtags for Administrators
Must Know Twitter Hashtags for Administrators
Let me share with you some important Twitter Hashtags that will help you know many edtech enthusiasts, learn from the resources provided by them, explore and exchange your knowledge.
Before that I’d like to give you brief info about why educators and administrators need a Twitter hashtag.
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What Do Teachers Make? Kelly Hines #DENVirtcon
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Implementing an Instructional Digital Conversion #DENVirtcon
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'Asia Education Leaders Forum' & Worlddidac Asia 2013


Worlddidac Asia 2013 will connect 120 leading brands of educational materials and technologies from 25 countries with 12,000 educators, purchasing executives, and academics from across ASEAN. This is where the level of education will be raised as the visitors discover innovations that will enhance the learning of their students. 
Co-located with the show will be the leading international forum on education in Asia: “Asia Education Leaders Forum,

Worlddidac Asia 2013 [9-11 October 2013 in Bangkok] connects 120 leading brands of educational materials and technologies from 25 countries with 12,000 educators, purchasing executives, and academics from across ASEAN.
This is where the level of education will be raised as the visitors discover innovations that will enhance the learning of their students.
Co-located with the show will be the leading international forum on education in Asia: “Asia Education Leaders Forum," a high-level conference for educational executives to learn new policies, directions, and trends from a prestigious panel of international speakers.
Worlddidac Asia, a part of the world-renowned Worlddidac series of events in Europe, is where the education community will come together and witness the progress of educational evolution before their eyes..

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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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The Principal Story : Outreach
The Principal Story a PBS Documentary Film on School Leadership
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The Learning Principal
The Learning Principal : online magazine from 'Learning Forward' professional association
Because we believe the job of the principal is unique, we've created The Learning Principal with you in mind.
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The New Digital Age: Google's Eric Schmidt & Jared Cohen
The New Digital Age: Google's Eric Schmidt & Jared Cohen ... video recording of the interview.
Never before have so many people, from so many places, had so much power, via the world’s largest ungoverned space, the Internet.
Hear Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, and Jared Cohen, director of Google Ideas—the authors of the defining book “The New Digital Age”—talk with New York Times media columnist David Carr about how the future of people, nations and business is being reshaped and about the promise and peril that awaits us.
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Imagining Future Friendly Schools #virtconlive @mfurdyk
Imagining Future Friendly Schools: Technology, Global Citizenship, and Student Voice #virtconlive @mfurdyk
"Michael Furdyk will take us through his decade-long journey with TakingITGlobal, creating an online network engaging millions of youth in taking action on the world’s greatest challenges. He will share stories of educators collaborating to engage their students in challenge-based learning, and explore what it means to be a Future Friendly School in this complex, rapidly-changing world."
Michael Furdyk's website
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Twitter live stream for hashtag #SLTchat
Twitter live stream for hashtag #SLTchat (Senior Leadership Team Chat)
Sunday evenings 8:00pm UK time
open to:
1. all those currently in school leadership across the UK.
2. for those who aspire to be in a school leadership team/position and,
3. for anyone who is interested in what senior teachers are discussing up and down the country.
CLICK to view the Live Twitter Stream
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FutureNOW Conference #futurenow 11April13
FutureNOW Conference #futurenow 11April13
Transition to Digital Classrooms
One day face2face conference which was completely streamed live
Discovery Education and Digital Promise hosted a select group of educators, policy makers, and business leaders for a day of in-depth discussion about the transition to digital classrooms.
Future@Now spotlighted real education and community leaders sharing real stories about their work to fuel student achievement.
Although very #USA centric most of the discussions between these education leaders have relevance globally.
EXCELLENT stimulants for discussion on education management and trends towards digital classrooms
Video Archive Online
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Seth Godin the future of education & what we can do about it.
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Finding Your Spark [DEN Conf] #DENvirtcon
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Videos for Teacher CPD Meetings (staff meetings)
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Post Graduate Certificate in Education (International)

Post Graduate Certificate in Education (International) : Keele University PGCEi hosted by Harrow International School, Bangkok.<br>
Aimed at teachers in, or aspiring to teach in, International Schools, Universities, and Language Schools across South East Asia.

Post Graduate Certificate in Education (International) : Keele University PGCEi Hosted by Harrow International School, Bangkok. Aimed at teachers in, or aspiring to teach in, International Schools, Universities, and Language Schools across South East Asia.
The Keele PGCEi offers course members direct and extensive taught input by UK PGCE specialists and the support of a leading international school.
With Thailand-based British tutors and administrative support the Keele PGCEi offers the most student focussed, highest-quality programme of its type currently available in Asia.
Delivered at HIS in Bangkok, the programme is readily accessible to teachers and aspiring teachers located anywhere in Asia.

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Keynotes from #21CLHK Conf #hongkong 2012
Keynotes from #21CLHK Conf #hongkong 2012
Punya Mishra | James Surowiecki | Sugata Mitra | Robyn Treyvaud |
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Shamblesguru Senior Mangmnt Video Picks on YouTube
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MBA Education (International) Keele University part-time

Our part-time semi-distance-learning MBA Education (International) programme delivered exclusively in Thailand encourages educational professionals from across Asia to broaden their knowledge, understanding and skills within their own work context thus enhancing their managerial and leadership abilities.
You will be able to integrate self-supported study course units into your work and utilise your increased appreciation of education and theory on a day-to-day basis, thus helping you to review and analyse your skills as work roles demand.
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Principal EL's Keynote at #rscon3
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Sir Ken Robinson, March 2011, Learning Without Frontiers
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Shamblesguru Senior Mangmnt Video Picks on YouTube
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Jamie Olivers Dream School (TV) Series
Jamie Olivers Dream School Series
While a lot of young people in Britain go on to further and higher education, almost half leave school at 16 without the recommended 5 A-C grades at GCSE and very few prospects.
In this series, Jamie Oliver brings together some of Britain's most inspirational individuals to see if they can persuade 20 such kids to give education a second chance.
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Connected Principals (60min Webinar Archive)
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Charles Leadbeater: Education innovation in the slums
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MindMatters is a national mental health initiative for secondary schools funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.
MindMatters is a resource and professional development program supporting Australian secondary schools in promoting and protecting the mental health, and social and emotional wellbeing of all the members of school communities.
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Superintendent Tech Panel (Chicago 2010)
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Dare to Dream Conference (2007)
Dare to Dream Conference
Presentation given were recorded and the video+audio are available online ... with topics including
The Six Secrets of Change : Keynote speaker Michael Fullan, Author, Former Dean of OISE/University of Toronto
Technology and Literacy, the New Frontier : Keynote Speaker Rob Policicchio. See how technology can be integrated into the classroom and how it can enhance presentation and projects.
Leadership and Learning : Keynote speaker Dr. Brian McNulty, Vice President, Leadership Services, Leadership and Learning Centre, Denver Colorado
If You Can't Believe It, You'll Never Achieve It : Keynote speaker Carl Boyd, Advice Teacher, Arizona, USA
Preparing Students for a Changing World : Keynote speaker Dr. Willard R. Daggett, President, International Centre for Leadership in Education
What Really Matters for Struggling Readers : Keynote speaker Richard Allington, Past President, International Reading Association, Professor of Education, University of Tennessee
Getting Immersed in a Bookworld : Keynote speaker Richard Allington, Past President, International Reading Association, Professor of Education, University of Tennessee Affiliation
Dreaming the First Free South African University Out of Nothing : Keynote speaker Dr. Teddy Belcher, CEO of CIDA City Campus, South Africa
Leading Edge Learning Panel Discussion : With moderator Dr. Willard R. Daggett, President, International Centre for Leadership in Education Education Minister Kathleen Wynne
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Professional Development for Administrators
Professional Development for Administrators
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Podcasts for Collaborative Leadership in Education
Podcasts for Collaborative Leadership in Education (PFCLE) is produced and published by Oakland University with support from the Galileo Institute for Teacher Leadership.
The institute is dedicated to serving and researching the professional development needs of leaders working to improve student achievement and teacher performance from the inside out.
(PFCLE) is a resource through which educational leaders (PreK – Higher Education) may become effective practitioners who strive to understand issues of social justice, cultural competence, equity, and best practice to improve teaching and learning.
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The Freshman Principal (online videos)
The Freshman Principal (online videos)
With 40 percent of U.S. school principals reaching retirement age in the next decade, the increasing complexity and pressures of the job, and a growing student population, school districts are seeking new ways to attract and retain effective administrators. One solution has been to provide mentors.
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OpenLearn : Free higher education for everyone
Welcome to OpenLearn - now anyone can access free online learning with The Open University. (UK)
Register for free ... Create your OpenLearn profile and connect with other learners
Lots of free online course materials ....
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The (UK) Open Universitys OpenLearn
The (UK) Open University's OpenLearn Welcome to The Open University's OpenLearn website - free and open educational resources for learners and educators around the world.
You are in the LearningSpace where Open University learning materials are freely available for you to study in your own time, away from any formal teaching environment.
Visit the LabSpace to share and reuse educational resources. Download some learning materials, adapt to your needs: translate, shorten, extend, add examples... and then of course, place it back for others to benefit!
| Arts and History | Business and Management | Education | Health and Lifestyle | IT and Computing | Mathematics and Statistics | Modern Languages | Science and Nature | Society | Study Skills | Technology |
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TEDtalks : Teacher Technology Design
TEDtalks : Teacher Technology Design
Online Videos
Each year, TED hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses.
The talks they deliver have had had such a great impact, we thought they deserved a wider audience. So now - with our sponsor BMW and production partner WNYC/New York Public Radio we're sharing some of the most remarkable TED talks with the world at large. Each week, we'll release a new talk, in audio and video, to download or watch online. For best effect, plan to listen to at least three, start to finish. They have a cumulative effect...
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Principals Training Center for Int. School Leadership
Principals Training Center for International School Leadership
The PTC offers a wider range of professional development opportunities for practicing and aspiring international school principals.
Headteacher | principal | inset | cpd | courses |
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ICT Horizons (ICAA)
ICAA has developed a dedicated change management programme for school managers and governors, designed to help them achieve an effective ICT vision, in line with the current UK national ICT agenda.
The programme entitled ?CT Horizons?combines personalised professional development for staff with guidance on strategic planning to maximise ICT potential by embedding it in the heart of school? overall development planning.
The programme supports teachers, heads of departments and leadership teams on the technical implementation of ICT into all areas of learning, advice on software, hardware and management ICT systems.
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School Leadership area on the Shambles website
School Leadership area on the Shambles website
National Standards for Headteachers | UK primary leadership programme | Help! I'm the Principal, Now What? | Role of principal as instructional leader. | View of the Principal and the Job | National Standards for head teachers | What Makes a Great Principal? | 10 Tips for Creating a Caring School |
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Headteacher Induction Programme (HIP) : UK
Headteacher Induction Programme (HIP)
The aim of HIP is to support new first-time headteachers in identifying and addressing their personal and professional development needs so that they can take up the role of headship with confidence, can make a positive impact on the pupils, staff and school community, and can contribute to the development of education nationally.
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The National College for School Leadership (NCSL)
The National College for School Leadership (NCSL) provides career-long learning and development opportunities, professional and practical support for England? existing and aspiring school leaders. Our goal is to ensure that school leaders have the skills, recognition, capacity and ambition to transform the school education system into the best in the world.
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Shamblesguru Senior Mangmnt Video Picks on YouTube
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