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Saturday 15 February 2025
  Library Mngmnt Software

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Handy Library Manager
Run your library in seconds. Simple and easy-to-use for everyone. Download and try it now!
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BookWhere Copy Cataloging
BookWhere helps catalogers locate and edit bibliographic data economically both in terms of time and money, and without compromising on record quality or limiting the number of records retrieved. It is an essential resource in thousands of libraries and today more than ever with so many organizations facing critical funding shortfalls, BookWhere is a critical alternative MARC record source provider. And we’ve ‘suite’-ned what has always been an exceptional product by integrating now our powerful MARC editing tool.
BookWhere Suite operates cooperatively with most major library automation systems allowing users to easily transfer retrieved records to their database. It provides numerous workflow efficiencies including the ability to perform batch processing of searches, analysis for identifying the most complete records, as well as support for user-defined macros for individual and batch MARC record editing.
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Wheelers ePlatform : has changed eBook lending for good
Wheelers ePlatform : has changed eBook lending for good
Wheelers ePlatform is a secure library-lending platform that is challenging the world of eBook lending. Tailor-made for schools and libraries, it facilitates and hosts the lending of eBook titles to students and library patrons
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With BookDB2 you can enter all your books with author, category, publisher etc and print them out in a variety of formats.
BookDB2 also has lending library features. With them, you can add borrowers, loan out books, add multiple copies and so on.
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Baslogue: Library Software
Baslogue is an item tracking solution that is simple and easy to use - ideal for Small and Medium-sized Libraries.
A trial version is available before purchase, and demonstration videos can be viewed online.
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OPALS: OPen-source Automated Library System
OPALS: OPen-source Automated Library System
A cooperatively developed, Web-based, open source program providing Internet access to information databases and library collections. There is no need to install software or purchase expensive computer hardware for this powerful Internet accessed system.
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Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books.
It has a cornucopia of features divided into the following main categories ...
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iTrackmine: An Aggregator of Everything You Own
iTrackmine: An Aggregator of Everything You Own
iTrackmine is the ultimate collection manager. Our site offers a robust set of tools for tracking, trading, and lending items in one’s collection. Collection reports provide a safe offline record of one’s possessions for insurers. Users can choose to share their collection with friends on the site. They can also share reviews, wish lists, and gift lists.
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Bailey Solutions Library Catalogue Software
Bailey Solutions library information system of choice for educational & business libraries offering an extensive range of software and database products as competitive prices.
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Soutron Library Management Software
Soutron Library Management Software for Corporate and Special Libraries
What differentiates Soutron from other suppliers? We have a vision that includes database flexibility, fast access to content and commitment to support the creation of custom solutions to meet a client's exact needs.
Our continued investment in new technologies allows us to address the needs of libraries of all types, knowledge centres, archives and businesses wanting to find efficiencies in managing information.
This is built on 25 years of service to this industry.
Talk to us today and let us show you our new ideas and software solutions.
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Insignia Software
Insignia Software specializes in the following automation software ...
Insignia Library System (since 2001) for K-12, public, academic and special libraries - huge number of features including Textbook Module, Assets Module and Acquisitions.
Insignia Media Manager (since 2004) for K-12 Insignia Student Information System (since 2004) for K-12
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In case you couldn't (or wouldn't) figure out what we do, we are here to provide the masses (but mostly ourselves) a place to catalog our media collection, whether it be books, DVDs, CDs... This allows you greater flexibility with your collection.
And we're more than just that. We're providing a place for the packrats to commune and orate.
web 2.0
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LibraryThing is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. Because everyone catalogs together, you can also use LibraryThing to find people with similar libraries, get suggestions from people with your tastes and so forth.
Enter what you're reading or your whole library?t's an easy, library-quality catalog. Because everyone else is doing it too, LibraryThing connects you with people who read the same things, and gives you great recommendations.
web 2.0
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Booxter : manage your book collection.
Booxter is an easy to use application to help you manage your book collection.
It gathers book information from various sources on the internet to allow you to view, edit, sort, categorize, export, and print books of interest to you.
Apple / Mac Software
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H2O Playlist
H2O Playlist
H2O playlists are more than just a cool, sleek technology -- they represent a new way of thinking about education online. An H2O Playlist is a series of links to books, articles, and other materials that collectively explore an idea or set the stage for a course, discussion, or current event.
H2O Playlists make it easy to:
- transform traditional syllabi into interactive, global learning tools
- share the reading lists of world-renowned scholars, organizations, and cultural leaders
- let interested people subscribe to playlist updates and stay current on their fields
- promote an exchange of ideas and expertise among professors, students, and researchers
- communicate and aggregate knowledge -- online and offline.
| web 2.0 | free |
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The Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
The Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS) is a national cataloguing service for Australian, New Zealand and international schools.
The SCIS team manages a database of catalogue records producing services and products specifically for the needs of school and school libraries throughout Australia, New Zealand and overseas. Our customers access the catalogue records over the Internet via SCISWeb, a product that is used by over 85% of schools in Australia and all New Zealand schools.
SCIS is a business unit of Curriculum Corporation which is an independent, not-for-profit organisation owned by all Australian Ministers for Education. The SCIS service was established over thirty years ago with the aim of reducing the cost and duplication of effort of cataloguing resources in schools.
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The Scout Portal Toolkit (SPT) (free)
The Scout Portal Toolkit (SPT) allows groups or organizations that have a collection of knowledge or resources they want to share via the World Wide Web to put that collection online without making a big investment in technical resources or expertise.
The bottleneck in building a high-quality collection of discipline-specific resource entries is very often the time available from the experts in that discipline. To maximize the productivity of that time the Scout Portal Toolkit provides the Intelligent Metadata Tool.
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Heritage Library Management System
Heritage IV is an advanced and elegant library management system which is designed and supported by IS Oxford in the UK.
Suitable for special, medical and legal libraries, colleges, schools, charities and other resource centres, Heritage software has revolutionised library automation in over 1200 institutions.
Over 90% of the sites that have ever purchased Heritage are still using it and in excess of 400 have been using it for more than eight years.
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Patron Self Checkout System for Libraries
Patron Self Checkout System
Revolutionary self checkout system for libraries. Wireless, supports both barcode and RFID simultaneously, remote control and automation. Over 400+ features and settings.
Library Automation Technology, Inc. is exclusively focused on creating and building library patron self-checkout systems. For more than ten years our management and technology team has been involved in the software design, engineering development and service of library patron self-checkout for major industry vendors.
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Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
Innovative Interfaces is the leading provider of Web-based solutions to thousands of academic, public and school districts worldwide.
Innovative? state-of-the-art systems are used by thousands of libraries of all types and sizes in 40 countries around the world? powerful testament to the reliability and flexibility of our software.
For twenty-five years, Innovative has provided libraries with the tools to efficiently serve their patrons, continually developing tools as demands change and needs evolve.
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Surpass Software
Surpass Software offers library automation solutions for school libraries and districts, public libraries and multi-branch systems, tech schools, and small colleges, as well as small libraries such as corporate resource centers and church libraries.
Three suites are available:
1) Centriva: Centralized automation for school districts and multi-branch libraries
2) Surpass Select: automation for individual libraries
3) Surpass SL: special package for small libraries with limited budgets
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Mandarin Library Automation
Mandarin Library Automation, Inc. is a software developer and hardware provider incorporating the latest trends in technology, bringing customers affordable and reliable library automation solutions.
Our focus at Mandarin has always been directed toward our assets ?libraries and their patrons. We meet the needs of libraries by starting with superior customer service, software, and training, and continuing through with experienced technical support services, enabling us to establish long-term, steadfast relationships.
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Alexandria - Library Automation and Management Software
Alexandria - Library Automation and Management Software
Alexandria library automation?est known for its power and ease-of-use?s developed and marketed by COMPanion Corporation, located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
By continually updating and enhancing Alexandria and providing quality customer service, COMPanion has garnered a strong and growing customer base. For over 16 years, COMPanion has established itself as a leader in the K-12 education market.
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Home Library XP
Home Library XP helps you keep track of your book collection. It incorporates a powerful search engine, a versatile report writer, easy data entry, context sensitive help, full customization, data graphing, a book shelf view, a spreadsheet view, multimedia sound annotation, and much more.
As an added bonus the software is extremely easy to use, and includes helpful hints throughout.
Home Library XP is US$29.95.
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e-Library (formerly F.I.L.M.S)
e-Library (formerly F.I.L.M.S) is a comprehensive library management system that scales easily from small educational libraries to very large public libraries. The system features and functionality are totally customisable in a live, real-time environment. The product is designed to fit your library procedures and not the other way.
With the support of our extensive user base, e-Library has become a sophisticated library management system incorporating features that have been designed by librarians for use by librarians.
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Book Systems : solutions for library management
Since 1989, Book Systems has been committed to providing quality, innovative solutions for library management, including affordable library automation software that lets you tap into the Internet.
Our software lets you manage your library easily and efficiently, giving you all the features and freedom you want, at a price you can afford!
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Online Library Automation Service
Online Library Automation Service
Let us take the complexity and high cost out of automating your library. Use this state of the art Web based system to build your collection and start circulating. No costly software, hardware, or networking nightmares. With a standard Web browser you can search, catalog, or circulate from any location on the Internet. Your data is always available, backed up and secure.
Pricing is based on the size of your collection. You can preview the service for up to 30 days for free. Then select the service level which meets your storage requirements. Most special and school libraries will be using the Standard service at $300 per year.
LibraryCom is a web based application service designed to automate a wide variety of personal, school, special and public libraries.
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Athenaeum Pro - Library Software
SumWare Consulting has 3 library packages and a utility program available for school libraries. Athenaeum Light, Athenaeum Express and Athenaeum Pro. Each have different capabilities and are aimed at different target markets. All allow you to manage school catalogues, borrowers and circulation. The MARC utility can decode MARC files into a format readily input to Athenaeum.
Athenaeum, in one version or another, is currently running in libraries all around the world. In fact, on every continent except Antarctica! It has been adapted to commercial applications (for example, law libraries, rental systems and small business loan systems).
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LexWin (Windows) library-style database system.
An MS-Windows-based library automation system for all versions of Windows, including XP. Offers full Boolean search capabilities with great speed using complex searches. Catalogs, imports, and exports MARC records. Very sophisticated global editing possibile. Includes inventory and circulation modules. Will catalogue websites and spawn a browser to search for an imbedded link. Circulation control included. Has the capability of circulating periodicals by using title and issue date. Capability of creating many databases, and transferring records between them. Features too numerous to mention, please examine the sample program.
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ResourceMate : Library Management Software LMS
ResourceMate?2.0 is Windows?3.1 / 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP Resource Library Software designed for your Church, Clergy, Synagogue, School, Professionals, Corporations, Non-profit organizations and more.
This software will catalog, search, and circulate, and it begins at just $149.99 for the Regular version and $299.99 for the Plus version. All versions include the popular Import from Internet feature!
Our Goal: to produce high-quality Library Software and to offer useful Library Services priced within the reach of the small library.
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List of Library Automated Systems (LMS)
This site has a list of the various library automated systems available for libraries ... LMS - Library Management Systems
This page is one on a "Portal Designed for Librarians to Locate Internet Resources Related to Their Profession"
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Access-It : The Library Management Software Package
Access-It - The Library Management Software Package
Access-It Software Ltd. has been developing library packages for Macintosh and Windows since 1994. Our aim has been to provide elegant, useful and easy-to-use software that is both powerful and yet able to mask complexities.
Search our Access-It Web Demo library via your browser.
Access-It Library Released at the International Library & Information Show in Birmingham in June 2001. Access-It Version 7 was acclaimed as the best library program available.
Access-It Library 7 has all the power, simplicity and ease of use on which people rely. This completely new version is packed full of flexible, useful and compelling new features which make it more versatile, enjoyable to use and a complete solution for both librarians and library users alike.
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Library Master
Library Master - a Bibliographic and Textual Database Manager
The power tool for creating bibliographies and managing references, research notes and catalogs!
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koha, open source integrated library system
koha, the first open source integrated library system
Made in New Zealand by Katipo Communications Ltd. and maintained by a team of volunteers from around the globe, the Koha system is a full catalogue, opac, circulation and acquisitions system.
Koha is released under the GNU General Public License and is available to download.
If you would like a quote for installation and support there are people available throughout the world.
library | LMS | automation | open | source |
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Book Systems
Since 1989, Book Systems has been committed to providing quality, innovative solutions for library management, including affordable library automation software that lets you tap into the Internet.
It is exciting to think about the opportunities available for you and your patrons!
Our software lets you manage your library easily and efficiently, giving you all the features and freedom you want, at a price you can afford!
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Follett Library Management
Follett Automatic Library Management
Why choose Follett Software? We are here today with the best products, services and support. We'll be here tomorrow with reliable innovations that continue to make you more effective and your library more relevant.
Selected by librarians, technical specialists and administrators more than any other library automation products | Ranked #1 in user friendliness | Linked to USA state standards | Educator-approved Internet Links | MARC data services |
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COMPanion Corporation
COMPanion Corporation, based in Salt Lake City, Utah, specializes in developing and marketing library automation solutions for scholastic and corporate libraries.
COMPanion Corporation is the developer of Alexandria?est known for its power and ease of use. Alexandria offers the best cross platform library automation solution for Windows and Macintosh. Alexandria provides software solutions to the K-12 education market, public and special/corporate libraries.
By continually updating and enhancing Alexandria and providing quality customer service, COMPanion has garnered a strong and growing customer base. For over 13 years, COMPanion has established itself as a leader in the K-12 education market.
COMPanion also develops exceptional textbook and lunchroom management software. These additions to the COMPanion product line, Textbook Tracker and eLunchroom, are based on the award winning Alexandria v5 technology.
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Sagebrush Corporation is a fast-growing leader in serving K-12 library media specialists in their efforts to provide access to information, stimulate interest in reading, and improve student performance.
Sagebrush features Accent, Athena, and Winnebago Spectrum library automation systems, Econo-Clad Books, and Sagebrush professional and data services.
library | automation | LMS |
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Ex Libris Group
Ex Libris Group
The Ex Libris group is a worldwide supplier of software solutions and related services for libraries and information centers. The Company's flagship product, ALEPH 500, is a market leader in the field of library automation for higher education as well as for public, national, and research libraries, consortia and national networks, and large corporations.
Ex Libris has recently announced three new products: MetaLib, a front-end portal to scholarly resources, SFX, a reference linking system supporting hybrid library environments, and DigiTool, a solution for constructing digital collections as components of an overall digital strategy.
The Ex Libris ALEPH system is currently installed at over 700 sites in 50 countries (as of August 2002). Customized for each library's language and culture, the system offers 20 interface languages that use many character sets, and interfaces in additional languages and character sets are under development.
library | software | management | Library Information Management System | LIMS | LMS | LIS |
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EOS International :LMS
EOS - Library Information Management and Access Systems
EOS International products were created with the five tests of a successful library information management system in mind: usability, reliability, easy maintenance, adherence to library standards, and affordability.
EOS International is a global library information management software and service company. We offer a comprehensive range of products and services to meet the needs of libraries of all types and sizes.
Thousands of libraries and information centers worldwide are using EOS products to manage and provide access to information in their organizations. EOS client libraries span over 85 countries on six continents.
Library Information Management System | LMS | LIMS | Q Series | GLAS | EOS e-Library Services |
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Dynix : Library Information Management System
Dynix (formerly epixtech) is the world's leading provider of ILS technologies, solutions, and services, with the largest installed base of customers in the library automation field.
The company serves over 10,000 libraries in over 40 countries.
Who will provide the technology to help your library serve increasingly tech-savvy users, manage the explosion of new information resources and media, and propel your library into the digital age? Dynix. The company that pioneered information management in libraries is leading the way into the digital future.
Horizon Information Management System | Horizon Information Portal | Horizon Interlibrary Loan | Horizon Digital Library | Library Information Management System |
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Alice for Windows AfW Library Software
Alice for Windows AfW Library Software
Softlink's core business is the development of technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of library operations, catering for the needs of all types of libraries including Corporate, Commercial, and Special Libraries (e.g. legal and medical), Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary libraries, and community and educational resource centres.
Softlink Alice is a fully integrated library management solution, with modular components. It can be configured to suit libraries ranging from small primary schools up to National Libraries.
The multilingual nature of the software allows new languages to be supported with a minimum of effort. At present Alice has been translated for English, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified) Chinese (traditional), Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Malaysian and Hebrew. Arabic and Urdu will soon be available.
Softlink Alice is designed to operate on industry standard hardware using Microsoft Windows.
With feedback from thousands of librarians around the world, and with extensive ongoing research and development, Softlink Alice is very sophisticated, though remains easy to use.
Softlink Alice is priced to allow even the smallest libraries to benefit from automation.
library | software | management | circulation | database | Library Information Management System | LMS | LIMS |
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