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Academic Earth: Philosophy video lectures
Academic Earth: Philosophy video lectures
Academic Earth, 1,000s of video lectures from the world's top scholars.
We are building a user-friendly educational ecosystem that will give internet users around the world the ability to easily find, interact with, and learn from full video courses and lectures from the world’s leading scholars.
Our goal is to bring the best content together in one place and create an environment in which that content is remarkably easy to use and in which user contributions make existing content increasingly valuable.
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Free Philosophy Study Guides from SparkNotes
Free Philosophy Study Guides from SparkNotes
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Introducing philosophy
Introducing philosophy
Open University (UK) free online course and course materials. (8 hours)
This unit gives you an idea of what it is like to study philosophy, introducing you to the teaching methods employed by the Open University in teaching philosophy. If you are considering studying philosophy,...
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International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children (ICPIC).
The International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children (ICPIC) was created in 1985 by philosophers and teachers interested in engaging children in philosophical inquiry.
The objective of ICPIC is to strengthen communications among those in different parts of the world who are engaged in philosophical inquiry with children, in teacher education, in research and for school administrators looking to initiate and develop programs that would encourage children's philosophical thinking. Membership in the Council is open to all who support this objective.
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Philosophy for Children
Philosophy for Children
Think of doing philosophy with children. What picture does this conjure up? Should we imagine classes slaving over the works of Plato or listening to a lecture on educational philosophy? Think again.
Whether it is truth or beauty, friendship or fairness, what? right or what? real, philosophy deals with so many things that children love to discuss. Set these ideas and concerns in stories and novels written for children.
These lesson plans deal with a large range of philosophical topics
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