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Saturday 15 February 2025

MOOCs 101 : curation of relevant TEDtalks
MOOCs 101 : collation of relevant TEDtalks
Given that it’s the internet age and all, why should classrooms look exactly the way they have for centuries? Here, TED speakers on what can happen when we bring education online … and open it up to anyone who wants to learn, anywhere.
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A Comparison of Five Free MOOC Platforms for Edu
A Comparison of Five Free MOOC Platforms for Educators
There are a number of good options for educators looking to build their own MOOCs. Here is a look at five of the most interesting platforms.
If you are considering a MOOC for yourself or your organization, you’ll first need to determine which tool you will use to build the course. The following is an assessment of five popular free MOOC (and MOOC-like) platforms.
- EdX is an open-source platform offered by edX.org.
- Moodle is an open-source learning management system (LMS)
- CourseSites by Blackboard is an exceptionally robust platform.
- Udemy has specialized in the private MOOC.
- Versal can’t fairly be called a MOOC platform, because it lacks certain MOOC elements. In particular, there is currently no forum or discussion functionality. Instead, it can be thought of as a strong tutorial platform.
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Why massively open online courses (still) matter
TEDx : Anant Agarwal: Why massively open online courses (still) matter.
2013 was a year of hype for MOOCs (massively open online courses). Great big numbers and great big hopes were followed by some disappointing first results.
But the head of edX, Anant Agarwal, makes the case that MOOCs still matter -- as a way to share high-level learning widely and supplement (but perhaps not replace) traditional classrooms.

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World's first MOOC in geography,
Anthony Robinson PhD, Lead Faculty for Online Geospatial Education at the Pennsylvania State University shares how he started the world’s first MOOC (massive open online course) in geography, the challenges, and his advice to other institutions thinking about offering MOOCs.
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Librarians in massive open online courses #lib2013
A MOOL in a MOOC: Librarians in massive open online courses - #lib2013 presentation
While MOOCs are trending, the discussion of librarians within MOOCs--and what their role does/might entail--is beginning to trend, too!

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MOOCs : A View From the Trenches #FOTE13
MOOCs : A View From the Trenches #FOTE13
Conf : FOTE : Future of Technology in Education
Matthew Yee-King, Mick Grierson and Marco Gillies from the Department of Computing at Goldsmiths ran a 6 week MOOC teaching students how to build creative audio/visual apps for iOS and Android devices.
This talk is a reflection upon the trials and tribulations of running the MOOC, which attracted 95,000 enrolments.

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I’m a MOOC
It is unfortunate that the acronym for Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) is also a homonym for a type of person described as a foolish loser
I’m wildly excited about the prospect of taking MOOCs, because really, I am all about the learning.
MOOCs work for me because I have learned to take the parts of the class that are valuable and to discard those that I find off-point, irritating or unnecessary.
What I find missing is not so much the classroom experience, as the classmate experience.
For now, I’m happy to be an adventurous explorer, soaking up as much free education goodness as I can absorb, and basking in the glow of each Certificate of Completion I receive and can hang with pride on my computer desktop.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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MOOCs : curation at PearlTrees
MOOCs and My MOOC Course / MOOC Reviews / MOOC Articles in e-Learning / Kirk (kirkhookham)
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What do Librarians Need to Know About MOOCs?
D-Lib Magazine : What do Librarians Need to Know About MOOCs?
This article examines the MOOC phenomenon, identifying aspects that academic librarians should consider in the coming years, including how these courses interact with scholarly resources and library services. Methods for integrating library services in these courses are evaluated, with recommendations for the best course of action.
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MeeGo To MOOCs, Ex-Nokians Launch Eliademy To Put Education In The Cloud
Eliademy, a free, cloud-based VLE to initially take on legacy players like Blackboard, but with broader plans to become a leading MOOC (Massively Open Online Course), pitting it against Kleiner-backed Coursera, among many others in the fast-growing MOOC space.
In terms of positioning, Eliademy provides common VLE and MOOC features, such as a CMS for course content, support for file attachments (including the ability to view Word documents in the browser), a task manager, shared calendar, and discussion forums. In addition, it offers a student grading system to enable teachers to get a holistic overview of a student’s progress, along with notifications akin to the social networking apps that we’ve all become accustomed to.
Go to Eliademy
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Innovating Pedagogy 2012 (pdf)
Innovating Pedagogy 2012
The Open University [UK]
Exploring new forms of teaching, learning and assessment, to guide educators and policy makers.
This series of reports explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. The first report proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education.
New pedagogy for e-books | Publisher-led short courses | Assessment for learning | Badges to accredit learning | Rebirth of academic publishing | Seamless learning | Learning analytics | MOOCs | Rhizomatic learning | Personal inquiry learning |
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Virtual Education Journal 2013 [inc MOOC Articles]
Powered by Issuu
Publish for Free
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Ten Tips: Keep Learners Motivated in Your MOOC (Part 6)
Ten Tips: Keep Learners Motivated in Your Open Online Cloud Course or MOOC (Part 6)
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Learning Analytics on MOOCs
Learning Analytics on MOOCs
"Here is a paper on Learning Analytics by Doug Clow. There are some interesting patterns relating to the dropout issue of MOOCs – with an attrition based on funnel participation."
MOOCs and the funnel of participation
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Duke University MOOC (pdf) 18 page report analysis
Duke University MOOC (pdf) 18 page report analysis
After only three months for planning and development, Duke University and Dr. Roger Barr successfully delivered a challenging open online course via Coursera to thousands of students around the world.
Lessons learned from this experience have contributed to the strategic goals of Duke’s Online Initiatives ...
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A True History of the MOOC [Interview]
A True History of the MOOC
The "true history" of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with Dave Cormier, Alec Couros, Stephen Downes, Rita Kop, Inge de Waard, and Carol Yeager. While a wave of courses from prominent universities are now labeled as MOOCs, we'll drill down on the connectivist roots of the early MOOC offerings and discuss the importance of the differences between them and the current breed.
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Massive Online Open Pedagogy [MOOP]
Massive Online Open Pedagogy
This is not actually about MOOCs at all ... but about the more humble hyperlink.
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MOOCs are here. How should state universities respond?
MOOCs are here. How should (USA)state universities respond?
MOOCs are going to rock state (and other) universities’ worlds, that most institutions should immediately institute moratoriums on hiring new faculty and building new facilities, and that universities need to focus on clarifying their value proposition in a world of ‘commodity [higher] education.’
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The paradox of MOOCs
The paradox of MOOCs
Turning back the clock on lifelong learning
Within the higher education community 2012 may well be known as the “year of online learning.” Seemingly legitimized now by the embrace of elite institutions like Harvard and MIT through EdX and the Coursera partnership with Stanford, Princeton and others, online learning and the rise of the MOOC (Massive open online course, the editor) dominates the popular and professional literature.
Those unwilling to accept this “disruptive innovation” are seen as modern Luddites whose static, cognitive world view simply will not encompass the power of teaching and learning through technology. While the increased access to learning through technology is to be applauded and is the logical extension of American higher education’s balance between democracy and meritocracy, online learning’s place in the intellectual context of lifelong learning poses some paradoxes that warrant consideration.
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Educator CPD Online including MOOCs
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Big MOOC Coursera Moves Closer to Academic Acceptance
Big MOOC Coursera Moves Closer to Academic Acceptance
Online-education provider Coursera is one step closer to academic acceptance, saying Thursday that the American Council on Education would recommend colleges grant credit for the successful completion of some of its free classes.
Some college administrators say it's difficult to verify that students learned anything in MOOCs—few students even complete them—but Coursera and rivals Udacity and edX are rolling out proctored exams and web-based authentication tools to assess student performance.
But money may be the real deciding factor. Elite universities offering MOOCs have a major financial incentive to limit academic credit only to registered, paying students—and not those following along free online.
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Shamblesguru's 'MOOCs' video playlist on YouTube
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MOOC Community on Google+
MOOC Community on Google+
A community of learners, for learners, by learners. A place to talk, share, and discover the best free online courses.
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Build-A-MOOC Workshop #educon
Build-A-MOOC Workshop #educon

Presentation (Conversation) at #educon 27 Jan 2013 educonphilly.org
An innovation conference where we can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas — from the very practical to the big dreams.
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MOOCs presentation at #globaled12
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25 Tips For A Better MOOC Experience
25 Tips For A Better MOOC Experience
Massive online open courses (also known as MOOCs) are quite popular these days.
A huge, or massive, version of open online courses, these classes bring thousands together, often around the world, to learn simultaneously. Discussions, connections, and learning are the focus on MOOCs, but with the low level of commitment and their overwhelming nature, it’s easy to get disconnected.
Read on, and we’ll share 25 ways to stay in the loop, on task, and get the most out of your MOOC experience.
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Intro to an online MOOC about 'Change'
Intro to an online MOOC about 'Change' ... this is now over but the video serves as a useful explanation to the structure of a (c)MOOC.
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Joining a MOOC: some brief reflections
Joining a MOOC: some brief reflections
The section How does a MOOC compare to the University’s Online Postgraduate Programmes? is particularly helpful.
If you are interested in why Edinburgh decided “go MOOC” take a look at Jeff Haywood’s excellent blog posting No such thing as a free MOOC .
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MOOC pedagogy: the challenges of developing for Coursera
MOOC pedagogy: the challenges of developing for Coursera
n the summer of 2012 the team of teachers and researchers associated with the MSc in E-learning programme at the University of Edinburgh began developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for the Coursera platform.
The kind of MOOCs offered by Coursera almost certainly have a pedagogical role in universities, but they could be a functional element of a much broader spectrum of online teaching engagement, targeting different types of learners and offering alternative modes of educational contact with academics.
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A Practical Response to MOOCs
A Practical Response to MOOCs : Massive Open Online Courses. (MOOCs)
On Demand Webinar
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MOOCing Along [Curated Links at ScoopIT]
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How To Build MOOC's that Fail
How To Build MOOC's that Fail
"Having started a half dozen MOOC's in the recent months, I have found most of them tend to share a common trait.
Many MOOC's currently represent a sort of parody of higher education's worst practices, its most spectacular delusions about itself.
I'll start with the Four Delusions of Higher Education. These underwrite the Four Rules for MOOC Failure."
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DigiFoot12 MOOC Course [Webinar Classroom 2.0]
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What is a MOOC?
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MOOC : Massive open online course [Wikipedia]
MOOC : Massive open online course [Wikipedia]
"A massive open online course (MOOC) is an online course aiming at large-scale participation and open access via the web.
MOOCs are a(2012) development in distance education using open educational resources.
They are similar to college courses, but typically do not offer academic credit. Other forms of assessment or certification may be available including those based on Learning analytics for online environments.
MOOCs originated within the open educational resources (OER) movement and connectivist roots.
Several MOOC-type projects have emerged independently, such as Coursera, Udacity, and edX.[1] Others, like Canvas Network and CourseSites by Blackboard Inc have evolved from learning management systems.
MOOCs gained significant public attention in 2012 due to the prominence of MOOC project founders and contributing institutions, as well as the large financial investment designed to make e-learning more scalable and sustainable.[2]"
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